
Slovensko društvo Sydney 2020
New Committe

M:  0417665213


Naslovna stran - HomeZakon o odnosih Republike Slovenije s Slovenci zunaj njenih meja Novice v arhivu Društva organizacije Slovenian clubs, associations and other organisations in Australia Diplomatska predstavništvaVerska središča Slovenian religious centres in Australia Historical Archives for Slovenian in Australians HASA – NSWMediji Slovenija, Slovenci po svetu, zanimive povezave E-uprava SlovenijePišite nam Stičišče avstralskih Slovencev je redno arhivirano v Pandora arhivu v Canberricanberra

committee MEMBERS

President - Anthony Tomažin 
Vice President- Rozalin Robic  
Treasurer - Mimi De Rooy 
Secretary - Andrejka Andrejas
Ordinary Committee Members - Tanya Resnik, Jordan Covich, Lynn Pusenjak, Vlado Cheh and Mario Cesar   
Sub-Committee members - Branko Koleric, , Uros Koleric, and Ivan and Helena Gerič 
Our new appointed team are excited for what is being planned for the next generations of the club. SDS has a passionate group of individuals from all generations, with a diverse range of skills, perspectives, and strategic approaches of how the club should move forward. Our new young talent, have a vision of what SDS should be for their generation and modern ideas relevant to the new generations of how to achieve great success.  The current committee is unique, active and united in working together for the community’s best interests. We have also been successful in doubling the number of our sub-committee members. This is a fantastic outcome!

As we move forward into this next phase, we are open to any ideas that will engage the interests and desires of our future generations, the individuals who will lead this club in years and decades to come. So don’t be shy and come forward to any member of the SDS leadership team, with any new concepts or ideas.  

Kind regards,
President, the Slovene Association Sydney
Mr. Anthony Tomažin

Club mobile:  0417 665 213


Sunday 9 February 2025
Dear members and friends of the
Slovene Association Sydney

Sunday 9 February Club will be opened to celebrate Prešeren Day. Traditional Slovenian Lunch will be served from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm.

Alpski Odmevi (Alpine Echoes).   ($10 music fee).
We ask please, to book your table for catering purposes.   Please phone Andrea AndrejaŠ     mobile 0414 541 157.

AT 4.00.PM

Reminder to members!  Please renew your memberships for 2024/2025 at any of our open Sundays.  This will give you the right to attend and vote at EGM’S OR AGM’S. 
Slovene Association Committee.Spoštovani člani in prijatelji Slovenskega društva Sydney.
Nedelja, 9.februar 2025.
V Nedeljo,  9, Februarja bo klub
odprt v  slavo pesniku   Prešernu ,
Kosilo v nedeljo  9.februarja bo  ob 12h do    2h .Cena: 25,00  za  odrasle,$15.00 za otroke.
Po kosilu bo  program,z muziko   Alpskih  odmevov.( $ 10.-)
Rezervirajte  mize   pri   Andrejki  Andrejaš
0414 541 157
V Soboto,  15 Februarja 2025 bo  izredno  generalno srečanje potekalo ob  4. popoldne
v prostorih Slovenskega   Društva  Sydney
(okrepčila bodo  servirana   ob  koncu
srečanja )

Prosimo  obnovite svojo  članarino!

Odbor  Slovenskega   Društva   Sydney
Za nedeljo 9 ,februarja 2025.







 Letter from President

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and that 2024 is treating you well so far! 


I'm eager to address and clear up speculation regarding the sign outside the club, with word recently circulating within the broader Slovenian community the club is currently on the market ready to be sold. In early March, committing to your vote at the 2023 AGM, an Expression of Interest Sign was placed outside the property, to allow SDS to gain an understanding of the interest of potential buyers and what they would be willing to pay for the club and land. This is only an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST; we have not made any decision to put the club up FOR SALE. A final sale of the club would require a majority of votes from members and as directors, we aren’t able to proceed with this decision alone.The EOI for sale and lease will provide an understanding of all possibilities for the site at Wetherill Park, so that the committee can report back to the members.

Furthermore, below I want to highlight some important points regarding possible solutions for the club's future, as we strive to find the best solution for the ageing membership and younger generations. Following the AGM in December 2023, the committee have been working immensely hard in researching the option of selling The Slovene Association Sydney and purchasing all the properties of St Raphael’s Merrylands. In the coming month you will receive a letter that will address the outcomes of this research. As you may be aware, we are currently facing a challenge with no source of income, relying on the support of the community at the monthly openings. This is a concerning issue that requires our immediate attention.  


Rest assured that we are fully committed to exploring every avenue to secure an economical and practical path forward for the club's future. However, it's crucial to emphasise that the ultimate decision rests with you. Our aim is to thoroughly investigate all possibilities and make responsible choices that ensure the long-term sustainability of the Slovenian community.  

The Slovene Association Sydney stands as a vital asset for the Slovenian community in Sydney, representing our last stronghold. It's therefore imperative that we approach this decision with the utmost care, considering the endless possibilities for future generations. We acknowledge the dedication of those who paved the way before us, particularly the visionary leaders who established the club in its infancy, as well as the countless volunteers and committee members who contributed to its rich history. We must continue to provide a welcoming space for current and future generations to proudly celebrate Slovenian culture, fostering opportunities for gathering, connection, laughter, conversation, and networking. This involves maintaining strong connections to our cultural heritage, traditions, language, and more. 

The committee fully grasps the gravity of the situation and acknowledges the responsibility to present to members our findings from the research and advice provided by expert advisors. The committee are focused on researching all avenues and this information will be presented at the upcoming EGM. If you're feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, rest assured that you will receive comprehensive information prior to The Extraordinary General Meeting, held on May 19th


As we progressively release research information regarding possible pathways forward for the club’s future, I urge all members to carefully consider all information provided, to ensure you are informed come May 19. Your VOTE and VOICE at the upcoming EGM in mid-May determines the precise direction in which the club is headed. Let us work together and make the necessary choice that will lead us down the path of a prosperous future. 

We anticipate sending out more information via post regarding the possibilities that will be presented at the upcoming EGM, including an agenda and additional relevant details to assist members in making informed decisions at the meeting. 

We sincerely thank you for your unwavering support at this time and we look forward to seeing you all in person at theEGMon Sunday 19th May.  

 Warm regards, 

President, The Slovene Association Sydney
Mr Anthony Tomažin  



 New Beginnings on Horizon for The
Slovene Association

This communication piece was distributed to members who were in
attendance at the first opening on Sunday 21st January 2024.

The Slovene Association Sydney has faced countless challenges over the past
ten years. These challenges have been felt by volunteers, committee members
and the members of the club. As we enter a brand-new year, 2024, it's time to
start a new chapter in the book of SDS, but still recognise the efforts of
volunteers (past & present) and the integral moments that have shaped our history. In the last few weeks, we sadly received four resignations from the
past committee members who contributed to the success of the club staying afloat over the past five years. We thank them for their outstanding
contributions and service, over all these years, and their passion in driving this club forward during this difficult time.

In the best interests of members, we need to now look at what lies ahead and
look forward to a future filled with hope and prosperity. We are optimistic that
this marks a new period for the association. A new committee has been formed
and a plan has been created with a vision of drawing more young people to the club. We are determined to implement a modernised new strategy that will live
up to the purpose of our Slovenian communal home and to the needs of Slovenians from all ages across Sydney.
The crisis committee and hard-working volunteers came forward with a
community minded approach, each person with their own talents and skills,
and went above and beyond with their efforts to keep the club alive and to
cater for the needs of the community.

We owe them a great deal of gratitude and thanks, as they never let the members down and were committed to pushing the club through what was one of its toughest periods in its history.
Throughout the nearly seven decades, the Slovene Association Sydney has witnessed an overwhelming number of volunteers, who have worked tirelessly to meet the needs and desires of the community. We acknowledge and appreciate their significant contributions, both past and present. We hope that future leaders and volunteers will continue to follow in their footsteps and live up to the expectations of our community.

The primary goal moving forward is to drive the Slovene Association Sydney into a period of growth, prosperity, and change. The days of volunteer labour are behind us and a commercial based solution is well overdue. The aim is to attract and engage the younger generations along with maintaining the needs of our first generation who have always enjoyed the coffee and cake Sundays at SDS. The club intends to create a modern, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for all. Our intention is to retain the Slovenian vibe, tradition of Slovenian food and to be able to combine that with the company of family, friends and others who visit from overseas.

