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Koncert Denis Novato in prijatelji



Publiko je ogrel najprej Stefan Sernek ,dokler ni nastopil velemojster Danis

Pridruzil se je tudi Martin Konda

In ljudje so pozabili na revmatizem

Imeli smo tudi bobnarja , Nicole Samsa pa je pozabila prinesti svojo flavto

K uspehu koncerta sta prispevali tudi Danica in Majda

Vsi bi se radi slikali z njimi, Martha in Katja

Predsednik Klubov Mounties John Dean in predsednik Kluba Triglav Mounties sta bila zelo zadovoljna s konceretom





Ob  proslavi  50- letnice  kluba  Triglav  Mounties je zastopnik  Veleposlaništva  Republike Slovenije  Davor Devčič izročil  zastopnikom  Kluba Triglav  Mounties  in  predsedniku  Triglava  Petru Krope  častna  priznanja Urada za Slovence v Zamejstvu  in po  Svetu Republike Slovenije.

Priznanje  Petru  Krope  se  glasi:

za  neprecenljiv  prispevek k  razvoju in ohranjanju slovenske zavesti,
jezika  in kulture ter dolgoletno  delo znotraj  slovenske  skupnosti v Avstraliji.
 Matej Arčon, Minister

Photo12. Jason Woods ,John Dean, (Mounties  )  , Davor  Devčič ,Ambasada  RS in   Peter Krope,Predsednik .                                                                                   
Priznanje  Klubu Triglav  Mounties   se  glasi:
“Priznanje in zahvalo ob 50-letnici delovanja  prejme TRIGLAV MOUNTIES  CLUB  SYDNEY za neprecenljivi prispevek k ohranjanju slovenske  narodne  zavesti , jezika in kulture  in dolgoletno in neutrudno  delo pri povezovanju  Slovencev,  ki živijo v  Avstraliji.”
Matej Arčon, Minister.

Ustanovni   člani   kluba  Triglav 
50 let kasneje…

Pred   50leti  je  bilo  okrog  50  in  mogoče  več ustanovnih  članov ki  so  prispevali denar za delnice  za  nakup zemljišča,  na  katerem  danes   stoji  Klub  Triglav Mounties.

Veliko  ustanovnih članov nas je   med  tem časom že  zapustilo, nekateri od  preostalih. pa  smo se srečali  na  praznovanju 50 letnice   kluba.



Na  sliki  so Danica Fišer, Jože  Pahor,  Emil  Kukovec, Vince  Friščič, Martha  in  Lojze Magajna , Franc  Kavčič, Karlo  Pelcar  in   Peter   Krope. V množici jih je  bilo  še  nekaj  več, ki pa jih je  bilo  težko zbrati vse   skupaj pred   aparat…


Triglav’s Tremendous decades long success  

Since its establishment, Triglav has been a place to connect, laugh, celebrate, sing, play sport, enjoy traditional Slovenian food and the opportunity to protect and preserve cultural traditions and rituals. I feel immensely proud and honoured to be following in the footsteps of those who have paved the path to Triglav’s success today. Triglav has achieved great success over its exceptional history. Creating and crafting the 50th Anniversary presentation video, I was impressed at the development and transition of Triglav over the five decades, the endless volunteers who had donated their love and labour and how they have shaped the Triglav Mounties we know today. Triglav has shined in multiple avenues of community life in the past 50 years in promoting Slovenian identity and traditions and now with Mounties, welcoming the broader Australian community. It has been a place to enjoy the company of family and friends and engage in Slovenian cultural life.

In early October, Triglav members, guests and members of the wider Slovenian community came together to celebrate this Golden Jubilee. In attendance to celebrate this milestone were the Mounties Board of Directors, The Triglav Mounties Advisory Board, former Presidents of the club, Foundation and Honorary members, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Slovenians who gathered to reminisce and remember the dedicated leaders of this great club past and present, and all the memorable moments held at Club Triglav. The detailed program was delivered with a great deal of precision by Triglav Mounties Advisory Board Member, Walter Šuber who was assisted by Branko Fabjančič and Peter Krope. Proceedings commenced with a short introduction by Walter Šuber followed by a few words from the President of Mounties Group, John Dean who congratulated the club on this milestone and how proud he is of the Triglav Club and the current committee. President of Club Triglav, Peter Krope welcomed all the guests and congratulated the lifelong members on their stoic determination over the last 50 years. He also acknowledged the presence of the three eldest members, Sofia Šajn, Franc Kavčič and Peter Berginc.


