sticisce avstralskih slovencev
V spomin - In Memoriam
Naslovna stran

Slovo od Franca Matusa

Tekst by pater Darko in pater Valerijan

V torek, 8.1.2008, zgodaj zjutraj je doma v Merrylandsu umrl FRANC MATUŠ, mizar in stavbenik v pokoju. Luč sveta je zagledal v Čepincih pri Markovcih v Prekmurju 17.2.1932. Bil je sin Štefana in Neže, rojene Kalamar.

Na praznik Gospodovega razglašenja 6.1.1957, sta se v domači župniji Markovci poročila s Terezijo Gašpar, domačinko iz Čepinec. Novembra istega leta sta prišla v Avstralijo, najprej v Bonegilo, kjer sta ostala tri tedne, potem sta šla za osem mesecev na ovčjo farmo blizu Mengena, NSW. Odtod sta se preselila v Mascot, kjer je Franc delal v tovarni pohištva (2 leti), nato so živeli 3 leta v Redfernu, 15 let v Marrickvillu in od leta 1976 v Merrylandsu. Franc je rad in veliko pomagal pri cerkvi in v dvorani, prav tako njegova družina, s katero smo vseskozi povezani. Leta 1995 se je upokojil. Kmalu potem se je začel njegov križev pot bolezni. Leta 1996 je bil operiran na prostate in naslednje leto so mu zaradi tumorja odstranili ledvico. Pridružili sta se Alzheimerjeva bolezen in demencia. Kljub temu ni izostal od Božje službe, dokler so mu dopuščale moči. Lani sta z ženo Terezijo obhajala zlato poroko. Družina je z ljubeznijo skrbela zanj, patra pa sta mu ob obiskih podelila zakramente Cerkve. Franc - »Feri« poleg žene Terezije zapušča hčer Suzano, hčer Danico z možem Stevenom, vnukinjo Mio, svaka Ludvika z družino. Pogrebno sv. mašo smo obhajali pri Sv. Rafaelu v Merrylandsu v soboto, 12.1.2008, in ga v velikem številu pospremili na slovenski del pokopališča v Rookwoodu.

Dragi moj mož Feri

Poročila sva se 1957 Januarje, bilo je zelo veselo, ker poroke je trajala dva dne in dvej nočij v velikem snegu. Ko je zima minola sva se odločila da greva posvetu, ker v Sloveniji je bilo teško življenje. 14 Julija 1957 v temni noči sva pobegla čez meja v Avstrijo mesto Ennsu. Tam sva ostala dva mesca. Potem pa sva se odločila da greva v dalno Avstralijo. Potovala sva z ladjo Aurelia. Druga Novembra 1957 sva prispela v Melbournu, Avstralijo. Potem pa v lager Bonegilo. Bila sva samo tri tedna tam pol sva dobila službo na ovči kmetiji v mesto Ningenu. Ni bilo lahko ker nisva znala Engleško. Ostala sva osem mescov tam. Potem sva se odločila da greva v Sydneju.

Sva se najšli z prijatelji Kučanovi in smo kupili skupaj hišo v Redfernu. Dobri tri leta in hišo smo izplačali in prodali. Vsaki za sebe kupil svojo, midva v Marrickvillu. V tistih hiši sva živela petnajst let. Potem sva si našla drugo hišo v Merrylandsu, blizu Slovenske cerkev.

Rodili so se nama trije otroci, prvi je bil sinek in ga je bog takoj poklical po rojstvo k sebi. Dobila sva hčerko Danico in Suziva. Bil si zelo ponosen in srčen na njema. Ko so bile male in so gor rasle, rad si je vozil okoli, nikoli nisi rekel da nimaš časa, ali si zelo zmantran od teškega dela. Zelo si bil dober Atek, in nikoli se ti nebova mogla zahvaliti za tvoj odobroto ko si nama dal v otroški letah. Zelo nam je teško da si se tako hitro poslovil od nas.