The newly appointed committee is currently working on a long-term solution and more detailed information will be released soon.
We thank you again for your continual support for club activities and for understanding what a challenging period it has been. We are committed to listening to what you have to say, to ensure we can provide you with the best experience when visiting your Slovenian Club.

As we move forward into this next phase, we are open to any ideas that will engage the interests and desires of our future generations, the individuals who will lead this club in years and decades to come. So don't be shy and come forward to any member of the SDS leadership, with any new concepts or ideas.

If you wish to nominate for the last remaining ordinary committee member position or if you have any questions, please contact President, Anthony Tomazin on 0419 215 255.

Kind regards,
President,The Slovene Association Sydney
Mr. Anthony Tomažin

Helena Blagne





I received an important message from three important  people in  Slovenian  community.

It says: 3 January 2024 ,Sydney

Dear Community,
We are writing to announce our resignation as members of the Slovene Association, Sydney Committee.

As many of you know, this association has been a deeply important part of our lives for many decades. Alfred was among the founders of the association and the subscribers to its memorandum of association, as was Olga’s mother and father, Marija and Vinko Ovijach. Jože and Olga have served as President and Secretary of the association respectively, in addition to holding many volunteer roles.
Coming together to support our fellow Slovene Australians and celebrate our cultural heritage has brought us immeasurable joy. For many years, we have proudly served this association as an expression of our commitment to the purposes for which it was founded. In turn, we are incredibly fortunate to have built lifelong friendships within this vibrant and wonderful community.

It has been an honour and privilege for us to be a part of the leadership of the association. It is with great sadness that we have decided to leave the Committee.
As always, we wish the association and its leadership the very best.
Yours sincerely,
Olga Lah
Jože Lah
Alfred (Fredi) Brežnik

Reported  by:  Martha  Magajna
Public  relations  for  Slovenian  comunity



            President – Anthony Tomazin
            Vice President – Joseph Lah
            Secretary – Olga Lah
            Treasurer - Mark Stariha
Ordinary Committee members - Alfred Brežnik; Mimi De Rooy (Assistant Treasurer), Lynn Pusenjak (Assistant Secretary); Tanya Resnik;   Vlado Cheh


2023 SDS committee                      

 Hospitality committee

SBS Radio
Nov odbor Slovenskega društva Sydney

Olga Lah, tajnica Slovenskega društva Sydney, je spregovorila o letnem občnem zboru, ki ga je društvo izvedlo v nedeljo, 13. decembra, in predstavila nov odbor za leto 2021.

Lynn Pušenjak –
Slovenian Outstanding Volunteer
                               Slovene Association Sydney

lynPusenjakLynn Pušenjak is a worthy recipient of an Outstanding Volunteer Award, nominated by the Slovene Association Sydney.

In the 1940’s, Lynn’s parents migrated from Northern Italy in the Veneto Region. In 1946 the family moved to a property in Horsley Park, close to their family living at 45 Ferrers Rd. Horsley Park. By a wonderful coincidence, this property was to become the premises of the newly established Slovene Association Sydney.

Soon after, Lynn’s family moved to Fairfield and she attended Fairfield Girls High School. After graduating, she undertook several casual jobs, but then enrolled into The Metropolitan Business College in Parramatta. After gaining her qualifications, she was employed in the Public Service Dept. of Technical and Further Education. She was fully employed at the Sydney Technical College Library. There were at that time, many opportunities for young females in Administration work, which she enjoyed. Eventually, Lynn worked at the Head office of the Education Department in Bridge St. Sydney. There she worked for 4 years.

As a young lady, she really enjoyed going to local dances in Fairfield, Bankstown, Parramatta and the Trocadero in the city. By another wonderful coincidence, she met a fine young man at the Trocadero, who was of Slovenian descent and whose name was William Alois Pusenjak. In the early 1960’s they were married and had 2 wonderful sons. So began her association with the Slovenian community, one she admired and to which she felt a connection. She describes this connection as one she truly enjoyed. She mixed with members of the Slovenian community, often visiting the club on Ferrers Rd and the Triglav club in St Johns Park.

When her children were in high school, Lynn returned to fulltime clerical employment at the Granville TAFE and remained there for 27 years. Whilst at Granville TAFE, Lynn took 2 years leave to live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There her husband William, was a Project Manager for the construction of the Petrona Towers.

On retirement, Lynn undertook voluntary work, in her endeavor to help the wider community. She volunteered in the South Western Sydney Health Services at Liverpool Hospital. This is her 13th year as such a volunteer, and it is still ongoing.

Lynn and William continued their participation within the Slovenian community and in 2009, under the encouragement of her cousin’s husband, Joe Hampton, she agreed to join the Slovene Association’s committee.  There was much to learn if she was to contribute well to the committee. Lynn highlights the support and training she received from Heidi Zavrl and Erika Zizek. She learned to manage the wages and expenses of the club. Eventually, she became the club secretary and continued in this capacity until 2020. She is currently Assistant Secretary, assisting the present Secretary, Olga Lah.

Lynn Pušenjak is a wonderful team player. Always willing to help others in any way possible. Her humility, loyalty, positive attitude and cooperative nature endears her to everyone who meets her.
Her skills are numerous and reflect her interesting work history. The Association truly appreciates her knowledge and administration skills. We all in turn, appreciate her.




Slovene Association Sydney
Club Open Days 2022

To all members and friends of the Slovene Association Sydney!!
The Slovene Association Sydney is committed to organising get-togethers for its members and friends. Come and socialise, catch up with friends, and be a part of our community!  For those of you with parents who no longer like to drive, it’s a great place to take your parents out for an afternoon so they can mix and mingle with friends.

Please mark these dates on your calendar:
Sunday, 23rd January (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 13th February (Prešeren Day )- dance/program, lunch
Sunday, 27th February (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday 13th March (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 27th March (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 10th April (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 24th April (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 8th May - Mother’s Day (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 22nd May (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday 12th June (dance/ lunch)

Our aim is to provide an enjoyable and
safe experience for all

Sadly, the Covid-19 challenges and the uncertainty of the transmission and effects of the Delta and Omicron variants, means that we have had to make some difficult decisions. We will maintain the safety procedures and entry requirements we have implemented to date. This means that only fully vaccinated members and visitors will be permitted entry to the club, until further notice.

The club will be open for you on most 2nd Sundays of each month and most 4th Sundays of each month in 2022. 11am – 5pm

On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the club will offer a lunch for the patrons and when possible, we will have a dance with a $10 cover charge per person.

On the 4th Sunday of each month, we will not provide lunch. Instead, we will offer a variety of cakes, coffee, tea and drinks. Maybe some savoury choices too.

Please understand that the club does not have a functioning kitchen and so cannot cater to our patrons the way we would like to do. The service to our members is provided by volunteers. With limited numbers, we aim to provide services to the best of our ability. We need your support!

If you are a member who wants to support the club, and can help at any of these functions e.g., bake cakes, use your cooking skills…. we will welcome the help of loyal supporters with open arms!

We look forward to seeing you soon at your club. 

The Committee
Slovene Association Sydney

2-8 Elizabeth St Wetherill Park NSW

 Vsem članom in prijateljem
        Slovenskega    društva Sydney

Slovensko društvo Sydney se zavzema za organizacijo druženja svojih članov in prijateljev. Naš cilj je zagotoviti prijetno in varno izkušnjo za vse.
Na žalost izzivi Covid-19 ter negotovost prenosa in učinkov različic Delta in Omicron pomenijo, da smo morali sprejeti nekaj težkih odločitev. Ohranili bomo varnostne postopke in vstopne zahteve, ki smo jih izvajali do sedaj. To pomeni, da bo do nadaljnjega dovoljen vstop v klub le popolnoma cepljenim članom in obiskovalcem.
Klub bo za vas odprt večino 2. nedelj v mesecu in večino 4. nedelj v mesecu v letu 2022. 11.00–17.00
Vsako 2. nedeljo v mesecu bo klub ponudil kosilo za obiskovalce in če bo mogoče, bomo imeli ples z 10 USD kritja na osebo.
Vsako 4. nedeljo v mesecu ne zagotavljamo kosila. Namesto tega bomo ponudili raznovrstno pecivo, kavo, čaj in pijačo. Mogoče tudi nekaj slanih izbir.
Upoštevajte, da klub nima delujoče kuhinje in zato ne more poskrbeti za naše pokrovitelje, kot bi želeli.
Prosimo označite te datume na koledarju:
nedelja, 23. januarja (torte/slan prigrizek)
Nedelja, 13. februar (proslava Prešernovega dne) - ples/program, kosilo
nedelja, 27. februarja (torte/slan prigrizek)
nedelja, 13. marec (ples/kosilo)
nedelja, 27. marec (torte/slana malica)
nedelja, 10. april (ples/kosilo)
Nedelja, 24. 4. (torte/slan prigrizek)
nedelja, 8. maj - materinski dan (ples/kosilo)
Nedelja, 22. 5. (torte/slan prigrizek)
nedelja, 12. junij (ples/kosilo)
Storitve našim članom zagotavljajo prostovoljci. Z omejenim številom si prizadevamo zagotoviti storitve po najboljših močeh. Potrebujemo vašo podporo!
Če ste član, ki želite podpreti klub in lahko pomagate pri kateri koli od teh funkcij, npr. pečete torte, uporabite svoje kuharske sposobnosti... Zveste navijače bomo sprejeli z odprtimi rokami!
Olga   Lah  ,   Secretary