Peter Krope welcomes all guests

Over the decades, there have been countless celebrations and events held at Triglav. Walter and Kristine Šuber both passionate and driven young Slovenians, gave a simple yet in-depth explanation of the history, highlighting the most integral moments across the decades and the influential figures who were imperative in shaping the road ahead for the club. The foundations of this club were set by our first-generation Slovenians who planted a seed of hope and growth that blossomed into a thriving community with enthusiastic leaders. Sadly, many of our first generation have left us but we are fortunate to still have the presence of some who played an influential role in the early years of this community. The eldest member of Club Triglav is Sofia Šajn, followed by Franc Kavčič and Peter Berginc both equal second as the eldest men. These individuals witnessed the transformation of Triglav and have endlessly supported the club throughout the five decades. In honour of their enduring service, they were each given a small gift on behalf of The Triglav Mounties Advisory Board. Just before a traditional delicious Slovenian lunch was served, Club Triglav and Peter Krope were also both recognised with awards on behalf of The Government of the Republic of Slovenia for their lifelong commitment to Slovenian cultural life in Australia. Triglav has had countless visionary leaders and this celebration gave people the opportunity to reflect on all these individuals, past and present, first, second and third generation who have contributed towards the club’s success over its long history and to acknowledge those who still devote their efforts towards the club today.

General Manager Hospitality Jason Woods, President of Club Triglav Mounties Peter Krope and President of Mounties Group John Dean

Stefanie Fabjančič, the voice representing all 3rd generation Slovenians cast back on her own collection of memories from her formative years growing up at Club Triglav. Stefanie articulated what Triglav meant to her and some of her highlights with family and friends. Over its tremendous history, Triglav has been moulded by its members as a place to celebrate, dance, connect, eat and practice Slovenian traditions.  Stefanie echoed this in her sentiments by saying “Triglav has given us a space to be ourselves and a community to make our own.” She delivered a heart-warming speech and elaborated that regardless of change, the integral moments of history will be forever etched in our minds and hearts “While it looks completely different today, the soul of this club built by the generations remains.”  


Kristine Šuber, Jordan Covich, Stefanie Fabjančič, Daniel Bosnjak & Andrew Šuber

 As an Advisory Board Member and a 3rd generation Slovenian, I couldn’t be prouder of all Triglav’s achievements over the decades. I was emotionally moved when I saw all those smiling faces and teary eyes, following the video presentation. It took the community down memory lane, allowing them to reflect on the many tight bonds created with family and friends. Club Triglav has transitioned into the 21st century with the best solution, amalgamating with Panthers Group in 2001 and now with Mounties Group since 2013. It is evident that the legacy left behind of those past and present will form stories for future generations.

   Mounties Board of Directors and Triglav Mounties Advisory Board Members

Now as we look to the future and the next 50 years of Triglav and with the current leaders, the road ahead looks promising and hopeful. Sincerest thanks to Peter Krope for his devotion and lifetime of service to Triglav. Peter has an incredible attention to detail and always goes that extra mile to make sure everything runs smoothly at the Club. As a member of the Triglav Mounties Advisory Board, I feel extraordinarily inspired to have Peter as our leader of Triglav. I am amazed of his countless years of service and hope that he continues for years to come. Special thanks also go to Walter Šuber, Kristine Šuber and Branko Fabjančič for their preparation of the program and for their continual commitment to the community. A huge thanks to Stefanie Fabjančič for her constant involvement and ongoing encouragement. She engages the community with her unique viewpoints, of which we are forever richer for. A massive thank you and congratulations also to Martha Magajna for her endless efforts and devotion to the community. Martha has been highly involved in all areas of community life within Triglav since the early years and still today updates the community with weekly news from Triglav and continues to write for Misli. Lastly, sincerest thanks to the Mounties Group of Directors and the staff for their ongoing assistance to Triglav, who are always supportive of Triglav’s contribution to Slovenian cultural life here in Australia.   

