Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc. (Slovenski Klub Inc.)
11 Lasalle Street 
Dudley Park

South Australia 5008

(08) 8269 6199

(08) 8269 6199

Slovenian Club Adelaide home page

South Australia Newsletter
Sunraysia Mildura
Radio Mildura
Founded in 1957, Incorporated in 1967.

40th Anniversary Milestone
During 1997 the Slovenian Club celebrated its 40th anniversary in 1997, 
commemorating the occasion with the publishing of a book "Slovenian Club 
Adelaide, 40th Anniversary,1957 - 1997" (ISBN 0 646 33682 7) The publication 
includes contributions from past and present Presidents recounting 
experiences of their presidency.
Function of organisation
To maintain and conduct a Club of a non - political, non - profit making 
nature with the following objectives : 
To preserve and enhance our rich Slovenian cultural and national traditions given to us by our forefathers.

To establish and maintain a community centre and there to provide for the 

cultural advancement, recreation, entertainment and comfort of members and 
their families.

To share our heritage and promote it to the wider community.

To promote goodwill among associations who have similar aims and 

The organisation and its members have also generously donated to Slovenian humanitarian appeals in the past
History in brief
The Club's first premises were built at 41 Young Avenue, Hindmarsh in 1971.
Prior to this, other venues were hired in order to hold cultural and social gatherings. For some time, a farm property at Verdun in the Adelaide Hills was also owned by the Slovenian Club at which community picnics were often held. In 1987, both farm and original club premises were sold to fund the construction of a new and larger premises in Dudley Park. 
The Adelaide Slovenian community has always shown a great spirit of cooperation and generosity, A selfless contribution of labour and intellect and generous financial support saw the construction of the Slovenian Club Premises, and many other initiatives since then. 
All members who have supported the Club over the years, keeping the Slovenian culture and traditions alive in South Australia for our second and third generation descendants, are to be richly congratulated. The Slovenian Club is our small piece of Slovenia on Australian soil.
The Slovenian Club Committee which oversees the running and administration of the community centre and seeks to provide services and amenities relevant to its members. The current committee sees a first in the club s long history, with a majority of second generation Slovenian South Australian s elected into the committee at last August s Annual General Meeting. A committee full of enthusiasm and new ideas,dedicated to the survival of our Slovenian community centre and the celebration of the Slovenian cultural heritage in South Australia.
The Cultural Subcommittee

which publishes the bi - monthly

Slovenia South Australia newsletter.

The newsletter provides a forum for the Slovenian Club Committee to communicate initiatives and other information to its members and provides an opportunity for the constructive exchange of ideas. The  Cultural Subcommittee has been established in order to develop Slovenian
cultural activities locally, nationally and internationally, to develop links and joint initiatives with other similar Slovenian organisations and to increase the profile of Slovenian cultural excellence with the South Australian community. New committee members, volunteers and newsletter contributions are always welcome.

Slovenian Choir
Rehearsals are held every second Sunday between 4.00pm -  5.00pm. Young and old are encouraged to participate in the preservation of the Slovenian identity through this lyrical cultural pursuit.
Slovenian Language School

Children s classes are held every


4.00pm - 5.30pm,


6.30pm - 8.30pm for adults.
Lessons are held in an enthusiastic atmosphere with an aim to nurturing our beautiful Slovenian language. Both the Choir and the children s language class participate in Slovenian cultural activities during the year.Our competitive sporting teams (Bocce and Billiards) have won numerous trophies in competitions. New members are always required.