To all members and friends of the
Slovene Association Sydney

The Slovene Association Sydney is committed to organising get togethers for its members and friends. Our aim is to provide an enjoyable and safe experience for all.
Sadly, the Covid-19 challenges and the uncertainty of the transmission and effects of the Delta and Omicron variants, means that we have had to make some difficult decisions. We will maintain the safety procedures and entry requirements we have implemented to date. This means that only fully vaccinated members and visitors will be permitted entry to the club, until further notice.
The club will be open for you on most 2nd Sundays of each month and most 4th Sundays of each month in 2022.     11am – 5pm
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the club will offer a lunch for the patrons and when possible, we will have a dance with a $10 cover charge per person.
On the 4th Sunday of each month, we will not provide lunch. Instead, we will offer a variety of cakes, coffee, tea and drinks. Maybe some savoury choices too.
Please understand that the club does not have a functioning kitchen and so cannot cater to our patrons the way we would like to do.

Please mark these dates on your calendar:

Sunday, 23rd January  (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 13th February (Prešeren Dan celebration)- dance/program, lunch
Sunday, 27th February  (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday 13th March   (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 27th March  (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 10th April  (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 24th April  (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday, 8th May - Mother’s Day   (dance/ lunch)
Sunday, 22nd May   (cakes/ savoury snack)
Sunday 12th June  (dance/ lunch)

The service to our members is provided by volunteers. With limited numbers, we aim to provide services to the best of our ability. We need your support!

If you are a member, who wants to support the club and can help at any of these functions e.g., bake cakes, use your cooking skills…. We will welcome loyal supporters with open arms!

Olga   Lah  ,   Secretary

Materinski Dan
pri Slovenskem Dru
štvu Sydney – 9. Maja

Kljub omejitvam COVID-a in smo se morali odpovedati glasbi in plesu, smo se vsi imeli lepo!

Gostom smo postregli z različnimi picami. Pizze so bile res uspešne! Nekateri člani so celo rekli, da so najboljše pizze doslej! 

Dvorana je bila lepo urejena in vsaka Mati je, ob prihodu, prejela rdeč nageljček.

A vrhunec dneva je bil kratek program praznovanja vsake navzoče matere in babice, ki ga je vodila Tatjana Resnik. Recitirale Sta Danica Petrič in Zora Johnson ki sta vedno lepo sprejeti. A naša srca so se stopila z nastopom Angelcinih in Max Mikuletičevih vnukov- Mimi, Emma, Andrea, Max in Louie.

Kakšno veselje!

Otroci, oblečeni v slovensko narodno nošo so nato, vsem prisotnim materam, razdelili darilne pakete.

Hvala vsem udeležencem!!
Olga Lah (tajnica SD SYDNEY)


The newly elected Slovensko Društvo Sydney
committee for 2021


From the left:   Lynn Pusenjak (Assistant Secretary); Vladimir Cheh (Ordinary Committee member); Tanja Resnik (Ordinary committee member); Jože Lah (Vice President); Olga Lah ( Secretary); Mark Stariha (Treasurer); Mimi De Rooy (Ordinary committee member); Alfred Brežnik (Ordinary committee member) Missing: Anthony Tomažin (President)

The Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on Sunday, 13th December. What a wonderful atmosphere of comradery and unity! The club hall was full of interested and loyal members of the club, who wished to thank the outgoing committee and wished the new committee/board all the best in their efforts to create a brighter future for the club.

The postal elections were overseen by the Returning Officer, Father Darko Žnidaršič, who was assisted by Mihela Šušteršič and Martha Magajna. These officers counted the votes and checked their validity.


As @ 13th December, there are 335 full and financial members and 61 unfinancial and Associate members (who were not eligible to vote).
115 members attended the AGM.

The final vote count for the Office bearers were:

PRESIDENT:     Mr. Anthony Tomažin - 230 votes.

Mrs Terezija Matuš - 0 votes

VICE PRESIDENT:         Mr. Jože Lah - 224 votes.

Mrs Terezija Matuš - 2 votes

TREASURER:    Mr Mark Stariha - 221 votes

Mrs Terezija Matuš – 0 votes

SECRETARY:    Mrs. Olga Lah - 221 votes.

Mrs Terezija Matuš – 0 votes


The successful candidates for the remaining 5 Ordinary Board vacancies were:

Mr. Alfred Brežnik, with 210 votes

Mrs Lynn Pusenjak, with 191 votes

Ms Tanja Resnik with, 177 votes

Ms Mimi De Rooy with, 160 votes

Mr. Vladimir Cheh, with 155 votes

Warm thanks to the members of the Slovene Association Sydney and the Slovenian community generally, for their strong support and loyalty at a challenging time for the club.

V slogi je moč!
In unity there is strength!

Pdf file

WETHERIL PARK  4.12.2020 ,  ZA NEDELJO, 06.12.2020



Društveni prostori bodo zaprti v nedeljo, 6. decembra.
Dvorana  bo  ponovno odprta  v nedeljo, 13. decembra, za  Letni Občni Zbor  (AGM) . Vrata se bodo odprla opoldne in  na razpolago bo lahka  malica.
Občni Zbor bo pričel  ob  14 .00  uri. AGM se lahko udeležijo samo polnopravni in finančni člani.

V prihodnjih dneh bodo polnopravni člani prejeli po pošti  informacije in glasovalne lističe za vašo izbiro članov odbora kluba za leto 2020. Prosimo, da jih čim prej vrnete po pošti, saj jih je treba v klub vrniti  najkasneje do 12 h opoldne v soboto, 12. decembra.
Ovojnico z vašimi glasovi lahko sprejmemo tudi v nedeljo, 13. decembra, če je predložena pred začetjom AGM in samo od posameznika, ki se udeleži seje.

Zaradi nezanesljivosti poštnih pošiljk bo volilna komisija  osebno  sprejela tudi kuverte, dostavljene osebno  v društvene prostore, med 10. in 12. uro v soboto 12. Decembra, torej dan pred zasedanjem Letnega Občnega  Zbora.
Do takrat bodite zdravi in varni.

Za Odbor  SD Sydney, Olga Lah,Tajnica_






The club will be closed on Sunday the 6th December. However, it will be open again on Sunday 13th December for the AGM.
Doors will open at midday and a light snack will be provided before the start of the AGM at 2pm.
Only full and financial members will be able to attend the AGM.

In the coming days, full members will receive information and voting ballots for your choice of the club’s committee members for 2020.
Please return them by mail as quickly as possible, as they must be returned to the club by midday Saturday, 12thDecember.
We can also accept an envelope containing your votes on Sunday 13 th December, as long as it is presented before the AGM and only from an individual attending the meeting.

Because of the unreliability of postal deliveries , a returning officer will accept hand delivered envelopes between 10 am and midday on the Saturday 12th, which is the day before the AGM.
Until then, stay healthy and safe.

Olga Lah (SD SYDNEY secretary)



To members and  friends of SDS, we say ‘Thank You’!

Last Sunday was a wonderful success. The hall was full of members,
who met with friends and generally had a lovely afternoon.
I know you  miss  the  music, lovely  and happy slovenian music..
So  do  we,  but  rules  are  rules!
The atmosphere was one of warm friendships, friendly conversation
with the people  you  haven’t seen  maybe  for  months..
There was also strong support for the club and its committee.
We appreciate it and believe me, we are  working hard, very hard  to save our “Drustvo “

Our next Open Sunday will be on the 11 th of October. 11 am - 5 PM.
On the menu will be čevapi and delicious salads.