Dragi mož Feri in Ata zelo in zelo te bomo pogrešali. Naše oči te več nikoli nebodo našla, kje god se obrnemo ali gremo v naši hiši. Bil si res veliki boleznik, ali smo te pomagali z veseljem in ljubeznem in bi radi to še naprej delali, ali na žalost si že nam odšel. Rad si pomagal vsakemu ko je bilo potrebno. Draga rodbina in prijatelji za vso vašo pomoč se vam izkreno zahvalim, ko smo si pomagali drug drugemu. Rad si imel društvo, igral karte, in se veselil z vsakim skupaj.

Prišlo je drugače, minuli so lepi časi kaj smo preživeli skupaj.
Dobila te je težka bolezen že dolgi deset let.
Nikoli se nisi potožil vse si mirno prenašal.
Bil si pa srečen in vesel vsakega obiska.
Dragi moj Ljubljeni mož Feri……

Letos 6 Januarja je minulo polni 51 let ko sva skupaj preživela v dobrem, slabem in veseljem. Vse je tako hitro minulo. Danes se poslavljes od nas, nikoli te nebomo pozabili vedno nam boš ostal v naših srcah. Nikoli pa nebom pozabila 8 Januarja ko si za vedno zaspal in zaprel svoje očij. V ranih urah tega dne ko sem te najšla mirnoga v posteli. Zelo in zelo te bom pogrešala, molila bom za tvojo dušo da boš srčen na drugem svetu.

Veselita vse skupaj pri Bogaj z mojimi setram Emilija, Ana, Marija in brat Vendel ki so vsi lansko leto odšli tega sveta, tudi tvoj brat Štefan, Starša, tvoj mali Francek in ostala rodbina in pritelji ki so vsi odšli. Molili bomo Boga va vse da boste srečni in veseli vsi skupaj.

Bolečine več ne trpiš, nam pa žalost srce trga, solze lijejo iz oči, dom je prazen in otožen ker te več ni med nami.

Se vidimo pri Bogu, počivaj v božjem miru in naj ti bo lahka Avstralska zemlja.

Tvoja Žena Treza


Moj Dragi Ati,
by his  daughter  Suzi,

Since the day I entered this life, Fathers Day 1978 you helped me, supported and guided me, no task was ever too big or too small, I can never thank you enough.

There were so many good times and laughter that we shared as a family, Birthdays, Parties and Celebrations. You worked so hard 6 days a week so that you could provide us with everything we needed and even more. We enjoyed many family outings, holidays throughout Australia and in 1988 you took us to your homeland, my first overseas trip to Europe so that that we can see, learn and appreciate our Slovenian Heritage and meet our extended family.

Throughout my childhood and teenage years whenever I was happy or sad, healthy or sick you were there for me and you were willing to do whatever was needed to help me through the situation good or bad. I will never forget the time you saved me from drowning at teta Roza and Stric Lojze’s pool in Casula, when my floaty deflated.

In 1996, your health started to deteriorate, and the tables had turned, the prostate, cancer of the kidney and then came the dementia, it was now our turn to look after you. It was not easy seeing a joyous, happy, healthy father forgetting the daily necessities of life. But Mama, Danica and I made sure that you had what you needed to get through until the morning of January 8th when sadly it was your time to say goodbye.

Every morning I went to you and gave you a kiss goodbye and mama would tell you what she is doing, and ask you ‘Ti boš ašča lažo?’ You always responded with ja and you would ask, where are you going? why? And how? We always asked if you wanted to go and you would always say no. You loved to be at home where you were most comfortable.

When mum would come home from driving me to the station she would always ensure that you were well looked after. There was not a day that went by that she didn’t want to help you with all the love and strength she had. No doubt she sometimes found it hard but not once did she complain that she needed to look after you. The both of you really did love one another ‘til death do you part.

Last Tuesday morning mama and I went to see you in your room before we left at 7am, but we could not bring ourselves to disturb you as you lay there so relaxed, calm and peaceful, we didn’t know this at the time but you were passing away into eternal life. You may have left us so peacefully now, but you will live with us forever as we will never stop loving you.