Triglav Mounties Advisory Board Member
Jordan Covich

Poroča   Peter  Krope

Dovolite mi, da v imenu  naše  skupnosti  pozdravim  tri  najstarejše  člane   našega  kluba:
Sofija Sajn  je  dosegla  96  let starosti.

Članica kluba Triglav je postala od samega začetka delovanja Kluba Triglav, skupaj  s   celo  njeno  družino. Sodelovala je  pri  prostovoljnem  delu v kuhinji  in  v  baru, , poleg  tega  pa  tudi v športu v  balinarski  sekciji. Pela je v mešanem  pevskem  zboru in sodelovala v Igralski  družini. Njeno sodelovanje skozi leta kot prostovoljka je bilo vzor in korist  koristilo klubu in članom kluba
Sofija Sajn v imenu nekdanjih in sedanjih članov – Hvala.

Trije  najstarejsi  clani  Sofija  Sajn, ,Franc  Kavcic  in Peter  Berginc Z njimi   so  Jason  Woods, generalni  manager  zahodnih  klubov  Mounties,  Peter   Krope, predsednik  Kluba   Triglav  in  John  Dean, glavni director   vseh  Mounties   Klubov.

Franc Kavčič ,91 let   star, je postal Ustanovni član  kluba od prvega dne, ko so bili  ustanovni člani  najbolj  potrebni.
In kot vsi vemo, nič ne more rasti ali se zgraditi brez darežljivih  prispevkov  takratnih ustanovnih  članov. Franc Kavčič v imenu nekdanjih in sedanjih članov – Hvala.
Tudi Peter Berginc , pri 92 tih  letih je še vedno prisoten  pri  vsaki  prireditvi  v  klubu  Triglav .Prav tako , kot  je bil redni  prostovoljni  delavec od vsega začetka, ko je  postal član Kluba že v zgodnjih letih in je veliko prispeval s svojim prostovoljnim delom, največ za šankom,  ali  pa  tudi  drugod, kjer  so  bile  potrebne  njegove  pridne  roke. Peter Berginc v imenu nekdanjih in sedanjih članov – Hvala.

Hkrati ob  petdesetletnici našega  kluba  želimo pozdraviti  tudi vse  ostale člane, ki so  dolga  leta  žrtvovali  njihov  čas  in  trud zato, da  danes  lahko  skupaj  slavimo  ta  pomembni  datum.
Bog  vam  daj  zdravja , da  bomo lahko  skupaj praznovali še na mnoga  leta! Živeli!

 Se  na  mnoga  leta!


Wollongong Cycling
World Championships

In late September, the best of the best in the cycling world descended on Wollongong for the UCI World Cycling Championships for 2022. It was a week’s long competition that started on the 18th of September with the final race The Men’s elite road race, taking place on the last day, Sunday 25th of September. The atmosphere at the event was buzzing with thousands lining the cycling track, cheering on their country cyclists. 
Thank you to all the Slovenians who made the effort to come along from close and far, it was great to see quite a few Slovenian flags near the finish line and meet some of the Slovenian delegates travelling with the Slovenian Cycling Federation. (Kolesarska Zveza Slovenije) Special thanks to the Triglav Mounties Cycling Club and SBS Slovenian for raising awareness and promoting this world class event to the Slovenian community in Sydney.
A reminder that the livestream video of the final lap from the event is accessible  to watch on the Voice of Slovenian Australians Facebook page.  Triglav Mounties Advisory Board Member 
Jordan Covich 



Minulo nedeljo, 25. septembra, smo imeli občni zbor.
Zaradi Covida 19 je bil naš klub v preteklem letu veliko časa zaprt. Vseeno smo imeli razmeroma uspešno leto, zaradi dobrega vodenja in zvestih  članov. Naš pododbor je izvoljen vsako drugo leto, tako da letos ni bilo sprememb. Odbor sestavlja večina druge generacije slovenskega porekla.


