Podeljene nagrade za leto 2007
Nagrade so bile podeljene v Klubu Triglav Panthers |
The winner of the NSW
Štefan in Ana Šernek, oba doma iz Slovenskega Prekmurja, sta zelo poznana in spoštovana slovenska rojaka v Sydneyu, saj sta se hitro po njunem prihodu v Avstralijo vključila v slovensko skupnost. Obiskovala sta slovenske maše in sodelovala pri drugih kulturnih in zabavnih aktivnostih v Paddingtonu, že leta 1966. pa sta postala člana Slovenskega društva Sydney. Višek njunega požrtvovalnega dela za slovensko skupnost je bila gradnja današnjega slovenskega kluba v Wetherill Parku, saj sta kot vodilna člana skrbela za gradnjo, za nakup materiala, nadzorovala delo, da so delavci dobili jesti, skratka, opravila sta gigantno delo. Vedno sta delala skupaj, zato je tudi pravilno, da danes oba prejmeta enako priznanje.
Stefan, one of 13 children, became a cabinet maker just like his father and brothers. He loved sport, singing and dancing. He met his future wife Ana while still at school. They came to Australia in 1957. From Greta hostel they went to Sydney, where in 1968 they established a private firm “Sernek Kitchen and Cabinet Makers”.
Coming to Sydney, they soon became involved with the Slovenian community. Stefan loves to play accordion, singing and dancing. He was part of the 1st Slovenian Orchestra and played at many community and private functions, and also at the Slovenian Youth concerts.
Stefan and Ana became members of the Slovene Association Sydney 1966. Stefan was first a committee member and then a president from 1984 to 1994. He was also a president of the Hunter’s Group for 15 years.
During his presidency, he led and supervised the building of the current premises at Wetherill Park, which was opened in 1989. A lot of woodwork at the Club is Stefan’s work. At the same time he was encouraging the cultural and social community life. He organised and sang in a number of choirs and is now leading the Trio SDS singers. He is also responsible for current cultural and social activities at SDS.
From 1982 Ana has helped with the preparations of the hall of SDS, cleaning, looking after the floral arrangements and doing the laundry for SDS. During the building of the current premises, she would help to organise the food and drinks for the workers. No matter what the weather, she was there till the roof went up.
Later she spent much time and energy in all areas of the club: greeting guests, work in the bar, cleaning, kitchen work and much more. In November of 2007, both Ana and Stefan, were voted in as committee members again. This time we find Stefan once again in charge of social and cultural events and Ana helping wherever help is needed.
On behalf of the Slovenian community in Sydney, thank you, Stefan and Ana. We congratulate you and wish you many more years at work you do so well!
Ana in Stefan Sernek in častni generalni konzul Alfred Brežnik |