Slomškova šola 1960
- 2004
Veronika Smrdel
Sedmega avgusta 1960
je bil prvi sestanek staršev za ustanovitev slovenske šole v Verskem in
kulturnem središču Kew. Mesec dni kasneje, 4. septembra 1960, se je Slomškova
šola odprla in začelo se je poučevanje slovenskega jezika. Prvi učitelj
je bil Jože Kapušin, otrok pa je prišlo 24.
Šola vsa ta leta deluje neprekinjeno. Rada bi povedala, kako deluje šola
danes. Spominjam se, kako me je pokojni pater Bazilij junija 1992 vprašal,
če bi učila v Slomškovi šoli. Patrove ponudbe nisem odklonila. Sprejela
sem, čeprav težko, saj sem v tistem času študirala za učiteljico.
Imamo nov razred. Ogromno ljudi nam je pomagalo, da je bilo to mogoče
in pomagajo še zdaj. Omeniti moram Alexa Bratino, ki vedno in povsod priskoči
na pomoč, kadar je treba kaj zabiti. Ponosni smo, da imamo tako lep razred.
Z naraščajočim številom učencev sem potrebovala pomoč.
Otroci so razdeljeni v štiri skupine. Večji dve delata vaje iz učbenikov
Učimo se Slovensko 1. in 2. del. Otroci v mlajših skupinah pa uporabljajo
Slovenski slikovni besednjak iz katerega jim pripravljamo vaje. Učijo
se z igranjem, slikanjem, modeliranjem, barvanjem, risanjem, pisanjem,
pesmicami - prek različnih dejavnosti. Vadijo tudi za kulturne programe,
ki jih pripravljamo trikrat na leto - za materinski in očetovski dan in
Miklavževanje. Otroci radi nastopajo na odru in se izredno potrudijo.
Slomskova sola 2006
Pevske vaje v soli 2006
Otroci in starsi Slomskove sole na izletu 2006
dan 2004
Zelo hvaležni smo Slovenski izseljenski matici, Ministrstvu za šolstvo
in šport in Uradu za Slovence po svetu, ki so nam priskočili na pomoč
z denarnim prispevkom iz Slovenije. Težave smo imeli tudi zato, ker smo
imeli samo učbenike, ki so bili pretežki za naše učence. Dobili smo več
kot sto knjig, posterjev in video kaset, tako da smo lahko v razredu ustanovili
knjižnico. Zdaj si otroci lahko sposodijo knjigo in doma s starši berejo
in se učijo slovensko.
Starsi poslušajo branje učencev, pomagajo pri razrednih dejavnostih, pri
p. Ciril in učitelji leta 2001
Veseli smo, da smo se organizirali kot etnična osnovna šola in so nas
uradno priznali kot After hours Ethnic Primary School. Zelo smo
veseli, da smo lahko ustvarili tako čudovito ustanovo za slovenske otroke
prihodnjih generacij.
Za 40-letnico Slomškove šole smo se spominili patra Bazilija in njegove
skrbi za ustanovitev Slomškove šole in seveda patra Metoda, ki nas je
vzpodbujal pri našem delu. Njegova nenehna podpora nas je pripeljala do
tega, da imamo nov razred. Hvala tudi p. Cirilu.
Slovenian Slomšek
School in Kew
On the seventh of
August 1960 the first meeting for the parents for the establishment of
Slovenian School at the Religious and Cultural Center in Kew took place.
One month later on the 4th September 1960, the school opened and started
the first lesson. The first teacher was Joze Kapusin and there were 24
children. From then on the school has been running without a break. This
year it celebrated its 40th anniversary, a big achievement indeed. I would
like to tell you, how the school is run today. I remember when the late
Pater Bazilij in June 1992 asked me if I would teach at the Slovenian
School. Although I was busy with my studies, in teaching, at the time
I accepted the challenge.
At the beginning of last year we settled into our new classroom. Many
people helped us with the preparations and they help to this day. I must
mention Alex Bratina, who was always willing to help, particularly if
anything needed nailed or screwed. We are very proud of our new classroom.
I had many students of various ages and I needed help. I was happy to
welcome Lidia Lapuh as a new teacher.
This year we have 25 children enrolled who are third generation Slovenians
and their ages are from 4 to 14 years. They are divided into four groups.
The two oldest groups learn with the book 'Učimo se Slovensko' (Let's
Learn Slovenian) Book 1 and 2. The two youngest groups use the first picture
dictionary book and we prepare lessons from that. They learn from play,
pictures, models, painting, drawing, writing and songs. Last year for
Easter they learned to make 'butarice' (traditional leaf arrangements
for Palm Sunday). They also colored eggs for Easter the traditional way.
The children also practice for cultural programs, which we prepare three
times a year - for Mothers day, Fathers day and St Nicholas. The children
enjoy performing on stage and they always try their best. Every week one
family is rostered to supply a snack for the children to share and the
food is always very good. The children are also rostered, in groups to
help prepare, serve and clean up after the snack and to clean the classroom.
