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Slovenian Of The Year Awards
Primary Student of the
Year 2006

Tekst Maria Grosman in Perina Keen fotografije Igor Poch

Katelin KOPRIVEC je bila rojena 3. Februarja 1997 Robertu in Suzie Koprivec iz Wollongonga. Obiskuje osnovno šolo Svete Terezije, West Wollongong in je med prvimi petimi najboljšimi učenci 5. razreda.

Rada poje, pleše, plava in čita. S plesom se je začela ukvarjati, ko je bila stara samo 4 leta .V zadnjih šestih letih je pogosto nastopala in žela velike uspehe na raznih prireditvah v Wollongongu in Sydneyu. Čeprav stara samo deset let. je letos je že dvakrat dosegla prvo nagrado v plesu v kategoriji izpod dvanajst let.

Katelin je začela plavati, ko je imela šest mesecev in tudi v plavanju je dosegla lepe uspehe; vendar njena največja ljubezen pa je petje .V zadnjih treh letih je dosegla prvo mesto v številnih pevskih tekmovanjih, nastopih in festivalih v Wollongongu in Illavarra regiji. Lansko leto je nastopala tudi za Starlight Foundation v Wollongong Entertainment Centre za prizadete otroke in njihove družine kakor tudi v “Carols By Candlelight” v Wollongongu in pri proslavi Dneva Australije. Prepričani smo, da ima Katelin pred seboj zelo lepo in svetlo bodočnost in ji za njeno priznanje iskreno čestitamo.


Katelin was born 3rd February 1997 to Robert and Suzie Koprivec. She is currently a year 5 student at St Therese West Wollongong Primary School where she is a conscientious student amongst the top 5 in her year. Her interests include Singing, Dancing, Swimming and Reading.

She has been dancing since she was 4 yrs old and so has been performing and competing for about 6 years including Shopping mall performances and in the Wollongong, Sydney and Illawarra Eisteddfods.

She has also been successful in swimming and has been in the water since she was six months old. Singing though seems to be her passion and in the last three years she has achieved many 1st places in various Eisteddfods and festivals. Most recently she has come 1st twice, both in the Under 12’s Championships and Scholarship at the Illawarra regional Eisteddfod 2007 even though she is still only 10.

Last year she performed for the Starlight Foundation at the Wollongong Entertainment Centre in a performance bringing pleasure to handicapped children and their families. She also has performed at Carols by Candlelight at Wollongong and the Australia Day Celebrations. There seems to be lots in the pipeline for you, Katelin, keep up the good work and Congratulations.

Priznanja so prejeli:
ALFRED BREZNIK, Australian -Slovenian Achievement Award KATELIN KOPRIVEC, Primary student of the year( Wollongong) LOREN DRUZINEC, secondary student of the year ( Sydney) VINKO OVIJAC, The Life Achievement Award MARIJA OVIJAC ,Senior citizen of the year STANE TOMSIC, Volunteer of the Year, Highly Commended SDS BARICA BRODNIK, Volunteer of the Year Wollongong ROBERT GROZNIK Entrepreneur of The Year, ALBINA MAVRIC, Volunteer Of The Year Newcastle SASA LAJOVIC, Senior Citizen of the Year PETER KROPE, Volunteer Of The Year, Sydney MARTA TOMSIC, Volunteer Of The Year, Highly Commended , SDS

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