30 4 1962- 22 9 2007.
I first met Carolina Antauer not long after she arrived in Australia in 1999 with husband Gregor and daughter Patricia. She and Gregor soon became involved in the Slovenian community and Carolina started working at SBS radio as a broadcaster on the Slovenian program. I was also fortunate to meet her very musically talented daughter Patricia. Carolina would often visit when Patricia and I worked on music in my home studio. We quickly built up a friendship and I was immediately impressed with Carolina’s passion and zest for life as well as her sincerity and honesty. I fondly remember the many discussions we had on almost every topic imaginable- from politics, religion, social issues, history and music to name just a few. We could spend literally hours just talking and as a true friend, Carolina offered me a lot of good advice and support. She understood and shared my passion for working on radio and my love of everything Slovenian and was always there to offer assistance and constructive criticism. She assisted me with my very imperfect Slovenian and was always available whenever I needed help with my radio work on 3zzz (and occasionally SBS). Carolina always encouraged me to improve my radio broadcasting as well as improving my spoken Slovenian. For her, ‘near enough was NEVER good enough’ and we fully shared this sentiment. We both felt a need to give it our best shot when working on radio and we weren’t on air for our own glory but to provide information and entertainment to our respective radio listeners. Carolina was always striving to improve and modernize her radio programs by introducing new segments and ideas that would provide valuable information for listeners as well as moving the program with the times!
Carolina and I didn’t always see eye to eye on various topics and we often had vastly different opinions on all kinds of subjects. However, a friendship isn’t a true friendship if friends agree on absolutely everything! The fact that we had differing views and opinions made our friendship even stronger and it was extremely ironic that after hours of debating and often disagreeing, we would come to the same conclusion- wouldn’t the world be a much better place without the greed, insincerity, dishonesty, bickering, fighting and unnecessary bloody wars caused by political, religious and ideological differences and the blatant cruelty of mankind towards their fellow human beings in the name of power, glory, money and supposed religious and political superiority! Both Carolina and me shared a half serious joke that neither of us were ‘red’ nor ‘white’, but rather ‘pink’- somewhere in between the 2 political and religious extremes. We often laughed about this, even though we respected our sometimes opposing views on ‘the meaning of life’.
Carolina suffered a long and painful illness. However, this didn’t stop her in any of her endeavors, from providing her listeners with a quality Slovenian program on SBS radio to getting involved in any kind of Slovenian community event. She so strongly believed that she could beat the odds and be cured of the scourge of illness that was attacking her. She believed in doing only good things for people and always put the wellbeing of others before herself. All this even though she herself was suffering so much pain and discomfort. Carolina stressed the importance of healthy living, respect for the elderly and to make others aware that Slovenia, like Australia has moved with the times and is not the same country it was 50 years ago. She was strongly of the opinion that we as Australian Slovenians should embrace today’s Slovenia as well as respecting our forbearers and what they did for the Slovenian culture and language. Carolina had a huge passion for reading and reciting the writings of all the great Slovenian poets. She loved listening to modern types of music as opposed to more traditional folk music. Some listeners were critical of the music she played during her radio programs. It is very ironic that those who criticized the content of music she played conveniently failed to notice that she still played a lot of ‘narodna zabavna glasba’ during her radio programs!
Carolina’s passion and charisma left a lasting mark on me and everyone who was fortunate enough to know her. She wasn’t scared to say what she thought, nor was she afraid to broadcast things on radio that some people found controversial and even offensive. This was her job as a professional radio journalist and broadcaster on SBS and she certainly did her job in the proper fashion- reporting the facts, no matter how sensitive or contraversial they were. I certainly admired the fact that Carolina wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, even if her views were sometimes different to those around her.
Carolina always stressed the vitality of speaking the Slovenian language correctly. She had an exceptional knowledge of her mother tongue and was constantly emphasized the importance of the Slovenian language NOT being abused or ‘bastardized’ when, spoken, written or broadcast via the radio airwaves. I loved the fact that she was always more than available to correct my less than perfect Slovenian and she always did it in a constructive manner and with a big smile on her face.