From left: Louis Magajna , Branko Fabjancic - podpedsednik , John Rapinette , Peter Krope - Predsednik , Walter Shuber , Silvo Pahor, Jordan Covich




Triglav Mounties Cycling Club 2022 Schedule 

Sunday 27th November-

Western Sydney Parklands


Brighton Le Sands


stephanieTriglavGood Afternoon everyone and welcome to today’s celebrations!
My  name  is  Stefanie Fabjančič and  I  am  third generation Australian  Slovenian.
How wonderful it is to see everyone together in one place today. For many of us, this has been a long time coming.
Thank you Kristina Šuber for your generous introduction. I would never
proclaim to speak on behalf of all young people today, but I will definitely have a crack at sharing my thoughts on the role the third generation plays in our community.
Before I get there, I’d like to share a quick fact. Slovenia and I share the same birthday. How cool is that? I’m sorry you all couldn’t share in the greatness that comes with being a 1991 baby. However, it is for that reason that I believe I am best positioned to sympathize with Slovenia, as someone who also had to push back their 30th birthday celebrations. Fortune found us this year, and things turned around. With some last minute planning, and serious cevapi procurement skills by Dad, I was able to throw a fabulous belated party last month.
My intention is not to make this speech all about me and my birthday today, but, I have to tell you, it was a great party! Imagine an all out European celebration here in Australia that including a bocce tournament, Slovenian folk music, plates of cevapi and kransky, home-made potica and kifli, and of course, plenty of vino.
The only real negative was how poor my bocce skills were.
Part of why I share this story is to brag about sharing a birthday with Slovenia, but the main reason is that if you had told me at 15 that I would be hosting a Slovenian themed birthday party one day, I would never have believed you.
I may have even cringed with embarrassment.
This brings me to what being a young Slovenian Australian actually looks and feels like growing up. This is my own personal experience, yet, in talking with my peers, it is an experience I know is widely shared.
My earliest memory of being acutely aware of my heritage was in primary school. I expect many understanding nods from the audience when I say, the pronunciation of my name in school was an ongoing point of annoyance. I was taught early on to anglicize my name. We pronounced it ‘Fab’ ‘jan’ ‘sik’. The expectation was that this would make the pronunciation easier for others – it did not.
Any time my name was called at school it started with ‘Stefanie… ‘ (long pause), followed by a weird and ranging collection of words and sounds that didn’t even remotely sound like my name. Even more amusing was when they didn’t even attempt to pronounce my last name and Stefanie was simply followed by silence.
I remember in a time year 4,
I remember at about 10 years of age, my school held a multicultural day and every kid was asked to bring in a plate of food representative of their cultural background. We were also invited to dress up in our traditional costume. In the multicultural heartland of NSW, in my South-West Sydney school, where most kids were children or grandchildren of migrants, only two of us showed up in traditional costume.
The other girl was of Polish background and came dressed in a cute, frilled skirt and vest, with her hair done up in braids, threaded with flowers. I think she looked so cool. It was in that moment, I became very self-conscious and somewhat embarrassed, of my much more modest Narodna Noša.
You never want to be the odd kid at school. This, like my name, was just another example of my heritage making me feel uncomfortable.
While I never refused to participate in Slovenian events with family growing up, I never exactly went to school and told everyone about Miklavž, or Slovenska Šola.
I never asked my grandparents questions about their lives growing up, or their journey to Australia.
Being of Slovenian background was pretty much just a part of my life that happened parallel to my real life.
I moved to Bathurst, Rural NSW, at 18 for university, and was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of people, who were very much not like the people I grew up with in western Sydney, and who themselves had had very little interaction with people from ethnic and migrant backgrounds. It was here, and I’m not sure what it was that prompted me in this moment, but the first time someone asked how to pronounce my last name, I didn’t say fab-jan-sik, I said it correctly. It was quite a weird feeling – I had never pronounced my name like that before. My own last name, in its true form, felt foreign to me. I even remember spending one night in my university room, practicing pronunciation over and over again, so I wouldn’t mess it up next time someone asked.
This was a real turning point for me in terms of thinking about the role my Slovenian heritage played in my understanding of my identity.
It takes effort and conscious thought to make sure your cultural heritage is actively present in your life. Especially for my generation, who have connection to both Australian and Slovenian culture.
This does not mean one needs to take a backseat to the other.  It also does not mean that we are any less of either because we might not be able to make potica.
What it is though, is about finding out how both cultures can compliment and celebrate each other.
Nowadays, I exclusively introduce myself as Stefanie Fabjančič, pronounced correctly – because that is my name. I should not have felt bad or embarrassed as a kid that people couldn’t pronounce it. Others should have felt bad and embarrassed for not being curious or respectful enough to ask.
We live in Australia, a country that regularly refers to its multiculturism as one of its biggest strengths. But we can’t forget that culture is a living thing. It needs to be taken care of, nurtured, celebrated, and respected - or it dies.
All of us here today, not just third generation Slovenians, but the first, second and fourth generations, have a collective responsibility to continue finding ways to include our Slovenian heritage in our every day lives.
As I said at the start of this speech, never in a million years would my younger self have imagined I’d be having a bocce tournament birthday party. My younger self would have even laughed when I said I’d be getting asked to stand up and talk on behalf of my generation today.
And not because my experience isn’t worth hearing. But, because there are so many wonderful young Australian Slovenians who could of shared their experiences with you today – many of whom we are lucky enough to have in this very room today.
So to conclude today, I’d like to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak on behalf of so many incredible people today.
I feel quite privileged to be in a room of people, a large proportion of whom I know personally, and not only feel proud, but to where I feel like I belong.
And isn’t that really what multiculturism is about? Belonging and Connection.
I ask of all of you to never let go of: Connection to your name, Connection to your heritage, Connection to your place of birth,
Connection to your food, and music and language, and Connection to your people, both here in Australia and in Slovenia. We should never stop looking for opportunities to share our heritage with others. The only thing that can ever come out of that, is a whole lot of good. Thank and enjoy your day!

