Chelsea was born 5th January 1997 and is the eldest child of Vince Ovijach and Janet Miller.
Chelsea is proud of her Slovenian Heritage and has performed at 2 Slovenian Youth Concerts in Merrylands and Canberra. She is learning to speak Slovenian in preparation for her trip to Slovenia in September this year where she will meet her extended family for the first time.
Academically Chelsea is an outstanding student with impressive results particularly in the areas of reading, writing and public speaking. She is gifted in the area of Performing and Creative Arts. At school she is the captain of the Drama Master Class.
Outside of school her achievements seem even more impressive. She has been dancing at Planet Dance Studio since she was 5 and consistently receives Distinctions and Honours for Ballet and Tap exams. A collection of over 60 trophies shows dedication towards success.
Chelsea has also performed professionally including an appearance in an amateur production of the musical ‘Les Miserables’ as Little Cosette and also on TV.
She has been awarded a scholarship for her dancing from Planet Dance Studio and most recently won 1st place in both her age group as well as against all other age groups to be the Champion of Champions for the Day.
Chelsea Ovijac je otrok tretje generacije znane Ovijačeve družine iz Sydneya. V njenem dosedanjem zelo mladem življenju dosega odlične uspehe v redni šoli, istočasno pa dosega mnogo zavidnih uspehov tudi v izven šolskih dejavnostih, predvsem v plesu in javnih nastopih. Ni čuda, da je že gostovala v televizijskem programu “Chaser’s War on Everything” in Kerry Anne programu,večkrat pa tudi na slovenskih mladinskih koncertih. Njeni uspehi so res vsestranski .
Čestitamo in ji želimo mnogo uspehov na njeni nadaljni življenski poti.
Mihelca Šušteršič iz HASA NSW in Chelsea Ovijach
CHELSEA IN PINK with her family