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Slovenian Of The Year Awards


PETER KROPE – je prispel v Avstralijo z družino leta 1971. Zaposlil se je kot orodjar v tovarni Utilux, kjer se je povzpel na mesto nadzornika.

V delo s slovenskimi organizacijami se je vkljucil takoj po prihodu in postal odbornik novo ustanovljenega društva Triglav. V 35 letih delovanja pri Triglavu je bil skoraj vsa leta odbornik kluba, pogosto predsednik, vmes pa kot referent za prireditve in stike z javnostjo organiziral družabna srečanja, plese, kulturne prireditve in gostovanja skupin iz domovine. Bil je član prve folklorne skupine kluba Triglav, ter aktiven sodelovalec Triglavske šole in član medklubskega Šolskega odbora za NSW. Sodeloval je pri slovenskem radiju kot napovedovalec in občasno tudi kot urednik. Vedno se je trudil ustvariti primerne pogoje za sodelovanje in morebitno združitev vseh slovenskih organizacij v Sydneyu.

Ko je klub Triglav zašel v finančne težave, je bil Peter instrumentalen pri iskanju najboljše rešitve: finančno sigurnost kluba, spoštovanje slovenske dediščine in direktno podporo slovenskih kulturnih in športnih dejavnosti vse dokler bo kaj aktivnih slovenskih članov. Združitev z največjemim športnim klubom Panthers Group Penrith zagotavlja večinski odbor, ki mu je Peter že 5 let predsednik.

Petrovo pridno delo in pozitivni odnos do delovne skupnosti je pridobil spoštovanje in sloves, ki se v krogu avstralskega velikana Panther zelo pozitivno odseva na vse, kar je slovenskega.

Petru se zahvljujemo za njegovo dolgoletno delo in mu čestitamo za njegove uspehe, ki jih žanje na polju slovenske skupnosti.
Hvala, Peter, in pogumno naprej.


PETER KROPE, born in Slovenija, came to Australia in 1972. He became involved in the Sydney Slovenian community and soon became a committee member of the newly established Triglav Club. In his 35 years association with the Triglav, he has been on the committee most of those years, many times elected as the president or as the Co-ordinator for the Public Relations and Organizations for social, cultural and other events of the Club.

He was involved in the Triglav Slovenian School and was also a member of the Slovenian Inter-club School Council for NSW. Almost from the beginning, he was involved with the Slovenian ethnic radio either as the announcer or as the coordinator. With others, he was always trying to find a sensible way to unite all Slovenian organizations in Sydney.

Peter played his biggest role in the life of the Slovenians in Sydney, when Triglav Club found itself in a critical financial position. He was instrumental in finding the best long-term solutions to care for the needs of the Slovenian community. Club Triglav was united with the giant Panthers Group Penrith. This move guaranteed financial backing of the club, respect for the slovenian heritage and traditions, and financial support for specific slovenian activities for years to come.

Peter, as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee Panthers Triglav, St. Johns Park, has, with his co-workers by working hard, and by having a very positive attitude towards working with the community, attained a lot of respect from the giant Panthers Group, respect that shines today through on everything that is Slovenian.

Congratulations, Peter, and keep on keeping on. We thank you for it.

Za svoje dolgoletno delo je Peter Krope prejel tudi priznanje iz Republike Slovenije
Priznanja so prejeli:
ALFRED BREZNIK, Australian -Slovenian Achievement Award KATELIN KOPRIVEC, Primary student of the year( Wollongong) LOREN DRUZINEC, secondary student of the year ( Sydney) VINKO OVIJAC, The Life Achievement Award MARIJA OVIJAC ,Senior citizen of the year STANE TOMSIC, Volunteer of the Year, Highly Commended SDS BARICA BRODNIK, Volunteer of the Year Wollongong ROBERT GROZNIK Entrepreneur of The Year, ALBINA MAVRIC, Volunteer Of The Year Newcastle SASA LAJOVIC, Senior Citizen of the Year PETER KROPE, Volunteer Of The Year, Sydney MARTA TOMSIC, Volunteer Of The Year, Highly Commended , SDS

Klub Panthers Triglav novice