EMILIJAN KUKOVEC je bil rojen v Slovenskih Goricah. Domovino je zapustil leta 1954 in je po bivanju v Avstriji, Nemčiji in Holandiji leta 1961 prišel v Avstralijo. S slovensko skupnostjo je dobil kontakt pri slovenskih mašah v Villawoodu, okrog leta 1963-64. Ko se je gradila cerkev v Merrylandsu, je pomagal pri barvanju zunanjosti cerkve in kasneje cerkvenih klopi.
Sodeloval pri Slovenskem društvu Sydney, kjer je veliko pomagal pri barvanju in organiziranju prvega piknika. Napravil je tudi prvi napis Slovenskega Društva Sydney.
Ob ustanovitvi kluba Triglav je postal eden od ustanovnih članov novega kluba in eden od prvih 50, ki so prispevali denar za depozit za nakup zemljišča. Od vsega začetka je bil odbornik novega kluba in v prvih letih tudi eden od najuspešnejših managerjev kluba Triglav.
Emiljan has been Triglav's club's president many times from its earliest days. With his late wife Kristina he took part in most facets of work including cooking, cleaning, serving and any other necessary activity at the club. Very proudly he also designed the clubs emblem »TRIGLAV«, which is still a part of the club's name today. As the president, he also brought from Slovenia a stone from the mountain 'Triglav' to be incorporated in the Cankar Monument at the front of the club,
Besides his work in the the club's administration, he also took part in other club activities:
Emilijan and his late wife Kristina were for many years the leading couple in the first folkloric dancing group of theTriglav Club, performing on many occasions at the club, local community functions, and at the Slovenian »Farmer's Wedding » in Wollongong.
A member of the Triglav Male Choir performing, many times over the years, at occasions including the Sydney Opera House and on the Concert tour of Slovenia and Austria.
The President of the Hunters and Shooters section of the club.
Many times he was the President of the Bocce sports section, representing the club in the NSW Bocce Federation, and also an active bocce player, competing many times in the Bocce Federation games.
In recent years, he had to stop his activities temporarily due to failing health, but we are happy to say this has improved, so Emilijan is again taking an active part in our club's sport's life with his wife Jessica .For his life work and his contribution to our slovenian community, he was also awarded a well deserved honorary life membership at the Triglav Panthers St Johns Park Club.
Thank you, Emilijan, and congratulations, specially from all your mates at the Triglav Panthers
Branko Fabjancic, Member of theAdvisory Board of Directors Triglav Panthers Club in Emilijan Kukovec
Andrew Gardner , General Manager of Triglav Panthers St Johns Park Club, Emil Kukovec, Peter Krope, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Triglav Panthers Club and Huy Vu, Operations Manager of Triglav Panthers Club.