We look forward to seeing you then. 

Just  keep it in mind. CORONA  RULES  ARE STILL ON! BE  CAREFUL !

For  the  Committee of  SD Sydney :  Olga Lah,Secretary


WETHERIL PARK 11.09.2020 ,
poroča OLGA LAH

Omejitve zaradi virusa corona in Covid 19 uničujoče vplivajo na naše življenje tako doma in po vsem svetu. Na žalost je bil naš klub zaprt, ker smo imeli težave z izpolnjevanjem vladnih zahtev in skrbi za naše zdravje in  varstvo. Člani Slovenskega Društva Sydney še posebej pogrešajo družabnost in  stike med člani in prijatelji. Kako zelo nam manjka priložnost, da se le srečamo, poklepetamo in popijemo kozarček pijače ali kavico s prijatelji.

Odbor se je odločil, da se klub za poskus odpre ob nekaterih nedeljah. Naša prva odprta nedelja bo 27. septembra. - od 11. do 17. ure. Če bo vse dobro uspelo, bomo držali  društveno  dvorano odprto  še naprej,  vsako 2. in 4. nedeljo v mesecu, vse do decembra.

Upoštevati pa moramo omejitve covid 19 in v ta namen moramo razviti varnostni načrt in ga registrirati pri pristojnih. Ta varnostni načrt vsebuje te zahteve:
• V dvorano je dovoljeno  kadar koli skupno  največ 50 članov.
• Ob vstopu v klub se morajo vsi obiskovalci prijaviti in vpisati s svojimi osebnimi podatki, vključno telefonsko  številko .
• Vsem obiskovalcem morajo ob vstopu izmeriti temperaturo.
• Industrijska sredstva za razkuževanje rok so na priročnem mestu na 3 področjih v klubu. Prosimo, uporabite jih !
• Bistveno je, da vsi obiskovalci ostanejo sedeči, razen nujnih razlogov, kot je naročila v baru ali obisk toileta.
• Razdalja 1,5 metra vas mora ločiti od drugih. Izjema  so  družine, saj lahko mož, žena in otroci sedijo skupaj.
• Mize so razmaknjene, le trije stoli so nameščeni okoli njih, tako, da se ohrani družbena razdalja. Prosimo, uporabite zdravo pamet pri določanju, koliko jih lahko sedi za mizo. Na vsako mizo bo postavljeno obvestilo, ki obiskovalce opozarja na  predpise in zahteve.
• Varnostni maršal bo odgovoren, da se bo nadziral  red  in obiskovalce opozoril na potrebo po sedenju, družbeno razdaljo itd. To je vladni predpis in ne želja  nadzornika, da  bi  vam  oteževal življenje. Prosimo, podprite vlogo tega varnostnega maršala, ki je prostovoljec in opravlja to delo  za  vaše  zdravje in  varnost.
• Ker prodajamo alkohol, mora klub zagotoviti nekaj hrane ali  izjemoma  dovoliti  obiskovalcem, da sami prinesejo hrano s  seboj  v klub. Na žalost klub nima delujoče kuhinje, vendar pa bomo s prostovoljci zagotovili nekaj osnovnih, a priljubljenih možnosti hrane, npr. Kransky, čevapi, sendviči s klobasami itd. Potrebujemo vaše sodelovanje. Ob teh nedeljah potrebujemo tudi pomoč prostovoljcev. Če lahko pomagate, obvestite člana našega odbora.
Spoštovani člani in prijatelji ...... Če se bomo držali vladnih predpisov, nas čakajo čudoviti dnevi s prijatelji v klubu.
Na žalost lahko inšpekcijski pregledi na kraju samem izrečejo kazen v višini $5000 AUD , če smo krivi za kršitev katere od zgoraj omenjenih omejitev in lahko nam  tudi  zaprejo  klub. Skrbite z nami, da bomo vsi ostali varni , zdravi in in brez problemov  !

"Sami bomo morda lahko storili tako malo, skupaj pa lahko naredimo tako  veliko 1

Za Odbor  SD Sydney, Olga Lah,Tajnica

Slovensko Društvo Sydney

News from
Slovenskega društva Sydney
9. avgust 2020

An update for our members and friends

The corona virus and Covid 19 restrictions are having a devastating effect on our lives globally and domestically. We hope you are all keeping safe, healthy, and optimistic for a future, that will see our daily routine back to normal.
Sadly, our club has been closed because we have had difficulty meeting the government requirements to open. The members of the Slovene Association Sydney are especially missing the social interaction between members and friends. The opportunity to just meet, chat and share a drink or coffee with friends is so important.

Because we understand the importance of getting together with friends, the committee has decided to open the club on some Sundays as a trial. Our first Open Sunday will be on 27th September. – 11am to5pm.

Thereafter we will be open to members on every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, until December.

To comply with covid 19 restrictions, we must develop a Safety Plan and register it with the authorities. This Safety plan has these requirements:

Dear members and friends……We offer you a warm welcome back to your club. If we can keep to the government regulations, we will have wonderful days ahead with friends at the club. Sadly, spot inspections can issue an on the spot penalty of $5000 if we are guilty of breaking any of the restrictions mentioned above. We need your cooperation. We also need the help of volunteers on these Sundays. Please consider if you can help in any way. If you can help, please let a member of our committee know.

“Alone we may be able to do so little, but together we can do so much!”


News to members

Dear members of the Slovene Association Sydney,

In this letter, the committee wishes to inform you of the current situation at the club. We continue to provide you with information frankly and honestly.

The Slovene Association Sydney has been served with a summons to the Supreme Court of NSW. These proceedings were commenced by Carmine Labbozzetta (the current tenant of the Association’s property)
Mr Labbozzetta seeks, amongst other things, clarification from the Court as to what parts of our property are subject to the lease that he has with the Association.

The Committee has resolved to engage Dentons Australia Limited to advise and act for it generally in relation to the proceedings – including to vigorously defend the claim brought by Mr Labbozzetta and investigate (and, if appropriate, prosecute) cross-claims that the Association may have against Mr Labbozzetta and third parties.

The Committee will continue to provide Members with updates throughout the course of the proceedings. However, please note, that advice we receive from Dentons must always remain confidential.
Court action was something that the committee wanted to avoid. However, as Mr. Carmine Labbozzetta has commenced this court action, the committee must now act on behalf of the members of the Slovene Association Sydney.

The committee is aware that there are a few current members of our club, who support and are involved with the court action being brought against the club. Their conduct is prejudicial to the interest of the Association. The committee is examining the validity of their membership. The committee will do all in its power to protect the assets of the Slovene Association Sydney.  We seek your support in this challenging matter.

The committee is investigating how the club can hold an Extraordinary Meeting (EGM) or the Annual General Meeting (AGM), with current Covid 19 restrictions. At such a meeting, we must discuss all options for the club and present to members the result of the “Expression of Interest’ campaign, which concluded on the 15th July. The committee will keep you fully informed as to when and where such a meeting can take place.


Olga Lah,
on behalf of the committee of the Slovene Association Sydney.

Obvestilo Članom

Spoštovani člani Slovenskega društva Sydney,

S tem pismom vas želimo obvestiti o trenutnih razmerah v klubu. Še naprej vam zagotavljamo informacije odkrito in pošteno.
Slovenskemu društvu Sydney je bilo vročena tožba s pozivom na vrhovno sodišče NSW. Postopek je začel Carmine Labbozzetta (trenutni najemnik zemljišča v lasti kluba).   Gospod Labbozzetta želi med drugim preko sodišča “izsiliti” dodatne dele zemljišča, ki niso bila prvotno začrtana in dogovorjena po že obstoječi najemni pogodbi. Odbor se je odločil, da bo za obrambo na sodišču najelo odvetniško pisarno Dentons Australia Limited, kateri so na tem področju eni izmed najboljših.

