Madga Pišotek, koordinator and MC of the cultural program

Melissa Fistrič
during the singing of Australian and Slovenian national anthemns. Flag bearers: Lily Conlan, Marija Hervatin and Helena Trinich.

Milena Brgoč,
the president, delivered the greetings and the speech

Marija Penca
read the poem by Ivan Hace, Domovini ob dnevu državnosti

Helena Trinich
sand the song Country Road
Anna Tegelj
sang the song Moj ljubi dom
Lojze Jerič
recited poem by Simon Gregorčič, Sirota
Some traditional Slovenian food from the exhibition
Potica - walnut roll
Cmoki - dumplings
Orehovi štruklji - boiled walnut roll
Krofi in flancati - Doughnuts and crostoli
Krvavica - Black pudding sausage
Domači kruh - home bread
Rebrca in kislo zelje- Smoked ribs and sauer craut