Slovenski šolski odbor in šolstvo NSW -
Archive Boxes in HASA NSW
/2638 pages 27.2.2018/
Slovenian Schools Committee of N.S.W.
(Šolski Odbor za N.S.W.)
The Slovenian Schools Committee ( Slovenski Šolski Odbor za N.S.W.), was established in 1977. Its role was to seek and focus, the support of all the Slovenian organizations in N.S.W., onto the promotion of Slovenian schooling. This committee was instrumental in having Slovenian accepted as a subject in the Higher School Certificate course in N.S.W. In 1978, Slovenian was accredited as a subject taught in the ‘Saturday School of Community Languages’.Eleven years later, in 1989, the Slovenian Schools Committee was also an important force behind the introduction of Slovenian, as a subject, in the Slavonic Studies program at Macquarie University.
Tomaž Možina was the first President of this committee. Six months later, Majda Mavrič, who was also one of the first teachers at the Saturday School of Community Languages, filled the position. Olga Lah filled the position for 2 years, after which Mariza Ličan co-ordinated the committee’s work as President for many years. Marie Williamson took over in1996. Acknowledgement needs to be given to the numerous members of the Slovenian Schools Committee e.g., p. Valerijan Jenko , Fredi Brežnik, who over many years, strived to meet the set objectives of the committee.
The Slovenian Schools Committee was made up of representatives of all the Slovenian organizations in N.S.W. and had many responsibilities:
Collecting the names of all eligible students and promoting involvement in, and attendance at, the Saturday School of Community Languages School.
Promoting and encouraging the attendance of the younger students at the church and club organized schools, thus ensuring a continuity of tuition.
Finding suitably qualified teachers for the classes.
Fundraising to fund some of the educational resources needed by the teachers.
Mediating between the Department of School Education, tertiary institutions and the Slovenian community.
Assisting with the development of a balanced teaching program.
Organising the Matriculants’ Graduation Balls annually. These were hosted, in turn, by all the Slovenian organizations.
Minutes & Various documents 1977-2004
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Constitution & Various documents 1977-1990
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Financial & Various documents 1978-1990
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