Odvetniška pisarna Dentons Australia Limited nam bo svetovala in ukrepala v zvezi s postopkom, vključno z obrambnim ugovorom na obstoječi postopek  ki ga je vložil G. Labbozzetta. Raziskali in po potrebi bodo ugovarjali navzkrižnim trditvam (proti tožba) v kolikor se bodo pojavile v zvezi z G. Labbozzetti in eventuelnim tretjim osebam. Odbor bo svoje člane še naprej obveščal glede samega poteka postopka. Upoštevati pa morate, da morajo informacije in nasveti, ki jih prejmemo od odvetniške pisarne Dentons, vedno ostati zaupni.                                                                                                                
Sodišče je bilo nekaj, čemu se je odbor želel izogniti. Ker pa je g. Carmine Labbozzetta začel s tožbo na sodišču, je Odbor dolžan zaščititi interese in lastnino Slovenskega društva Sydney.

Imamo informacije in zavedamo se, da je med sedanjimi člani našega kluba nekaj posameznikov, ki podpirajo najemnika in so vključeni v tožbi, ki smo jo prejeli iz strani sodišča. Njihovo ravnanje tako zelo škoduje interesom društva. Tako odbor preučuje veljavnost njihovega članstva. Storili bomo vse, kar je v naši moči, da zaščitimo premoženje Slovenskega društva Sydney.  Vsekakor pa prosimo za vašo podporo in zaupanje pri tej zelo pomembni zadevi.

Odbor preučuje možnosti, kako bo z izvedbo izredne seje kluba (EGM) oz. letne skupščine društva (AGM) glede na trenutne omejitve Covid - 19.  Na tem srečanju se moramo pogovoriti o vseh možnostih vezanih na klub, ter članom predstaviti rezultate potencialnega iskanja kupca "Expression of Interest", ki se je zaključilo 15. Julija.

Polnopravni člani bodo sodelovali pri določanju prihodnosti kluba.


           Olga Lah,
v imenu odbora Slovenskega Društva Sydney.

Pomembno poročilo vsem članom
Slovenskega društva Sydney

Odbor slovenskega društva Sydney vam je obljubil poštenost in vso transparentnost pri vsem našem delu.  Želimo vas o vsem dobro informirati.
Slovensko društvo Sydney (SDS) je  prvi slovenski klub ustanovljen v NSW, Avstralija. Ustanovljen je bil leta 1957 s strani posameznih vizionarskih migrantov iz Slovenije, ki so določili cilje društva.
Kot je navedeno v prvotni ustavi kluba: " je bil glavni cilj kluba združevanje  vseh dobronamernih  ciljev imigrantskih Slovencev, ki  so skrbeli za kulturno, gospodarsko blaginjo in svobodno mišljenje slovenskih prebivalcev v Sydney-u. Klub je nepolitična organizacija, drži pa se demokratičnih, krščanskih in humanitarnih načel ".
Na žalost, se je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih  nabralo veliko izzivov za klub SDS. Članstvo v klubu se stara in večina mladih slovenskih avstralcev  žal nima ne čustvene niti družbene potrebe, da bi se skupaj zbirali v slovensko kulturnem okolju, saj klub ni imel programov, ki bi privabljale mlajše generacije.

Trenutni odbor je pregledal finančne evidence našega kluba za zadnjih dvanajst let.
Po našem mnenju je izjemno slabo vodstvo, skupaj z zelo slabimi in nerazumljivimi odločitvami odbora (izguba naše kuhinje, restavracije, igralnih avtomatov, licenc in najema zemljišča), pripeljalo klub do situacije, ko ne more pokriti svojih obratovalnih stroškov. Ni več pristnega kluba, ampak samo dvorana, prazna lupina tistega, kar je bilo. 
Skupni prihodki od prodaje za leto 2018/2019 so bili le $31.540. Finančna izguba pa $116.393. Primerjava z letom 2017/2018 ko so bili prihodki od prodaje $53.822, izguba pa $229.786, kar je nevzdržno.

Dejstvo je, da leta 2008 čeprav klub ni bil voden profesionalno je bil finančno v dobrem stanju in deloval z minimalno izgubo.  Klub je imel na bančnem računu  cca $500.000. V kolikor bi se takrat odločili za neodvisnega profesionalnega »managerja« s pravo vizijo bi bila danes sigurno čisto drugačna slika. Leta 2009 je prišlo do zamenjave odbornikov, za predsednika je bil izvoljen g. Šernek. Finančni podatki kažejo, da so se po letu 2009 začele resne izgube kluba,  kar je začelo povzročati finančne težave.

Leta 2011/2012 se je klub pod vodstvom gospoda Štefana Šerneka odločil za prodajo igralnih avtomatov, kar je klubu prineslo dodatnih $790.000. Ta denar ni bil vložen v klubske prostore. Namesto tega je bila v poznejših letih sprejeta odločitev za naložbe v delnice s katastrofalnimi finančnimi posledicami. Finančni podatki kažejo, da je povprečna letna izguba $100.000 že od leta 2009 dalje.

Ljudje nas sprašujejo, zakaj se imenujemo „krizni odbor?“… Ko je krizni odbor 22. marca 2020, prevzel nadzor nad situacijo, je bilo stanje na bančnem računu kluba manj kot $60.000. To je znesek, ki je ostal od zgodovine za zadnjih 20 let poslovanja kluba ( prodaja $ 2 MIO vrednosti klubskega imetja -  del zemlje in igralnih avtomatov, licenc).Kot veste, je klub trenutno zaprt.
Krizni odbor je zmanjšal vse nepotrebne stroške in uspešno stabiliziral finančno stanje. Najemnik plačuje mesečno najemnino v višini približno $7000 + GST ( brez stroškov obratovanja). Žal nam ta najemnina ne pokriva osnovnih obratovalnih stroškov, saj je bila najemnina tako slabo dogovorjena.
Organizirali smo strokovnjake – geodete, ki so nam podali izčrpno poročilo vezane na stanje prostorov SDS, vključno z delom najema na našem zemljišču. Pregled in poročilo sta pokazala, da je kar nekaj nepravilnosti pri izgradnji »novega« objekta in to že v prvi fazi gradnje. To pomeni, da gradbena dela še niso dokončana in najemnik se ni držal prvotnih načrtov, ki so bili odobreni iz strani lokalne občine.

Vse skupaj je zelo negativna in nevzdržna situacija. Društvo je tako dobesedno »ujeto« na svojem zemljišču in z omejenimi pravicami. V takšni situaciji smo se znašli  zaradi negativne najemne pogodbe, ki jo je pripravil kar odvetnik najemnika. V normalnih okoliščinah je lastnik oz. njegov odvetnik tisti, kateri poskrbi za pripravo najemne pogodbe. Seveda je to ena največjih napak, ki je bila zagrešena pod okriljem predsednika Šerneka in njegovega odbora. Eden izmed članov kluba je SDS ustno in pisno obvestil, da mora za takšna pogajanja imeti svojega neodvisnega odvetnika in kar dvakrat ponudil plačilo za neodvisni pravni nasvet . Ponudba je bila brez obrazložitve ali odgovora prezrta.

Zelo pomembno je, da razumemo preteklost.  Nekaj se moramo naučiti iz preteklosti ... ... In le to moramo vzeti kot lekcijo, tako da ne bomo ponavljali  istih napak. Zdaj moramo gledati v prihodnost in novi poslovni model, ki bo deloval za našo skupnost ……

Kot smo vam obljubili smo raziskali vse možnosti za SDS in njegovo prihodnosti. Te možnosti so:
Nadaljevanje "poslovanja kot običajno" s sedanjo ureditvijo in razmerami v klubu, vključno z najemno pogodbo z našim najemnikom, ki traja do leta 2048. Če sprejmete to možnost, pomeni, da "ne bo sprememb". Vendar moramo poudariti, da nadaljevanje s tako neugodnim najemom pomeni, da klub ne bi mogel pokriti svojih obratovalnih stroškov. Kakšna bi torej bila njegova prihodnost? Po našem mnenju s to možnostjo ni prihodnosti.
Prodaja nepremičnine kupcu z najemnikovo najemnino bi bila za nas najbolj ugodna možnost, čeprav zagotovo ne bo enostavno pridobiti kupca, ki bi hotel kupiti nepremičnino in prevzeti najem. Če bo ta možnost uspešna, bi se klub lahko preselil na novo lokacijo in začel delovati pravilno.
Prodaja celotnega zemljišča z nepremičninami in izplačilo najemnika. Zdi se nam, da ta opcija ni ravno najboljša, saj najemnik zahteva previsok znesek za »svojo novograjeno« nepremičnino. Omenja se med 6 in 7 Mio AUD.  V kolikor bi za naše celotno zemljišče iztržil dovolj visok znesek, bi to bilo sprejemljivo, drugače pa ta opcija ne pride v poštev.

