In Memoriam


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Umrla je Marija Ovijač

marijaOvijac_2015MARIJA OVIJAČ je bila rojena v Kranju, je 1958. leta po 13 letih povojnega bivanja v Venezueli prišla z družino v Avstralijo. Skupaj z možem Vinkom se je hitro vključila v slovensko skupnost in pomagala kjer koli in kdaj koli je bilo potrebno.
Na pobudo p. Valerijana je velikokrat nudila dom  mladim dekletom, ki so nujno potrebovale pomoč. Pomagala je možu Vinkotu pri pionirskem delu, ko se je Slovensko društvo Sydney začelo postavljati na solidna tla.

Šivala je narodne noše in sodelovala pri raznih društvenih, kulturnih in cerkvenih prireditvah. Več kot 5 desetletij je sodelovala pri cerkvenem pevskem zboru. Pela je tudi rojakom v Newcastlu, Brisbanu in Wollongongu.

Pogreb je bil v soboto, 13. junija, ob 10. uri s sv. maso v slovenski cerkvi sv. Rafaela v Sydneyu - Merrylandsu. Pokopana bo na slovenskem delu pokopalisca v Rookwoodu.

Pogrebna maša za
Marijo Ovijač



pogrebna maša Ovijač



 Today we celebrate the wonderful life of
Marija Ovijach, our Mum

By Karl and Vince Ovijach

Born in 1925 into very humble beginnings, she endured many hardships throughout her life. Losing her father at a very young age, Marija, along with her 3 sisters, knew what it was like to be poor, really poor and hungry, growing up in her harsh environment, but she always believed that God had a plan for her.  And what a plan he had!

That plan revolved around the love of her life, Vinko, who was devoted to Marija and cared for her with such tenderness, even when he didn’t water her precious garden enough!


Their commitment to each other was evident to all who knew them.  An epic love story that overcame many obstacles along the way.  They escaped war-torn Yugoslavia in search of a safe haven, spending 2 years in an Austrian camp before travelling to Caracas, Venezuela, to begin a new life together, with little more than the clothes on their back and love for each other in their hearts.  They were married while in the camp and looked forward to expanding their family with children, but had to wait 6 years before a little ray of sunshine came into their lives.  They named her Olga.  Soon after, their family continued to grow, welcoming another little girl, Mari and then their first boy, Karl into the fold.  Together with Vinko, Mum worked very hard, made friends, learnt to speak Spanish and lived an honest life in South America. 

Daughters Mari and Olga with mum 1957


In 1958, a new chapter of Marija’s life began when the family moved to Australia.  Moving to another country where they couldn’t speak the language, it was a courageous decision, but one they thought was best for the future of their 3 children. Little did they know that another surprise was in store for them once they settled in to their new life.  In 1968, along came baby Vince, to complete our beautiful family.



Anyone who knew Mum knew she was a doting mother – her children meant everything to her.  And when her children married, her grandchildren brought so much joy to her life.  The next chapter would bring her even more happiness – 6 great grandchildren.  They were Mama’s pride and joy and she loved being surrounded by them at every opportunity.  Mum had so much love for each and every one of us.   Stara Mama was always there with the biggest smile, the biggest hugs and a block of chocolate from her never- ending secret supply.  She treasured every family gathering and was at her happiest cooking for us – no one ever will forget her schnitzel, rice, potato salad, potica and krofe.

Mum’s other great love was her garden.  She didn’t just have a green thumb, Mum had green hands!  She nurtured every seedling, lettuce leaf and flower as if they were her children - with tenderness and love - and everything she grew flourished and blossomed.  Whenever you see a glossy green plant, think of Mama. Whenever you eat a bowl of green salad, think of Mama.  Whenever you see a garden in bloom, think of Mama, or red carnations – her favourite, remember Mama.

Mum also had a strong sense of social justice, always willing to help others.  She often cooked for others and collected clothes which were given to those in need.  After having so little as a young girl, Mum found value in everything and never threw anything away, and this came in very handy whenever we had fancy dress parties and needed costumes from the 70’s!

Mama loved watching certain shows on TV, her favourite was The Bold and the Beautiful, they never missed a show, and Mama loved her cricket in summer!  Last weekend she and Ata watched the video from the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary and loved reminiscing about the wonderful times they enjoyed together with friends and family over the years.  So many experiences, so many beautiful memories, what a wonderful life we celebrate today. 


But many of us will remember Mama for her love of music.  Mum was a beautiful singer who loved sharing her talents with others.  She sang at Church week in, week out, even when she wasn’t feeling well.  Mum didn’t know the meaning of giving up.  Her life had taught her that sacrifice and hard work yielded rewards and her reward was the gift of giving to others.

Loving, kind, smiling, laughing, hugging, singing, and happy.  These are the ways we should remember Marija.  A special, beautiful soul who lived life to the fullest and now she has found her own little patch of soil to bask in the sunshine and blossom and sing in the garden of Heaven.