I will miss all the great discussions (and arguments) that Carolina and I shared either on the telephone or when I visited her for ‘pizza and coffee’ on Thursdays. I’ll miss Carolina’s assistance and support in all my endeavors to improve my spoken Slovenian, particularly with my work as an amateur radio broadcaster. I’ll miss Carolina’s warm personality and the kindness she displayed not only to me, but to all those around her. I’ll miss her wonderful sense of humor and our daily telephone conversations that always began with the word ‘ojla’ and concluded with Carolina saying ‘ne morem vec govoriti- moj glas je zdaj cisto za nic. Se jutri slisiva!’.
Even though Carolina so wished to be healthy and free from all the pain she was suffering, she bid farewell to this world and passed on into paradise at the South Eastern Private Hospital at 2 15am on Saturday September 22nd 2007 with husband Gregor by her side. It was indeed an honour that I was able to visit her and pay my respects in the final hours before she passed away at the all too young age of 45. In her final hours, Carolina was surrounded by all those who loved her and held her dearly in their hearts.
Her funeral, or more appropriately, memorial service was held at the Tobin Brothers Chappel in Noble Park on September 26th. Carolina always wished that those around her remember the good times and to celebrate her life rather than be sad and mourn her passing. A number of touching eulogies were given during the service from friends, Slovenian community leaders, SBS radio representatives and most notably, the Charge d'Affairs from the Slovenian Embassy in Canberra, Mr Gregor Kozovinc, who spoke not only as Slovenia's official representative but as a dear friend to both Carolina and her husband Gregor.
Carolina was a wonderful wife, mother, daughter, sister, community worker, radio broadcaster and friend. She never expected nor wished for any praise or recognition that might come her way. She was an extremely humble and considerate person whose vibrant personality and passion for life left a lasting impression on all those who came into contact with her. She will be sadly missed by all of us even though it’s comforting to know that Carolina is now in a better place! May she rest in peace! Draga prijateljica Karolina, pocivaj v miru!
Lenti Lenko. Melbourne. October 17th 2007.
Carolina Antauer was loved and respected by all those who came into contact with her. She was an inspiration to everyone, fighting her servere illness to the very end! She never let her sickness and the pains she was suffering get in her way. She was a wanderful broadcaster for the Slovenian program on SBS radio and very well known within the Australian Slovenian Community. Carolina always worried about everyone else before worrying about herself! May she rest in peace with God!
Naj Karolina pociva v miru z Bogom!
Deepest sympathy to Gregor, Patricia, Fabrice, Drago & Justina.
Lenti Lenko
Draga druzina pokojne Karoline Antauer
Najlepsa hvala za sporocilo! Zalostna novica o Karolinini nenadni smrti me je zelo pretresla, saj tudi jaz kar nisem hotela verjeti, da ne bi njena izredna mocna volja in veselje do zivljenja mogla premagati njene hude bolezni. Obcudovala sem jo in se od nje ucila kako je treba vztrajati v pozitivih pogledih in v upanju.
Ceprav Vam je izredno tezko ob njeni prezgodnji smrti, verujte in verjemite, da Karolinina dusa sedaj pociva v Bozjem narocju, kjer ni vec bolecin, ne telesnih, ne dusevnih... Naj ji bo Bog bogat placnik za vse dobro!
Dragi Gregor, Patricija, mama Justina in oce Drago, izrekam vam globoko sozalje!!!
Zal mi je, da se pogreba ne morem udeleziti, toda z vami sem v srcu in v dusi v teh tezkih dneh zemeljske locitve od Vase drage in ljubljene Karoline.
Naj pociva v miru!
Jozica Gerden z druzino
PS: Te cudovite misli mi je poslala Karolina tocno pred enim letom in vam jih posredujem:
Read these beautiful lines:
To realize The value of a sister
Ask someone Who doesn't have one.
To realize The value of ten years:
Ask a newly Divorced couple.
To realize The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize The value of one year:
Ask a student who Has failed a final exam.
To realize The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize The value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to A premature baby.
To realize The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize The value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet.
To realize The value of one minute:
Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize The value of one-second:
Ask a person Who has survived an accident...
To realize The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend: Lose one.