Možna je razdelitev zemljišča ( Subdivision ali Strata Plan). To bi pomenilo, ohranitev najemne pogodbe z našim najemnikom do leta 2048. Ta rešitev je sprejemljva, zna pa biti za klub problematična in finančno draga. Zaradi nerazumne in enostranske najemne pogodbe imamo lahko pri tej možnosti kar nekaj resnih težav in omejitev, saj najemna pogodba izrecno ne določa kaj vse je v najemu in je možno, da si najemnik »lasti« tako »tenis igrišče« in delno tudi  »bocce court« oz. balinišče. V tem primeru je ta možnost odvisna od »dobre volje«  in sodelovanje najemnika.

Ne glede na to, katero možnost boste kot člani izbrali, moramo narediti cenitev zemljišča s pripadajočimi nepremičninami ter dobiti informacijo koliko so kupci pripravljeni plačati za zemljišče z nepremičnino.

Želimo vas obvestiti, da bomo zemljišče z nepremičnino dali na nepremičninski trg in tako dobili nekaj pomembnih informacij.

To ne pomeni, da bomo zemljišče z  nepremičnino tudi dejansko prodali. Iščemo le „potencialni interes“. Vsekakor nam bo to omogočilo jasnejši pogled na vrednost našega premoženja.
PRODAJE NE BO brez glasovanja članov SDS.

Na skupščini leta 2016 je bila sprejeta resolucija, da ne sme pridi do odtujitve ali bremenitve društva brez odobritve njegovih članov. Ta resolucija je bila v preteklosti večkrat prezrta. Trenutni odbor pa spoštuje resolucijo sprejeto leta 2016, zato bodo vaši glasovi upoštevani.

Če se člani zavzemate za možnost prodaje in selitev na novo lokacijo, potem se moramo pogajati o prodaji, kar bo zagotovilo SDS dovolj sredstev za novo prihodnost.
Za stabilnost kluba se  sedanji krizni odbor zavezuje, da bo nadaljeval svoje delo in omogočil nemoten prehod v novo prihodnost, seveda v primeru selitve na novo lokacijo.

Z odkritimi dodatnimi informacijami o stanju kluba menimo, da je prišel čas, da izberete novo smer za Slovensko društvo Sydney – novo smer, ki bo še vedno imela v svojem bistvu enake cilje, kot so jih zastavili prvotni ustanovitelji kluba.

Na tej stopnji ne moremo določiti, kdaj bomo lahko imeli izredno skupščino ali skupščino, na kateri boste člani lahko izrazili svoje želje.
Klubi so še vedno zaprti za javnost.

Lahko ste prepričani, da se krizni odbor trudi za klub tudi v  vašem imenu in se izredno prizadeva za rešitev trenutne neugodne situacije.
Za člane in skupnosti želimo najboljši rezultat, predvsem pa želimo ustvariti varnost.

Vsekakor  potrebujemo vašo pozitivnost, podporo in sodelovanje. Vaša mnenja nam lahko pošljete preko e pošte kluba. Veseli bomo vaših mnenj in idej.

Prosimo, ne pozabite posodobiti svojega članstva 2020/2021 **
Tako boste imeli pravico glasovati o prihodnjih pomembnih zgodovinskih odločitvah!

Lepo pozdravljeni,
Olga Lah                                                                                               Anthony Tomazin
Club Secretary                                                                                             Predsednik 

           Important Information for all Members of
the Slovene Association Sydney

The Committee of the Slovene Association Sydney promised you honesty and transparency in all our work on your behalf. We want to keep you all well informed.
The Slovene Association Sydney is the first Slovenian Club established in Sydney. It was established in 1957 by a group of visionary migrants from Slovenia, who set commendable objectives for the Association.

As stated in the club’s original constitution: “The main aim of this club is to unite all well-meaning Slovenians, who care about the cultural, economic welfare and freedom of Slovenian people. The club is Non-Political and has as its guidelines Democratic, Christian and Humanitarian Principles”.

Unfortunately, the last 2 decades have created many challenges for our club. The membership of the club is ageing and the majority of young Slovenian Australians, do not have the emotional nor social need to congregate together in a Slovenian cultural environment, as the club did not have programs that would attract younger generations.

The committee of Officers has been very busy researching the financial records of our club over the last decade. In our opinion, extremely poor management, coupled with poor committee decisions (loss of our kitchen, restaurant, poker machines, licenses and leases), have led the club to a situation where it cannot cover its operating costs.  It is no longer a genuine club, just a hall, an empty shell of what it was before, and where the total trading income for 2018/2019 was only $31,540.

Prior to the last decade, although the club was not run professionally, it was financially in a good financial shape and operating at minimal losses. In 2008, the club had in its bank account approximately $500,000.  If we had appointed an independent and professional manager then, the picture would have been completely different today. After 2009, losses began to increase, and the bank balances reduced steadily thereafter. In 2011/2012, the club, under the leadership of Mr.
Štefan Šernek, decided to sell the poker machines, which brought the club an additional $790,000. That money wasn’t invested in the club facilities. Instead, the decision was made in later years, to invest in shares with disastrous financial consequences. Financial records show that the club has since followed a path leading to our current financial crisis. The records show an average annual loss of $100,000.

People ask why we are called a ‘Crisis Committee’……When the Crisis Committee took control of the situation, 22nd March 2020, the uncommitted cash bank balance in the club’s bank account was under $60,000. When you compare this to the cash balance in June 2012, which was $917,982, you see a trend in losses that can only be described as a crisis and unsustainable.

As you are aware, the club is currently closed. The crisis committee has reduced all unnecessary costs, sought refunds and successfully stabilized the financial situation. The Lessee has been paying a monthly rent of approximately $7000 + GST. Unfortunately, this rent does not help us cover basic outgoing costs, as the lease was so poorly structured.

We have also sought legal advice on our Lease agreement and relevant development approvals. We have arranged for a comprehensive Survey Report of the SDS premises and the additional development by the Lessee. The inspection reports show quite a few irregularities in the construction of the new facility, which is only in the first phase of construction. We are in the process of investigating this.

All in all, the situation in which the club finds itself is unbearable. In our opinion, the club is literally ‘trapped’ on its own land and with limited rights. The committee under Mr.
Šernek, executed an extremely unfavourable lease. In normal circumstances, the landlord/owner prepares the lease documents for the tenant to sign. With this Lease agreement, it was the tenant’s lawyer who prepared the Lease for the SDS committee to sign. This is highly irregular. The signing of the Lease and its revisions are one of the biggest mistakes made in the club’s history. The SDS was informed orally and in writing by a well-meaning club member, that it must have its own independent lawyer for such negotiations and the member twice offered to pay for the club’s independent legal advice.  This advice appears to have been ignored.

It is important to understand the past…. We need to learn from the past….we need to use it as a lesson, so we do not make the same mistakes again. But now we must look to the future, and a model which will work for our community.

We made a commitment to you to investigate all options for SDS into the future. These options include:

Regardless of which option you, as members, will choose, we need to know the valuation of the premises and what buyers are prepared to pay for the property. This will help members make the most suitable choice of all the options.

We therefore wish to inform you that we will test the market for any potential buyers. Signage may appear on the property requesting an Expression of Interest. This does not mean we are selling the property. We are only seeking ‘An Expression of Interest’. This will provide us with a clearer view of what our asset is worth.

without a vote from the members of SDS.

 A resolution was passed at the 2016 AGM, to the effect that no future SDS development decisions, sale, giving rights away or placing encumbrances on the land were to be made without a majority vote by members. Unfortunately, this resolution appears to have been ignored. This committee, however, must and will, respect the resolution made in 2016.

With this additional information provided to you, it is clear the time has come to choose a new direction for the Slovene Association Sydney -  A new direction that will still have, at its core, the same goals as those set by the original founders of the club.  If members favour an option to sell and relocate, we anticipate we must negotiate a sale that provides SDS with sufficient funds for a new future. To create further stability, the present crisis committee will make the commitment to continue its work and facilitate a smooth  transition into a new future.

At this stage, we cannot determine when we will be able to have an Extra Ordinary Meeting (EGM), or an AGM, at which members will be able to express their wishes. Our club is still closed to the public.