Praznovanje 30 letnice Republike Slovenije v Sydneyu

Celotna sydneyjska slovenska skupnost, ki jo zastopata Slovensko Drustvo Sydney in Klub Triglav - Mounties , skupaj s slovensko cerkvijo svetega Rafaela v Merrylands obhaja najprej mašo za našo domovino Slovenijo zjutraj v cerkvi svetega Rafaela v nedeljo, 26. junija 2022.
Naslednja proslava je bila v popoldanskih urah istega dne ob praznovanju 30. obletnice dneva državnosti Republike Slovenije, skupaj s podelitvijo priznanj najzaslužnejšim Slovencem v letu 2020 v Slovenski skupnosti NSW. Praznovanje naj bi bilo junija lani, a je bilo zaradi epidemije Covida-19 z lanskega junija prestavljeno na letos.

Praznovanje 30 letnice
Republike Slovenije

Organising Committee 30th Anniversary Slovenian Independence Sydney

To honour the historic occasion of 30 years of Independence, the Slovenian community in NSW gathered on Sunday 26th of June 2022 to commemorate this significant anniversary. The event brought together first, second and third generations from all the Slovenian organisations in NSW; Club Triglav Mounties, Slovenian Association Sydney, St Raphael’s Slovenian Mission Merrylands, HASA NSW and Club Planica Wollongong. The event highlighted a strong labour of love from all members in the wider Slovenian community, who united in good faith to celebrate this major milestone. In conjunction with celebrating Slovenia’s long road to Independence, the event also recognised award recipients as a part of the annual NSW Slovenian Community Awards. It was tremendous to see the broader community gather together to celebrate such a momentous occasion and be united for the one thing we all have in common, our Slovenian heritage.

Being a large-scale event, it was held in the Starz room at Mounties Mt Pritchard just a short drive away from Triglav Mounties. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 this celebration was rescheduled from last year but that did not dim our optimism to host a successful event to celebrate 30 years plus 1 of Independence. It was wonderful to see so many people of Slovenian heritage in a room together again talking, laughing, catching up, reminiscing on old times and reflecting upon the significance of this milestone, Slovenia’s 30th birthday.

