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Slovenian Of The Year Awards


Tekst Marija Grosman, fotografije Igor Poch

LOREN DRUŽINEC je bil rojen 2. Nov 1993 kot drugi sin Erike in Draga Družinca.
Obiskuje 8. razred v Gilroy College v Baulkham Hills. V šoli je priden, saj spada med prvih 10% najboljših študentov v njegovem razredu. Že leta 2001 je v šoli pokazal velik naravni talent za gimnastiko in od tedaj se je začel še posebno posvečati telovadbi, kjer kmalu začel dosegati izredne uspehe in povabili so ga, da je začel trenirati za višjo kategorijo.

Hitro je napredoval in dosegel veliko odličnih rezultatov v različnih kategorijah gimnastike. V preteklem letu je treniral na Stopnji 6 in Maja letos je dosegel prvo mesto v NSW Championship v Homebush, v Sydneyu.Od tedaj je začel trenirati na stopnji 7 in upa, da se bo naslednje leto kvalificiral v Avstralsko državno moštvo.
Njegov cilj je, da zastopa Australijo na olimpijskih igrah leta 2016 in v ta namen trenira po 21 ur na teden, poleg rednega šolskega dela.
Za boljšo koordincijo je letos začel trenirati tudi karate.

Loren je pravi športnik, pogumen in vztrajen fant, ki svojo športno kariero uravnoveša tudi z dobrimi akademskimi rezultati in resnično zasluži podeljeno priznanje. Čestitamo, Loren in z zanimanjem bomo spremljali tvojo športno pot .

Slika: Mladi champion Loren Druzinec, z njim mlajsi brat Jordy, stara mama Maria Gomboc, Veliki brat Jessie in mama Erika Druzinec


Loren was born in Australia on 2nd of Nov 1993 to Drago and Erika Druzinec. He is currently in Year 8 at Gilroy College in Baulkham Hills, where he is currently attaining results in the top 10% of his classes. He began his gymnastics career in Oct 2001 just as he was turning 8, where it was quickly evident that he possessed a natural talent for gymnastics. He was invited to begin serious gymnastics training at the start of 2002 at level 3. Over the next few years he progressed to the point were he attained an overall 1st place in level 6 at the State Championships at Homebush in May this year.

Since that competition Loren has begun training at level 7 where he will be able to qualify for the Australian National team. His aim is to represent Australia at the 2016 Olympics and he trains 21 hrs each week, his favourite apparatus is the Rings.

To top everything off he has also recently taken up Karate for which he trains up to two hours each Tuesday. Well done Loren and keep up the good work.

Priznanja so prejeli:
ALFRED BREZNIK, Australian -Slovenian Achievement Award KATELIN KOPRIVEC, Primary student of the year( Wollongong) LOREN DRUZINEC, secondary student of the year ( Sydney) VINKO OVIJAC, The Life Achievement Award MARIJA OVIJAC ,Senior citizen of the year STANE TOMSIC, Volunteer of the Year, Highly Commended SDS BARICA BRODNIK, Volunteer of the Year Wollongong ROBERT GROZNIK Entrepreneur of The Year, ALBINA MAVRIC, Volunteer Of The Year Newcastle SASA LAJOVIC, Senior Citizen of the Year PETER KROPE, Volunteer Of The Year, Sydney MARTA TOMSIC, Volunteer Of The Year, Highly Commended , SDS

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