Mr. Mario Jakin
20 Landcox Way, Caroline Springs Vic 3023
0439 012 511
Email: maldini20 @bigpond.com
Mr. Slavko Blatnik
25 Butler St, St Albans Vic 3021
9366 5629
Mr. Graeme Lobley
45 Moonee St, Ascot Vale Vic 3032
0407 342 270
g.i.lobley@gmail.com orthoepy@yahoo.com
Mrs. Fani Maver
23 Butler St, St Albans Vic 3021
9366 0936
Mrs. Milica Dular
7 Gooding St, St Albans Vic 3021
9362 1034
Mr. Janko Dular
7 Gooding St, St Albans Vic 3021
0413 534 799
Mr. August Vinko
26 View St, St Albans Vic 3021
9366 8575
Mrs. Mimi Blatnik
25 Butler St, St Albans Vic 3021
9366 5629
Mrs. Helen Zagolin
70 Willis Ave, Keilor Downs Vic 3038
9366 1060
Mrs. Sonia Psarianos
37 Willowbank Way, Attwood Vic
0402 502 294
Slovensko portno drutvo St. Albans je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1981 pod imenom Veseli lovci. Drutvo je takrat prirejalo strelska tekmovanja, zabave in plese v najeti dvorani. Leta 1991 pa je pričelo z gradnjo lastnega poslopja in tako je bil prvi ples v delno dokončanih prostorih že istega leta. Slovesna uradna otvoritev doma 7. november 1998.
Slovenian Sports Association was first established in 1981 under the name of Happy Hunters. The purpose of the Club was to maintain recognition of the traditions and culture of the Slovenian migrants in Australia.
In 1986 the name was changed to the Slovenian Sports Association St. Albans.
In 1987 the Club membership purchased a property in St. Albans and began the building of their official Club hall and premises. This was done via donations and contributors by members and the public as well as extensive fund raising via raffles and functions. Many Club members actively gave their time and skills in construction and engineering to complete this project.

The Club has approximately 60 family members who have participated since its inception.

The Club is open to members and the public every Tuesday from 6 - 10pm and Saturday from 4pm to 12 midnight, as well as Sunday from 2 - 6pm.
The Club hopes to integrate more fully with its St. Albans/Western Suburbs community by opening the Club hall to functions by the communities in the future.