Antology of Slovenian Australian Musicians by Katarina Vrisk
of Slovenian Australian Musicians
by Katarina Vrisk
Slovesna prva predstavitev antologije bo v dvorani
Slovenskega društva Planica Springvale v nedeljo 12 maja 2013,
pri Kew v nedeljo 26 maja, po maši v dvorani.
V dvorani Slovenskega društva Ivan Cankar v Geelongu,
v nedeljo 9 junija 2013, po kosilu.
Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians is a collection of stories about musicians in Australia with Slovenian heritage.
It traces from post WWII migration to now and the people who have contributed, in a musical way, to the local, national and international stages.
The book will be divided into seven categories:
* Soloist - Instrumental
* Soloist - Vocal
* Small Ensemble - Instrumental
* Small Ensemble - Vocal
* Choirs
* Bands
* Notable Musicians and Others
There will also be several 'special feature' articles within.
During the month of April 2013 (1 – 30) Anthology of Slovenian Australian Musicians will be available on
pre-order for $70 and accompanying CD (sold separately) $30.
From May 1st, the book will be priced at $95.
Email for details:
Book launch in May. Details to come.