Love and light to all of you
zelo me je presenetila novica, da je Bog k sebi poklical go. Karolino, ki mi je sporočila Tania Smrdel. Sploh nisem vedel, da je ga. Karolina bolna, niti da je tako hudo. Na zadnje mi je pisala pred tremi tedni, ko je sporočila, da je dobila prispevek, ki sem ga poslal. Priznati moram, da nisva imela drugih stikov, kot informacije o prispevkih, ki sem jih poslal. Nekaj več sem o njej izvedel šele, ko sem pred meseci v Moji Slovenji prebral članek o njej. Vsem sodelavcem SBS-a in Karolinimi domačih izrekam iskeno sožalje, obljubljam spominjanje v molitvi, da bi Bog ob tej tragični izgubi podelil tolažbo.
Lep pozdrav, Matjaž Merljak,
Radio Ognjišče
Globoko pretreseni ob izgubi Vaše Karoline Antauer , s katero smo dobro sodelovali in imeli dolgoletne stike , vam v teh žalostnih trenutkih izrekamo iskreno sožalje.
Sodelavci Oddaj za Slovence po svetu
Lili Brunec, Toni Laterner, Ivan Merljak
Dragi Justina, Drago, Patricia, Fabrice in Gregor,
ob zalostni novici, da nas je zapustila Karolina Vam izrekam iskreno sozalje.
S svojo mocno voljo in vztrajnostjo je naredila na vse nas izreden vtis in vedno sem verjel, da bo premagala svojo bolezen. Zal se je njeno poslanstvo tako hitro in nenadno koncalo. Se pred kratkim sem govoril z njo in je se vedno bila polna upanja vendar z realnim razmisljanjem o njenih moznostih.
Zelo mi je zal, da se zaradi odsotnosti ne bom mogel udeleziti poslovilne svecanosti vendar sem v mislih stalno z Vami. Karolinina smrt me je zelo prizadela, saj mi je tudi sama bila v veliko oporo ob slovesu od moje Elice.
Ob teh tezkih trenutkih slovesa Vam zelim, da bi bili mocni in drug drugemu v oporo.
Vinko Rizmal z druzino
Maribor, 21.septembra 2007
Moje iskreno sožalje...
Karolina je bila nekaj posebnega, bila je dobra, prijazna, močna...
A žal ji njena neizmerna moč ni dala premagati hudo bolezen...
Še enkrat, moje iskreno sožalje...
Ivan Slokan, S.p. Slovenija
Dragi Gregor in ostali,
Neverjetna in nepričakovana (vsaj iz naše strani) izguba “naše” Karoline me je zelo prizadela. Še samo pred enim tednom, na proslavi 50-letnice Slovenskega Društva Sydney, sem jo iskal ker mi je nekdo rekel, da bo prišla in sem bil zelo razočaran, da je nisem srečal in spoznal. Še Tanja Smrdelova ni vedela zakaj Karolina ni prišla.
Pred nekaj meseci je šla v bolnico na baje manjšo operacijo v grlu. Ko se je potem vrnila in nadaljevala s slovenskimi oddajami do pred kratkim — čeprav z malo hripavim glasom — sem mislil, da je vse v redu in še sanjalo se mi ni, da se bliža koncu. To pa ste verjetno vsi domači vedeli, saj ti omenjaš, da je imela težki boj z boleznijo. Pa kljub vsemu je vztrajala s svojim delom in ni nikoli pojamrala.
Ta izguba bo sevede najbolj prizadela tebe in otroke pa tudi ostale v družini. Pomagati se ne da, zato te prosim, da ti in vsa družina sprejmete moje najgloblje sožalje ob izgubi tako imenitne in nenadomestljive matere, žene, hčerke in poštene Slovenke.
Naj počiva v miru.
Prisrčne pozdrave,
Toni Gržina
Dragi Gregor z družino, danes sem izvedel žalostno novico, da je umrla Karolina. Iz dna srca ti izrekam globoko sozalje. Vem da je Karolina resena bolecin in trpljenja, toda izguba je velika za vse nas kateri smo jo poznali in bili njeni prijatelji.
Martin Toni
Dragi vsi!
V vsakem koscku srca, kjer je sedaj bolecina naj vam cas priklice nazaj vse srecne in vesele trenutke, ki ste jih preziveli z vaso Karolino.