The program was primarily split into two parts. It consisted of an exclusive welcome to all VIP guests and the National Anthems of both Slovenia and Australia. Father Darko gave his blessing before food was served to the tables. The intermission time gave people the perfect opportunity to enjoy the entrée and connect and catch up, with those on their table. The final part of the program included the presentation of the 30th Anniversary video, a live group performance of two Slovenian songs, speeches from keynote guests, a three-course lunch, NSW Slovenian of the Year Awards, along with the cutting of the celebratory cake. The ambience in the room was cheerful and lively. I was overwhelmed with happiness, seeing the return of the Slovenian social setting, after so long due to the pandemic.

Slovenian Cultural festivities in Australia are far from small and plain, as we are always exploring ways we can best capture the love for our beautiful homeland. This celebration was no different and with the collaboration of the Organising Committee under the guidance of Walter Suber, representatives from all the Slovenian organisations came together to share their unique talents and skills to produce a memorable occasion. In attendance were many special guests including, Dale Hunt CEO of Mounties Group, John Dean President of Mounties Group, Frank Carbone Mayor of Fairfield City Council, Hon. Dai Le Federal Member for Fowler, Walter Suber NSW Representative on the Council for Slovenians Living Abroad and His Excellency, Ambassador for the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Jurij Rifelj. Ambassador Rifelj is at the end of his posting here in Australia. On behalf of the wider community, Mr Rifelj and his family were given a fond farewell, along with a gift as a token of appreciation and gratitude for their contribution to Slovenian cultural life in Australia. In his final speech to the Slovenian community, he reflected on all the good times and festivities he has attended and gave thanks for the support and warm welcomes he has received. 

On behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, His Excellency Mr Jurij Rifelj presented Alfred Breznik, Martha Magajna and Mihelca Sustersic an award and medal in honour of their significant contribution in assisting Slovenia with its independence in 1991. To pay tribute to the many others who volunteered their time at this point in Slovenia’s history, a video was produced by Olga Lah, Tania Smrdel, Stefanie Fabjancic and Florjan Auser. It granted the community a snapshot of the arduous path towards independence.  As the vast array of photos and video footage was played, accompanied by the narration of Stefanie Fabjancic, it brought the experience to life; the many challenges and series of historic events that took place in years prior to 1991.Wholehearted credit and thanks to all those who compiled, created, and produced such an outstanding video presentation.
As we look to the future of the Slovenian culture here in Australia, it was amazing to witness the dedication of so many second and third generation Slovenians at this event. The well-structured program was tirelessly prepared by Olga Lah and Tania Smrdel, with credit due to how smoothly the whole occasion went from beginning to end. Collaboratively they also crafted the detailed 30th Anniversary booklet that offers the community an excellent snapshot into the life of all the NSW Slovenian organisations, along with reflections from Slovenian representatives here in Australia and in Slovenia, focusing on this magnificent milestone of 30 years of Independence. Leading this committee, Walter Suber played a pivotal role in guiding and assisting the committee with all the preparations.  President of Club Triglav Mounties, Peter Krope did an extraordinary job at liaising with the Mounties Group staff in relation to all aspects of the event, resulting in a prosperous event. Branko Fabjancic, Chairman of the NSW Community Awards committee, devoted many hours to organising and coordinating all material for the award winners. Mark Stariha from the NSW Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia did an incredible job at marketing, raising awareness of this event and assisting all those with the purchasing of tickets. Lastly, thank you to Father Darko Žnidaršič, Alfred Breznik and Martha Magajna for their ongoing support in the community.  

We also had an overwhelming support from the third generation who were responsible for specific parts of the program and whose input made this milestone that extra special. Stephanie and Andrew Suber introduced all guests from the wider Slovenian and Australian community. It was encouraging to see the third generation Slovenians contribute their expertise and skills towards this event. Stefanie Fabjancic delivered yet another inspiring speech. Stefanie reaffirmed to us all, the countless meanings of culture and what it means to ‘belong’. She conveyed across to the community the powerful meaning of connection and how as young Slovenian Australians we have the best of both worlds here in Australia.  “I ask of all of you to never let go of: Connection to your name, Connection to your heritage, Connection to your place of birth, Connection to your food, and music and language, and Connection to your people, both here in Australia and in Slovenia.” Stefanie continued to sustain a strong engagement with the audience by explaining her big and bold bocce birthday party held at Triglav and how she never would’ve imagined a party like this in her younger years, if she had not developed that love and strong connection with her Slovenian heritage.