Until then, rest assured the Crisis Committee is working extremely hard on your behalf. We want the best outcome for the members and the community. We want to create security for the members of the club.
You can send us your constructive ideas to the club’s email address. We need your positivity and support.

Please remember to update your membership for 2020/2021.
 This will give you the right to vote on future important decisions!

Olga Lah                                                                                  Anthony Tomazin

Secretary                                                                                 President


To all Members and Friends of the
Slovene Association Sydney

For several months we have all been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our club has had to close for an indefinite period. However, within the restrictions of social distancing set by our government, the SDS committee has had to address some important issues.
In the near future, some very important decisions will need to be made about the club’s future. Financially, the club is facing grave challenges.
These decisions however, must be made by its financial members. The committee will research options and present them, to members, at an AGM. The date for such an AGM cannot be determined at this stage. We will however, keep you informed.

Are you unfinancial? – Only financial Full members have the privilege of voting on future important issues.
Many Full Members are currently unfinancial and will therefore be denied a vote at the AGM. Members’ fees for 2020/2021, are due by the 30th June, 2020. 
Please consider becoming financial. By doing so, you will be able to participate at a very important time for our club. If you know of a member, who has changed their address and has not notified us, please give them this information.

  Included in this mailout, are 2 forms:

‘Membership Renewal’ form
- If you are already a Full Member of SDS, please fill out a Membership Renewal form. This updated information is essential.

Associate Membership Renewal (non voting), can fill out the same updated information form.

Application for Full Membership’ form - If you know of any person who wishes to become a Full member of our club and is of Slovenian descent or spouse of such, please have them apply for membership on this form. Application for new Associate Membership (non voting) can be made when the club reopens.

If more forms are needed, you may make copies.

Payment can be made by the following methods.

Bank Transfer
– For Reference use your Initial and Surname e.g., O.LAH
Transfer to Slovene Association Sydney.  BSB: 062265      Account: 10220195

-   make your cheque payable to ‘Slovene Association Sydney’
Return cheque with your form.

– Unfortunately as the club is closed we cannot process cash payments at this time.


MAIL TO:    Slovene Association Sydney       P.O. Box 6093, Wetherill Park. NSW 2164 

Receipts will be issued to the address, email or mobile number provided by you. Keep this receipt in a safe place. You will be able to collect your new Membership card when the club reopens.

SBS Radio
Štefan Šernek ni več predsednik
Slovenskega društva Sydney

/18.04.2020/ Pogovarjali smo se z dolgoletnim predsednikom, Štefanom Šernekom, ki je sedaj član novega odbora, ampak ni več na predsedniškem mestu.

SBS Radio
Nov krizni odbor v
Slovenskem društvu Sydney

/18.04.2020/ Pred kratkim je bila sprememba odbora Slovenskega društva Sydney. Pridružilo se je 5 novih članov, med njimi tudi nov predsednik Anthony Tomažin.
Pogovarjali smo se z novo tajnico, Olgo Lah, o trenutnem stanju društva in kako izgleda bodočnost.

Spoštovani  člani in članice 
Slovenskega društva Sydney,
08. April 2020

Pismo v slovenščini pdf

Letter in English pdf

Spoštovani  člani in članice  Slovenskega društva Sydney,

To pismo vsebuje nekaj zelo pomembnih informacij o trenutnih razmerah v klubu, ter njegovi prihodnosti. Te podatke delimo z vami v duhu odkritosti in transparentnosti. Navsezadnje ste vsi deležniki v njegovi prihodnosti.
Slovensko društvo Sydney je imelo v zadnjem obdobju veliko izzivov. Trenutno je na krizni točki (padajoče število udeležencev, staranje članstva, dolgotrajna gradnja  "Manor on Elizabeth" (najemnik novozgrajene stavbe)) so povzročili zaskrbljujoče probleme ter posledično velike skrbi.
Odločitve, ki do bile sprejete pred 8 leti so se pokazale, da niso v interesu naših članov in skupnosti. 
Kot je videti, odbor takrat ni poiskal ustreznih  neodvisnih pravnih nasvetov.  Klub je tako postal poslovno omejen in s tem prikrajšan za marsikaj. Npr. ni bilo „klavzule o predvidenem zaključku gradbenih del“  kar pomeni, da klub ni imel dohodka, dokler najemnik ni pričel z delovanjem.

Klub je bil tako prikrajšan z:
• izgubo restavracije
• izgubo funkcijskih prostorov
• izgube kuhinje,
• izgubo otroškega igrišča,
• izgubo teniških igrišč.

Poleg drugih negativnih odločitev prejšnjega odbora so tudi:

Zaradi teh razmer se je odbor, zlasti predsednik in tajnica SDS 15. marca obrnila  na gospoda Anthonyja Tomažina (sedanjega častnega konzula) in gospoda Alfreda Brežnika (nekdanjega častnega generalnega konzula). 
Vsi so se strinjali, da je SDS, ki je bilo dejansko prvo registrirano slovensko društvo v Sydneyju, trenutno v negotovem položaju in je potrebna takojšnja nujna pomoč.
 V ta namen se je 22. marca sestal odbor kluba, povabljenih pa je bilo tudi pet članov kluba.
To so bili: g. Anthony Tomazin, g. Mark Stariha, g. Alfred Breznik, g. Jože Lah in ga. Olga Lah.
G. Šernek se je na tem sestanku, ko je med drugim navajal tudi osebne razloge, odpovedal položaju predsednika.

Odbor je imenoval in izglasoval, da se na mesta tako postavi:

Predsednik društva : g. Anthony Tomažin
Podpredsednik: g. Jože Lah
Blagajnik:  g. Mark Stariha
Tajnica: ga. Olga Lah
Pomočnica tajnice: - ga. Lynn Pusenjak
Trenutnim članom odbora pa se je pridružil tudi g. Alfred Brežnik.

Za oceno trenutnega finančnega položaja kluba in za izvajanje ustreznih ukrepov v imenu članov je bil tako ustanovljen „krizni odbor“, ki ga sestavljajo zgoraj omenjeni člani.
Zaradi trenutne krize Covid -19, je klub do nadaljnega zaprt.
Želimo pa vas seznaniti še z dosedanjim dogajanjem oz. o že izvedenih ukrepih novega „kriznega odbora“:
-  zamenjava zunanjega računovodstva oz. računovodje.  Trenutno  je finančni položaj SDS slab, tako slab, da je klubu grozilo, da bo v bližnji prihodnosti zaprl svoja vrata. Prihodki kluba že dolgo časa ne pokrivajo stroškov. Vsak  izveden dogodek je bil izveden s precejšnjo izgubo.
-  Izbrala se je nova in neodvisna odvetniška družba, ki bo delala v korist kluba SDS. Odvetnik bo preveril vse pogodbene sporazume in nam sproti poročal o vplivu teh sporazumov.
 - „Krizni odbor“  je že imel nujni urgentni sestanek s predstavnikom  najemnika  g. Steven Labbozzetta (Elizabeth Manor).  Na tem sestanku je g. Steven Labbozzettaja priznal, da je najemna pogodba v njegovo korist in takratni odbor je ne bi smel podpisati. Naš odvetnik nam je že potrdil, da je najemna pogodba pravno zavezujoča. Najemnik je do 2048 dobil najemniške pravice! To je izjemno škodljivo za naš klub, saj ne vključuje povišanja letnih življenskih stroškov (CPI) in ne vključuje nobenih rednih obratovalnih stroškov ( davek za zemljišče, zavarovanje,…).
- trenutno preverjamo ali je prejšnji predsednik oz. odbor pisno ali kako drugače  odobril  še kakršna koli dodatna dela, ki jih je izvedel najemnik.  Nekaj ​​takih del je škodilo slovenskemu značaju našega kluba.
-  Z najemnikom smo že vzpostavili  pogovore glede ponovnega  pogajanja, ter o naših vidikih vezane na trenutno sklenjeno najemno pogodbo, pri čemer bi iztržili nekaj dodatnega denarja za pokrivanje odhodnih stroškov celega objekta. V tem trenutku se sicer zdi, da bo kakršen koli tak sporazum težko dosegljiv, vendar se trudimo po svojih najboljših močeh, seveda za dobro  kluba.
-  Glede na resnično slabo  finančno stanje kluba zmanjšujemo tekoče stroške in sicer kjer koli je to mogoče ( odvoz smeti, nadzor alarma,  preklic varnostne patrulje ter znižanje cen nekaterih drugih storitev),
-  Izvedena je bila delna inventura materiala
-  Ocenjujemo vrednosti premoženja kluba SDS.