Ti si moj Ati, Jaz sem tvoj Suzie. I love you, I would tell you I love you too, you would respond to me when you didn’t forget. Those times that you did forget or you needed a gentle reminder, it didn’t matter, just because you didn’t say those words ‘I love you too’ it didn’t mean that you didn’t want too, we just needed to look at your eyes and we could see that deep down inside you loved Mama, Danica and I oh so much, a facial expression is more than 1000 words….

Moj Ati…… Lahko Noč, Fine spi, Angelca Sanjej in Zdravo Gor Stani v Nebejsaj

You will remain in my heart forever.
Tvoj Suzie 

 Farewell from  daughter  Danica

My father, Franc, also known to some as Feri, was born on the 17 th February 1932 in a village called Cepinci in the “Prekmurje” region of Slovenia. He was the second son of 4 children, 3 sons and a daughter, to Neza and Stefan Matus. As a young boy and man he worked hard on the family farm with his family. From the same village he met my mother Terezija and on the 6 th January 1957 at the age of 24 they married. Their wedding celebrations lasting 2 days and 2 nights. Life as a young married couple was difficult so they decided to make a better life for themselves by leaving their homeland bound for greener pastures. With only one suitcase and very little money they escaped across the border to Austria where they stayed 2 months in a town Enns. From Austria they travelled by train to Trieste, Italy. Together they boarded the ship Aurelia bound for Australia which was to become their second homeland. They travelled the seas for a total of 32 days and on the 2 nd of November 1957 they arrived in Melbourne, Australia. They arrived with only their mother tongue and were full of anxieties on how and where to begin their new life. The first few weeks they spent at the migrant camp in Bonegilla, before getting work on a farm in the country town of Nyngen. Franc was a farm hand helping the farmer on his sheep farm with over 6000 sheep. The farmer at every opportunity taught Franc the English language. After 8 months on the Nyngen farm and with the money they saved they decided to head back to the city, the city of Sydney.

In Sydney they first lived in Redfern with Kucan Family for 3 years and then bought their own first home in Marrickville, where they lived for 15 years. Franc worked in the cabinet factory for 2 years and then in 1960 become a carpenter working for Poletti Constructions. He remained loyal with this company until his retirement 32 years later.

As a married couple together they enjoyed attending many social functions, gatherings and going on outings with their large circle of friends. Due to the close friendships they had, Franc and Terezija were given the honour to become Godparents to 9 children.

For many years Franc and Terezija were unable to have children, which was quite difficult especially seeing and being around other families who did. So to fill the void they kept themselves occupied by travelling the world and returning back to their birth country many times for long holidays. Then in 1972 and after 15 years of marriage they were overwhelmed with joy that Terezija was expecting their first child. But their joy was short lived with their first child, a son, born prematurely at 6 months. Mali Francek drew breath only for 3 hours. The heartache and emptiness they both felt with this great loss. But Franc and Terezija never stopped praying that one day they would be blessed with children.

Their prayers were answered and in 1974 on Mother’s Day I arrived. But not without a little scare, being born prematurely myself at 7 months. Franc wasn’t with Terezija at the time but received the news from the next door neighbour who had a telephone, as they didn’t. I’ve heard the story several times on how Franc raced around the streets looking to buy his wife flowers but all the shops were closed due to it being so early in the morning.

Now that Franc had a daughter he felt that the house in Marrickville wasn’t the best for a child as it lacked a grassy backyard to play on. So in 1976 they bought a new house in Merrylands with ample of land. He also bought it because it was near this Slovenian Church, as he attended the Sunday mass every week. This home in Merrylands was his last home and was to become the place where he drew his final breath before entering eternal life last Tuesday.

In 1978, on Father’s Day, Franc and Terezija were blessed again with a surprise package, their second daughter being born and my sister, Suzana. I’ve always believed Suz and I were special gifts from God to my parents who waited such a long time to have children.

