Songwriter ADRIAN VATOVEC's work
has been recorded by Slovenia's singer/songwriter Vlado Kreslin


Songwriter ADRIAN VATOVEC's work
has been recorded by Slovenia's
singer/songwriter Vlado Kreslin and
by the concert master of the
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, and
the Budapest Philharmonic, Andras
Csontha. Vatovec's music is being
played at the State Capitol of New



Email: or phone 08 8268 4152Music - mp3

APRA is an association administering the rights of the world's composers, songwriters and publishers in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.

Established in 1926, APRA represents in excess of 37,000 Australasian writers and publishers through direct membership, and nearly 1.66 million writers and publishers throughout the world under reciprocal, bilateral contracts.