Ne jokajte, ampak se veselite privilegija, da ste imeli radi nekoga, katerega zivljenje in delo je bilo dragoceno.
Izrekamo vam iskrene sozalje in se zahvaljujemo za Karolinino delo na radiu, ki nam je bilo v velik ponos in pomen.
Vera Brne z druzino.
Gregor in druzina.
Ob vasi tragicni in nenadomestljivi izgubi zene, matere in zivljenske sopotnice, vam , in vasi druzini izrekava iskreno in globoko sozalje.
Peter in Ivica Krope, Sydney
PS. Gregor , vesel sem ,da sem vas imel priloznost spoznati in zalosten , ker mi ni bilo dano , da bi srecal Karolino.
Pogresali jo bomo!
Globoko pretresena sem sprejela novico ,da drage Karoline ni več. Moje misli segajo daleč nazaj na tiste prelepe trenutke ,ki sva jih preživeli skupaj. Kako dobro sva zanali potolažiti druga drugo. Skupaj sva jokali .kadar je bilo hudo, veliko pa sve se smejali in še danes slišim njen smeh, Toliko sva si imeli zapovedat ,kadar koli sva govorili po telefonu in žal mi je ,prekleto žal da je nisem mogla videti jo objeti in ji reči kako spobudno besedo.
Bolečina je močna , ostala mo bo v srcu za vedno kot človek, ki si mu lahko zaupal .Bila je polna topline in ljubezni.
Vsem izrekam iskreno sožalje !
Patricija ,če jemožno mi pošlji kakšno njeno sliko, da bom imela za spomin na tvojo prečudovito mamico, ki je bila tako ponosna nate.
Nevenka, Ljubljana
raztrgala me je žalostna novica. Še vedno mi solze napolnijo oči, v grlu me stisne in srce mi zajoče, kadar pomislim na to ljubo osebo, ki je sedaj rešena vseh trpljenj.
Vsem vam izrekam moje globoko sožalje. Sočustvujem z vami.
Marijan Lauko
Izrekam vam iskreno sožalje ob smrti gospe Karoline v svojem imenu in
imenu sodelavcev oddelka za socialno medicino Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo Murska Sobota.Ne morem verjeti, da je ni med nami. Vsakokrat sem se veselila pogovora z njo. Pogrešala jo bom. V mojem spominu bo ostala, kot sončni žarek, ki je posijal na moje življenje. Hvaležna sem usodi, da sem imela priložnost spoznati gospo Karolino.
S spoštovanjem
Branislava Belović, Murska Sobota
Gospod Gregor Zupan in druzina!
Zalostna vest, da se je tozemsko zivljenje tragicno koncalo za Karolino, je prizadelo tudi nas vse. Karolina je bila sinonim slovenske besede in glasu ob nedeljah in torkih po slovenskih domovih sirom Australije. Vsa skupnost jo bo se dolgo zelo pogresala.
V svojem imenu in imenu druzine Breznik ter slovenskega konzulata v Sydneyu izrekam nase globoko sozalje Vam osebno in pa vsej Vasi druzini.
Naj ji bo lahka avstralska zemlja!
Alfred Breznik
Častni generalni konzul RS,
Patricija in Gregor, izrekamo vama iskreno sozalje ob boleci in prezgodnji izgubi drage Karoline oz. "Gagaline". Ne moremo dojeti!
Edvard, Nevenka, Simona, Gorazd in Borut, Slovenija
Hello Greg,
Our mutual friend Helen let me know of Karolina’s departure.
There is nothing I can say or offer as a comfort to You, Patricia or Karolina’s Parents.
My sorrow is that your partner has ceased her physical time with you.
Karolina has moved on to rest without the battle.
She was a very special woman with courage and determination.
The Lord Buddha taught that it was important to detach.
I had a great deal of problems understanding the teaching of detachment however finally I understood, it was of no reference to the heart and mind, but, only the physical being.
In Buddhist homes there is always a spirit house where there are incense burnt and prayers offered. Karolina may not be sitting at the same table with you when you eat a meal or doing anything however, she will always be a spirit who lives with you.
Please inform Patrica and Karolina’s parents that my thoughts are with you all.