Over the years in Merrylands, Franc and his family had many happy times. They were always their for each other through the tough times. Franc always worked hard providing for his family, making sure they had all that they needed.

In 1994, Franc entered retirement. His retirement years should have been wonderful years but unfortunately soon after in 1996 he was confronted by his first illness, prostate. And then again in 1997 with cancer in the kidney. Franc was told by his doctor “Frank you are lucky-God doesn’t want you yet” as the kidney cancer was detected early and removed successfully without any chemotherapy. But then the family stated noticing Franc forgetting where he put things or repeating a question he had just asked a moment earlier. And in 1999 Franc was diagnosed with Dementia.

Over the next 9 years his family watched his health deteriorate. Nonetheless his family cared for him with all their love and strength. The last couple of years were extremely hard for his wife Terezija. She was an extraordinary woman. Franc was so fortunate to have met and married her. There are not that many people out there who would have done what she did. Right up until his very last day on this earth.

My Dear Ati.

You were a wonderful, caring father bringing me up with your strong value and beliefs. I am the person I am today because of your love, guidance and support. You looked after me and were always there for me through the good and the bad. I hope that I in return have made you proud of me. I have so many beautiful memories. I will never forget.

Like the time you took me to the Easter Show. I remember it just like it was yesterday, sitting beside you riding the chairlift with the showgrounds below us. Coming home to mama and baby Suzie with my wonderwoman show bag. I remember our weekends which were always family weekends, visiting family and friends, attending dances at the Slovenian clubs, going to mass, going to the beach or going on picnics. And how could we ever forget your little routine of getting to the beach or picnic spot, parking the car and the first thing you did was go and buy yourself an Aussie meat pie.

During the week I remember you working hard to provide for us. I use to hear you each morning getting up early making yourself breakfast and lunch for the day in the kitchen. Oh, and also a strawberry jam sandwich for little Suzie before she hopped into bed with mum.

At the end of your working day, you would come home, have a beer, shower and eat dinner before retiring to the lounge for a rest. You loved watching the games shows like “Wheel of Fortune” or “ Sale of the Century” and from the next room we could hear you shouting out the answers at the TV as if you were a contestant.

I will always remember our family holidays to Queensland or Port Macquarie or our yearly trips to the snow. I think you were the only skier there who managed somehow to attach your skis to your work boots!

These are just a few of the oh so many wonderful memories and happy times we shared. Memories that I will cherish for a very long time.

My dad was a happy man, who enjoyed life and liked to have fun. Even in the last few years when conversation for him was difficult, he still managed to make us smile by doing or saying something funny.

Last Tuesday morning, the phone rang and it was that distressing call from mum saying she couldn’t get you up. I got an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, no this can’t be happening. But unfortunately it was the morning you did take your last breath. Your death to us is very difficult and leaves us in deep sorrow. But there is some comfort knowing that you died peacefully in your own home, that there is no more suffering and that you are reunited with your son in heaven.

Ati, I’m so glad that Stipe and I were able to give you a grandchild. Last October our daughter, Mia was born. Even though at times you looked at her not knowing exactly who she was, you two did have a special bond. Just last week you sat across the table from her, she smiled at you and you smiled back at her. Your grand-daughter then started talking to you in her baby talk. Often we would put her next to you and automatically you would kiss her. Deep down inside I think you knew she was your special little girl. I will remember all the times we put Mia next to you in your bed and you would protect her by putting your arm around her and when she started crying you said “Ne Joci, Ne Joci”.

Moj Ati… Thank you for being a wonderful dad. I will love you forever. You will always be in my heart. Lahko noc and rest in peace.

Tvoja Danica xx

Dear Grandpa,

I thank God that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing you, even though only for a short time. I loved the kisses you gave me and the times you held me. I’m sure mummy will always remind me of you and never let me forget the wonderful person you were. Don’t worry Grandpa I’ll keep putting a smile on Grandma’s face.

Love You Grandpa.

Your Mia x

Ati, Thank you for the memories….


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