NovA slovenska oddaja v Melbournu
V nedeljo, 7 aprila na Radiu 3ZZZ 92.3FM
Ethnic Public Radio, z imenom
"We're delighted that the Slovenian Community in Victoria will once again have a radio presence via the airwaves of 3ZZZ 92.3FM Ethnic Public Radio. Our beautiful Slovenian language. culture and proud Slovenian identity will be showcased along with plenty of music from Slak to Siddharta and Avsenik to Agropop!
There will be news from the homeland, news and events within our local Slovenian Community, plenty of listener requests for birthdays and other special milestones and events worth celebrating. We'll cover all the special cultural, national and religious events both in Slovenia, Australia and elsewhere around the world where Slovenians live.
We'll celebrate any big Slovenian achievements, be they cultural, sporting or anything else that puts our beautiful Slovenia and its proud people on the world stage! We'll also commiserate any more solemn or sad occasions or events that affect Slovenians in the homeland and around the world. Needless to say that all of this will be interspersed with plenty of laughs and studio shenanigans and even the occasional tears of joy or sadness.
We'll promote our SLOVEnianess and our love and pride in what makes us unique, special and respected within our multicultural society, in our great southern land under the Southern Cross, our beautiful lucky country Australia!
Join us for our very first program The Slovenian Buzz Melbourne, Oddaja Slovenska Čebelica Melbourne at 7am on Sunday, 7 April on 3ZZZ 92.3FM Ethnic Public Radio or via the Community Radio Plus app for Apple and Android!.
Lenti Lenko and Anamarija Butinar are your radio presenters and they're looking forward to your company!"
Oddaja je tudi na voljo na aplikaciji Community Radio Plus. Imamo tudi Facebook stran z imenom 'The Slovenian Buzz Melbourne Oddaja Slovenska Čebelica Melbourne.
Izbrali bomo tudi radijski odbor ali Slovenian radio committee ko bomo imeli prvi občni zbor v nedeljo 28. aprila v jedilnici Baragovega doma v Slovenskem verskem in kulturnem središču v Kewju po sveti maši. Za zdaj je moja malenkost koordinator oddaje z pomočjo moje čudovite radijske sodelovke, Anamarije Butinar.