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Stičišče avstralskih Slovencev je redno arhivirano v Pandora arhivu v Canberri
Podeljene nagrade za leto 2007
Nagrade so bile podeljene v Klubu Triglav Panthers


Emil GrosmanEmil Grosman, rojen v Ažencih blizu Gornje Radgone, se je kmalu po prihodu v Avstralijo 1957. leta poročil z zaročenko Marijo. Dom in družino sta si ustvarila v Cardiffu v Newcastlu, kjer še danes živita. Vsa leta aktivno sodeluje v slovenski skupnosti v Newcastlu in rad pomaga vsakemu in povsod, kjer je pomoč potrebna.
Soon after 1958, when the current Austral Slovenian Society “Tivoli”, Newcastle, was founded, both Emil and his wife Maria became members and joined in the activities. Emil always preferred to work in the background and never wanted to become a committee member. Yet his contribution to the Slovenian community is immense. He would do any job that was needed to be done for a successful function to eventuate. He would help to prepare the halls and then tidy up. For years he was ensuring the barbecues, the gas and everything else was in order for great picnics. He would suggest a bus trip, hire a bus, drive to the chosen destination, and on the return journey drop off most people at their homes, especially the older ones. When the Drama Group from Merrylands visited Newcastle, he would do two return trips using his own truck to transport stage requisites. Generally, the fuel cost was his contribution to assist the Drama group with expenses. During the Olympics, he physically helped with the Building Blocks exhibitions, and for this event alone had made 16 return trips to Sydney. With his wife Maria, they often take our aging community members to different functions, even to Sydney.  Lately Emil has also assisted with small jobs at HASA.
Emil is a person who would help anyone and has always been extremely supportive of his wife in all her committee functions and roles. He is a quiet achiever who deserves recognition from the Slovenian community. Congratulations Emil.

Grosman, Kozovinc
Emil Grosman in Gregor Kozovinc, odpravnik poslov z veleposlaništva RS v Canberri.

80 - 84 Brisbane Road
St Johns Park NSW 2176
phone: (02) 9426 1000
fax: (02) 9823 2522
Trading hours
Sun - Mon: 10.00am - 10.30pm
Tue - Thu: 10.00am - 12.00am
Fri - Sat: 10.00am - 1.00am
Club Panthers St Johns ParkEmail naslov kluba Nagrajenci leta 2008
so bili:
Chelsea Ovijach, NSW Slovenska Učenka leta osnovne šole Stephen Rozanc, NSW Slovenski Študent leta (univerze ali dodatne izobrazbe) Ana and  Stefan Sernek NSW Slovenska Starejša Slovenca leta-SDS Ema Mailow NSW Slovenska Prostovoljna delavka leta za WOLLONGONG Dora Hrvatin NSW Slovenska Prostovoljna delavka leta za Triglav Panthers Elisabeta Kociper- NSW Slovenska Prostovoljna delavka leta za St. Raphael's Mission  Merrylands Grosman NSW Slovenski Prostovoljni delavec leta za Newcastle Marija Nemeš- Nsw Slovenska Prostovoljna delavka leta za Slovensko Društvo Sydney Cilka Zagar -NSW  Priznanje za Slovensko Australsko  literarno in kulturno delo, Lightning Ridge Emilijan Kukovec- NSW Priznanje za življenjsko delo v Slovenski skupnosti Sydney
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