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313 Merrylands Road Merrylands NSW 2160
Ph 02 9637 7147 Fax 02 9682 7692

Misijon je del pastoralne, misijonske, kulturne in socialne dejavnosti
slovenskih frančiškanov
Slomškova šola Sydney
How many times have we overheard this conversation?

Simon (aged 6) asks his parents:
"Why can't I go to Slovenska šola? To which mum and dad often reply: "Because it is too far away." or "No it is too hot to drive you." or "We do not have the time." Well we may have a solution for you."Slovenian language for the little ones" aims to provide parents and children an opportunity to learn and improve on their Slovenian language 
skills. It can also provide an opportunity for parents and children to interact in a structured way to develop Slovenian language skills in their 
children. Hopefully it will also be fun.Furthermore "Slovenščina za majhne" will provide information on activities, learning and cultural events that the children at Slomškova sola in Merrylands, in Sydney, are involved in. It will, in short, provide 
a window into the happenings of the children and teachers at the school to the world.Each month we will update you with what's happening at the school. The children will also have an opportunity to place their work on the Internet and to interact with other Slovenian childrenwho do not attend the school because of distance.For the short term we aim to provide a free service to introduce the 
Slovenian languagefor small children on the Internet and into the home. This will help to alleviate the problems of attending Slovenian school on a regular basis. However the activities will always complement what is currently being taught at Slomškova šola at Merrylands, Sydney.

Schools for the Slovenian language have been present here in Sydney since Slovenians began to settle in Australia shortly after World War II. During 1949 Slovenians began to arrive in Australia in large numbers. In all probability children began to be taught Slovenian in schools shortly after this time by Mr Joze Čujes and other assistants. In 1955 father Bernard Ambrožič OFM arrived in Sydney and was involved with the teaching of many small children in Blacktown, Paddington and elsewhere. Other well known 
teachers of the time included Antonija Vodopivec, Toni Omerzel who taught at St Josephine's in Leichhardt on Saturdays.In 1972 two Catholic sisters arrived in Sydney, sister Ksaverija Jerebič 
and sister Mirjam Horvat. Sister Mirjam immediately began Slovenian language classes for the school-aged children at St Rafael's in Merrylands. On Saturdays she would pick up the children by car, and after lessons also take them back home. She organised and prepared the children for Mother's Day and Father's Day programs, and also for other special events. For some time after sister Mirjam left, Erika Žižek instructed the children.
In 1988 sister Francka Žižek arrived in Sydney and taught at Slomškova šola for eight years until her return to Slovenia with sister Hilarija. 
>From that time onwards Slovenian has been taught here at our Slomškova šola, who we now honour as the blessed Anton Martin Slomšek, by Kristina Šuber and several other assistants. Weinvite parents to enrol their children at our school in order to learn our Slovenian language. Classes are held during the first three Saturdays 
of each month, apart from the school holidays, beginning at 1.00pm.

The cost of attending for the whole year is $25.00 per child. This fee covers paper, folder, excercise book, photocopying, use of books, art and 
craft materials, music folder and end of year Fun Day.Slovenian School at St Rafael's at Merrylands is usually held on the first 
three Saturdays of each school month.
>From 1.00 to 2.30pm we have Slovenian language lessons, a short break, and 
then from 2.30 to 3.00pm we have singing with music. Even if the children 
are unable to attend the language lessons everyone is still welcome to 
join us for singing at 2.30 at...

St. Rafael's Slovenian Church,
Cnr Merrylands Rd and Warwick Rd,
Merrylands  Telephone: 9637 7147


There will be a Family Mass held at St Rafael's every last Sunday of the 
month at 9.30am. All very welcome.

We would like to now introduce to you the children of Slomškova sola, 
Merrylands. UPDATES We will include any new information regarding the website in this section.

Here we will include contributions from the children of Slomskova sola and email messages from you! Eventually we would also like to help Slovenian children from all over Australia link up and establish contact.

Do the adults have any comments or suggestions? We would be happy to publish them! Give us your thoughts and ideas about what we are doing. We hope that they will be positive as our primary aim will always be to promote being Slovenian in Australia so that we and our children never 
lose the riches of our heritage which we have been so lovingly and patiently handed down to us by our parents and others.

The cost of attending for the whole year is $25.00 per child. This fee covers paper, folder, excercise book, photocopying, use of books, art and 
craft materials, music folder and end of year Fun Day.Slovenian School at St Rafael's at Merrylands is usually held on the first three Saturdays of each school month.
>From 1.00 to 2.30pm we have Slovenian language lessons, a short break, and then from 2.30 to 3.00pm we have singing with music. Even if the children are unable to attend the language lessons everyone is still welcome to  join us for singing at 2.30 at..
Email pater Darko ŽnidaršičEmail pater Valerijan Jenko


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Misli Melbourne Pater Ciril Božič OFM Melbourne Pater Janez Tretjak OFM Adelaide Pater Darko Žnidaršič OFM SydneyPater Valerijan Jenko OFM OAM Sydney
Povezave Merrylands
Zgodovina verskega središča MerrylandsPater Valerijan praznoval 80 let Slomškova šola
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