Kakšna je prihodnost kluba? 
Prihodnost kluba je trenutno nejasna.

Preverjamo možnosti in mogoče bodo nekatere ideje oz. možnosti za nekatere člane nesprejemljive.  V tem trenutku in v takšni situaciji je treba preučiti vse možnosti. Tukaj je nekaj predlogov:

Ali obstaja upanje za Slovensko društvo Sydney?

Ta klub je treba voditi kot podjetje, treba ga je voditi profesionalno, vendar ohraniti slovensko identiteto in občutek ter zagotoviti vrste dogodkov v skupnosti, ki bi pritegnila našo skupnost in tudi druge.
 Prepričani ste lahko  da „krizni odbor“ vašega kluba dela izjemno trdo za dosego najboljšega rezultata za slovensko skupnost. „Krizni odbor“ se bo v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki za posamezna področja posvetoval o vseh možnostih, ki so nam na voljo, seveda z minimalnimi stroški. Vse obravnavane možnosti bodo predstavljene članom na skupščini. 
V lasti imamo izjemno lokacijo oz. dragocen kos zemljišča ( brez hipoteke) , ki se lahko uporabi za vse vrste poslovnih namenov. Vsekakor je treba dobro premisliti, da iztržimo maksimalno.
Člani „kriznega odbora“ smo zavedni Slovenci in čutimo močno pripadnost slovenski skupnosti. Zavedamo se, da noben posameznik ni lastnik kluba. Odločilne odločitve bodo predstavljene na letnem občnem zboru ali pa na izrednem občnem zboru.

Vsekakor  potrebujemo vašo podporo in sodelovanje.

Zaradi krize Coovid-19 v naslednjih mesecih ne moremo organizirati srečanja članov.
Vaša mnenja nam lahko pošljete preko e pošte kluba. Veseli bomo vaših mnenj in idej.

Lepo pozdravljeni,
Olga Lah                                                                                               Anthony Tomazin
Club Secretary                                                                                             Predsednik 


M:  0417665213

Dear members of the
Slovene Association Sydney,

Letter in English pdf

This letter to you, contains some very important information about the current situation at the club and its future. This information is shared with you in the spirit of frankness and transparency. After all, you are all stakeholders in its future.

The Slovene Association Sydney (Slovensko Društvo Sydney) has had many challenges over a long period of time. It is at a crisis point. Despite hard work and good intentions of previous committees, falling attendance numbers, aging membership, the protracted development of ‘Manor on Elizabeth’ (lessee of the newly constructed building) have all caused a worrying trend and subsequently overwhelming worries.    

Decisions were made 8 years ago, that have now been shown, to not be in the interest of our members and community. For 8 years, the club has struggled with the repercussions of these contractual agreements. No fully independent legal advice appears to have been sought by the committee at the time, which caused tremendous disadvantage to the club.  For example, there was no ‘Sunset Clause’ for construction, meaning there was no income for the club until the tenant was operating!  In addition, due to the poor lease arrangement, the club suffered

This was in addition to other negative decisions by previous committees to

Even when the lease was renegotiated, and despite the offer of free legal advice to the club in 2017, for some unknown reason the advice and assistance that was offered was refused. The resulting lease variation did not include CPI increases and payment of, or contribution to, outgoings which is disastrous for the club.
It was for this reason that the committee, in particular the President and Secretary of SDS, approached Mr. Anthony Tomažin (Current Honorary Consul) and Mr. Alfred Brežnik (The former Honorary Consul General) for advice and assistance on the 15th March. All agreed that this Slovenian Association Sydney, which was in fact the first registered Slovenian Association in Sydney, was in a precarious position and urgent assistance was needed.

Managing this Crisis:

Officers’ positions were declared vacant and these new appointments were made by the committee:             President   -    Mr. Anthony Tomažin
                                                Vice President  -   Mr. Jože Lah
                                                Treasurer   -   Mr. Mark Stariha
                                                Secretary   -   Mrs. Olga Lah
                                                Assistant Secretary -   Mrs. Lynn Pusenjak
                          Mr. Alfred Brežnik has joined the current committee members.

Actions taken to date:

What is the future of the club?

In the spirit of transparency and honesty, it must be stated that the future is dim indeed.
Our options are still being investigated and our members may find some ideas unacceptable. However, all options need to be considered at this time.   Here are some:


Is there hope for the Slovene Association Sydney?  YES, DEFINITELY!
This club must be run as a business, it needs to be run professionally, but retain a Slovenian identity and feel and provide the kinds of community events that would attract our community and others.
Be assured that the committee of your club will work extremely hard and tirelessly to achieve the best outcome for the Slovene community. The 'Crisis Sub-Committee' has taken the approach to use professionals for advice on all options being considered. Any options considered will be presented to the members at an EGM or AGM.  We hold an extremely valuable asset and careful thought must be given to how we best use it.
Members of the committee have a love of all things Slovenian and feel a strong commitment to the Slovenian community. We are aware that no individual 'owns' this club. Decisions made will be for the benefit of its members and the wider Slovenian community.                   We need your support!
We cannot organise a meeting of members during the coming months due to the Coovid-19 crisis. However, if you wish to discuss these issues, please call the club phone number or send us an email.
In sincerity, 


Olga Lah 
Secretary - Slovene Association Sydney,
on behalf of

Mr. Anthony Tomazin,
President -
Slovene Association Sydney and  
the Crisis Sub-committee.                       Club mobile:  0417665213


Press Release
23.March 2020


These are challenging times for all of us. The world is at a crisis point.
The Slovene Association Sydney (Slovensko Društvo Sydney) has had its own challenges over a period of time. It is also at a crisis point. Falling attendance numbers, aging membership, the protracted development of ‘Manor on Elizabeth’ ( lessee of the newly constructed building) have all caused, what appear to be, worrying trends.  

Regardless of the efforts of previous committees under the leadership of      Mr. Štefan Šernek, the path to the future of SDS is very uncertain. Decisions were made 8 years ago, that may not have been in the interest of our members and community. For 8 years, the club has struggled with the repercussions of contractual agreements that may have been ill advised and not in the interest of SDS.

It was for this reason that the committee, in particular the President and Secretary of SDS, approached Mr. Anthony Tomažin (Current Honorary Consul) and Mr. Alfred Brežnik AM (The former Honorary Consul General) for advice and assistance on the 15th March.
All agreed that this Slovenian Association Sydney, which was in fact the first registered Slovenian Association in Sydney, was in a precarious position and urgent assistance was needed.

A meeting of the existing committee of SDS, was called for the following Sunday, 22nd March. At this meeting, 5 new members were appointed to the committee. Mr. Šernek made clear at this meeting that he was finding it difficult to continue in the role of President. He and his wife, Ana, have had to travel long distances to Horsely Park and on a regular basis. He wanted to relinquish his Presidency. Therefore, there was a spill motion for all Officer positions in the committee and new executive appointments made.


The new committee of the Slovene Association Sydney is made up of:


President:  Mr. Anthony Tomažin

Vice President: Mr. Jože Lah
Treasurer: Mr. Mark Stariha
Secretary: Mrs. Olga Lah
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Lynn Pušenjak

These five Officers and the remaining committee members, were joined by Mr. Alfred Brežnik.  All are committed to working towards a positive outcome for all members.
The new committee immediately adopted these new changes:

As of the 22nd March, 2020, The Slovene Association premises will be closed until further notice. The committee’s decision pre-empted the Government’s decision to close all clubs due to the Coronavirus emergency.

A new Accountant for the club will be appointed. A full stocktake will be conducted. An assessment of total assets/ value of property undertaken.

A new Lawyer will be appointed. This lawyer will research and evaluate all contractual agreements and report on the impact to our club. He will advise the committee on future action.

Dear fellow Slovenians…..although our community and membership of clubs is aging…. Although the world and indeed Australia, appears to be challenged by change….
One thing is constant: We are proud Slovenians, who love the Slovenian culture and want to promote its many aspects. Through many decades of hard work, we’ve learnt that cooperation and goodwill are the keys to a brighter future for the whole of our Slovenian community.  Let’s rally together!

SDS 2015
KIP ČRTOMIRA IN BOGOMILE 2015 SDS 2013 SDS 2008 - 2012 SDS arhiv