Frank Tomazic completed his first ever Fun Run/Walk, at the age of 80


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Frank Tomazic
completed his first ever Fun
Run/Walk, at the age of 80!!!!

My dad Frank Tomayic, completed the "Run for the Kids" 15km course along with 30,000 other people to raise funds for the Royal Children's hospital.

The race started at  the Alexandra gardens, went through the Domain Tunnel, over the Bolte Bridge, through the Docklands, down past the Casino to finish back at the gardens on St Kilda road.

The distance was a total of 15km. We walked at a very fast pace and I was amazed that Dad even ran some of the race. I will tell you tomorrow the official time that Dad (and I )completed the course.

Dad decided to do the Fun Run after I asked him to join me. I said to him it would be a remarkable achievement at his young age of 80. I did not have to ask him twice before he decided to enter. Dad walks almost every day and keeps very fit. On one of his training walks he decided to walk from Greensborough to Coburg, a total distance of 17km! We are all so proud of him!

Peter Tomazic and family

frank tomazic
Frank Tomazic on the Bolte bridge

frank tomazic
Frank Tomazic in Domain Tunnel

frank tomazic

Frank Tomazic and son Peter Tomazicon the bridge

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