John Henry
My name is Mario Jakin.
Although I have only known Karolina for about 3 years she became a special person in that she has helped me to relearn about my ancestors language culture and tradition.
Last year at the Slovenian Club in St Albans our 25th Anniversary celebrations she was a member of the organizing committee. We all on that committee found what a passion and love she had for the Slovenian culture and its people.It was my pleasure to work with Karolina and see how important it was for her that this event was a fun day and that everything ran as to the programme .I must say that it did.
One of her passions that we shared was developing the Slovenian Culture within our younger generation.It was important to Karolina and Gregor and myself that our younger Slovenian Australians learn and enjoy the lovely culture and traditions of Slovenija.
We all will miss your lovely voice on SBS radio keeping us informed of all the latest from Slovenija.The Slovenian Club St Albans will miss you.We thank you Karolina for all the love and energy and time you have given to us all in keeping the beautiful country of Slovenija in our hearts.
Thank you Karolina and may you rest in peace forever.
My Tribute to Caroline Antauer
by Frank Russo
September 26, 2007
It was this time just over 8 years ago that I proposed to my darling wife Helen, of course she said “Yes” but on one provision that she didn’t have to do the ironing, not that she couldn’t do It but rather spend her time in better pursuits. It was through this that we met both Caroline and Greg and after a short time had built up quite a repour with them. We invited them to dinner one evening and the rest was history. My wife and Caroline became very close friends they went to Day Spa’s, often they would go to so called “Girlie” movies together which was great because Greg and I didn’t get dragged along to them. Over the years we introduced her to our favourite Thai restaurant “A Taste of Siam” and Gold Class cinemas. She introduced us to “Dunav” the deli in Spingvale and my favourite Serbian thing “Cevupi” (little handmade rissoles of chicken and beef).
Caroline was a very strong and independent woman similar to my wife and there is nothing that these two could not do once they put their mind to It. I know that Helen was inspired by Caroline, even though she was unwell she picked herself up and went into work at SBS radio and was very professional and sometimes confrontational, she loved to be different she was a unique individual.
About 18 months ago Helen and I made a pact that we would try and spend a lot of time together as we were unsure of her health and how long we would have together. Our favourite times were just at the family home catching up telling stories and jokes, she had a very infectious laugh, and it was wonderful to see her smile. Sometimes her translation into English was the result of some comic relief, she would offer me a “fuzzy” drink or she could not stop “wanking” instead of winking at my wife.
To Greg and Patricia:
“You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her only that she is gone or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back. Or you can do what she’d want: smile, open your eyes love and go on.”
There Is one thing that we can all learn from today. Life is short, there is no time for bad feelings, anger or as Caroline would say “bullshiti” There is no such thing as being too busy, money does not buy you happiness. What you need Is a loving family, some close friends that you can tell all to and your health, this is what makes you a rich person. I am a very rich person.
Karolini v slovo,
avstralska Slovenija umira sem pred leti izjavil v enem od intervjujev. Žalostno dejstvo, ki je še močnejše, ko se zavemo, da avstralsko slovenskega podmladka ni.
S Karolininim odhodom je umrla tudi slovenska beseda v etru, beseda, ki je preko radijskih valov polnila domove avstralske Slovenije in preko sodobnih povezav ves slovenski svet, beseda, ki jo je zelo težko nadomestiti.
Izguba človeka v medijskem delovanju ni le tragedija za družino, je tragedija za slovensko besedo v tujem svetu, je tragedija za Slovenijo, za slovenstvo.
Povezave, ki jih je ustvarila Karolina v njenih letih delovanja med avstralskimi Slovenci, Slovenci po svetu, Slovenci v Sloveniji so odsev njenega dobrega dela, so odsev medijskega delovanja Karoline, predvsem pa so odsev njenega prijetnega karakterja in priljubljenosti.
Njen prijeten glas ne bo več polnil domov, ne bo več polnil njenega doma, ne bo več zapolnjeval ušes njenega soproga, njunih otrok, ostal pa bo spomin na Karolinino veliko delo za slovensko besedo.
Žalostna usoda življenja.
Izrekam iskreno sožalje možu Gregorju in družini
Florjan Auser
Slovenian Media House