We are grateful to Slovenska izseljenska matica and Ministry for Culture
and sport, who helped us with funding and with suitable books for our
students. We had problems with the books that we had in that most of them
been too difficult for our students. We received more than one hundred
books, posters and video cassettes, so that we were able to stock up our
class library. Now it is possible for our students to borrow a book and
read it at home with their parents and learn Slovenian. Last year we also
established a parents committee. They help with the setting up of the
hall and catering for the cultural program's and fundraising. They also
help in the classroom such as listening to children read. They also organize
social events such as dinners and picnics to help bond the school community.
We are happy that we have been recognized officially as an After Hours
Ethnic Primary School. We are happy that this has been established for
the future generation Slovenian Children. On the 40th year of Slovenian
School we remember Father Basil and his work into establishing the Slovenian
School and of course Father Metod who always supported us in our work,
as well as Father Ciril. Their undying support is what brought us to what
we have today.
Poročilo Slomškove
Pri poučevanju slovenskega
jezika smo trenutno tri učiteljice, Veronika Smrdel, Lidija Bratina in
Iris Dietner, vse tukaj rojene. Z Lidijo Lapuh sva se udeležili seminarja
učiteljev slovenskega jezika v Sloveniji, katerega je organiziralo Ministrstvo
zunanje zadeve. Pouk slovenskega jezika je navadno vsako drugo nedeljo
v mesecu po dve uri. Učne ure v letu so razdeljene na učenje jezika in
priprave za programe. Ob kultumih programih otroci uporabijo tudi, kar
so se naučili.
Otroci se učijo pesmi, recitacije, igric ali skic, plešejo in so stari
od tri do14 let. Ni mogoče pripraviti osebnega programa za vsakega otroka.
Otroci so razdeljeni v tri skupine, odvisno od znanja slovenskega jezika.
Zaradi različne starosti otrok rabimo različne metode učenja. Za najmlajšo
skupino uporabimo igrice, pesmi, risanje, slike in zgodbice, da se učijo
lažje slovenske besede. Druga skupina uporablja priročnik Učimo se
slovensko, prvi del. Tretja skupina uporablja priročnik Učimo se
slovensko - drug del in tretji del avtoric Drage Gelt, Magde Pišotek
in Marije Penca. Priročnik nam pomaga pri učenju enostavih slovničnih
pravil, uporabljajo pa tudi teme iz teh knjig, izpopolnimo ideje še za
več metod, kot na primer: učili smo se delati butarice in barvali pirhe
za veliko noč, kuhali smo in podobno.
Trudimo se, da otroke
učimo slovenski jezik, zato je nujno, da smo povezane s Slovenijo, in
smo tudi na tekočem kaj uporabimo, da je najbolj koristno pri učenju jezika
in o slovenski kulturi.
Skupina staršev otrok Slomškove šole
Otvoritev novega razreda
On the seventh of August 1960 the first meeting for the parents for the
establishment of Slovenian School at the Religious and Cultural Center
in Kew took place. One month later on the 4th September 1960, the school
opened and started the first lesson. The first teacher was Joze Kapusin
and there were 24 children. From then on the school has been running without
a break. I would like to tell you, how the school is run today. I remember
when the late Pater Bazil in June 1992 asked me if I would teach at the
Slovenian School. Although I was busy with my studies, in teaching, at
the time I accepted the challenge.
At the beginning of last year we settled into our new classroom. Many
people helped us with the preparations and they help to this day. I must
mention Alex Bratina, who was always willing to help, particularly if
anything needed nailed or screwed. We are very proud of our new classroom.
I had many students of various ages and I needed help. They are divided
into four groups. The two oldest groups learn with the book 'Učimo se
Slovensko' (Let's Learn Slovenian) Book 1 and 2.
The two youngest groups use the first picture dictionary book and we
prepare lessons from that. They learn from play, pictures, models, painting,
drawing, writing and songs. Last year for Easter they learned to make
'butarice' (traditional leaf arrangements for Palm Sunday). They also
colored eggs for Easter the traditional way. The children also practice
for cultural programs, which we prepare three times a year - for Mothers
day, Fathers day and St Nicholas. The children enjoy performing on stage
and they always try their best. We are grateful to Slovenska izseljenska
matica and Ministry for Culture and sport, who helped us with funding
and with suitable books for our students. We had problems with the books
that we had in that most of them been too difficult for our students.
We received more than one hundred books, posters and video cassettes,
so that we were able to stock up our class library. Now it is possible
for our students to borrow a book and read it at home with their parents
and learn Slovenian. Last year we also established a parents committee.
They help with the setting up of the hall and catering for the cultural
program's and fundraising. They also help in the classroom such as listening
to children read. They also organize social events such as dinners and
picnics to help bond the school community. We are happy that we have been
recognized officially as an After Hours Ethnic Primary School. We are
happy that this has been established for the future generation Slovenian
Children. On the 40th year of Slovenian School we remember Father Basil
and his work into establishing the Slovenian School and of course Father
Metod who always supported us in our work, as well as Father Ciril. Their
undying support is what brought us to what we have today.
Text by Veronika Smrdel
ole v Viktoriji, Avstralija - Slovenian Schools in Victoria, Australia