Alongside my fellow third generation Slovenians, I was an active participant in this year’s event. I feel immensely proud to have been involved in such a momentous occasion, celebrating a historic milestone for the Slovenian nation that was fought so hard for. Singing ‘V Dolini Tihi’ and listening to ‘Ljubim Te Slovenia’, filled my mind with memories of my travels to our beautiful Slovenia. I felt very privileged when I was chosen to sing with my fellow band members as ‘V Dolini Tihi’ was my late grandfather’s favourite song. A song that when singing it, inundated me with thoughts and memories of him, granting me a moment to recognise his everlasting impact on my life. I feel so deeply honoured to be in the presence of my fellow third generation Slovenians on this day and on every occasion, who continue to strive in their efforts for the Slovenian community.

Sincerest thanks go to all the Mounties Group of Directors and staff who assisted with the preparation of this event, especially the General Manager for Hospitality Jason Woods. Mounties have been a constant support since taking over the club. Special thanks also to the whole organising committee and army of volunteers. Your extraordinary diligence was evident through the success achieved in every avenue of this event. The hall was filled with many young ambitious and aspiring Slovenians from all walks of life. Australia is a very diverse country with different cultures, how lucky are we to share our unique cultural identity with others. I hope that the next 30 years of the Slovenian nation and culture brings much hope, optimism and prosperity under the leadership and guidance of generations to come.

Jordan Covich









Jordan Covich, Andrew Šuber, Stephanie Šuber, Mark Stariha and Tania Smrdel

Anzac day 2022















Triglav Mounties Cycling Club 2022 Schedule 

Sun 21st August-
Triglav 50th celebrations

Sunday 28th August –

Bicentennial Park

Sunday 18th September-

Canberra cycle

Sunday 23rd October-

Bay Run

Sunday 20th November-

Western Sydney Parklands




V nedeljo, 6,Marca  smo  v  klubu  Triglav  praznovali   Svetovni   Dan  žena. Dejanski praznik je sicer  8. Marca, vendar  je  praznike  lažje praznovati  v  Nedeljo in tako se je na  to nedeljo popoldne  v klubu zbralo še posebno število  mlajše in  mlade generacije   avstralskih  Slovencev, ki so  v klub pripeljali  matere, stare  matere  in tudi mlade  žene  in z njimi proslavili  Svetovni  Dan Žena. Po dolgem času je v dvorani našega  kluba  spet zazvenela  slovenska   pesem iz harmonike Štefana  Šerneka  mlajšega  .
Še posebej so proslavili  najstarejše  matere  in  stare  matere ;  Sofijo Šajn, Marico  Vrh  in  Marijo Fabjančič, med  za  spoznanje  mlajšimi članicami pa je  predsednik Peter Krope izrekel  zahvalo  Marthi   Magajna  za  njeno  dolgoletno  delo  v  Slovenski  skupnosti.

Maria  Gomboc, Lojze Magajna, Martha  Magajna  in predsednik  Peter  Krope.

Zastopnika  mlajše  generacije, odbornik  kluba  Branko Fabjančič in njegova  hčerka  Stefanie  sta za  vse člane  in članice pripravila   nagovor, ki ga je navzočim predstavila  Juliana   Fabjančič:


Juliana  Fabjančič je počastila  matere  in stare matere.

My name is Juliana Fabjancic and I’m a second-generation Slovenian-Australian.
Like many children of migrants we accomplished many firsts in our family.
I was the first to go to university in mine. I was the first to receive my masters.
I was the first to question my mum, as to why my brother got to mow the lawn while my sister and I stayed inside completing all the inside chores, saying, last time I checked he had two hands as well!
Today is about reflecting on the challenges women around the world still face in terms of gender inequality and bias. The comment about what I saw as an unfair chore arrangement between my brother and I is part of this bigger discussion. We often lose sight of the little things while trying to focus on the bigger complex issues.
Gender bias is a complex issue. It gets caught up in talks about tradition, gender roles justified by physical attributes, and ignorance to the experience of women. I have had the privilege of being surrounded by strong women my whole life. My mother and mother-in law are two of those people. Two women who didn’t have university degrees or careers to fall back on when they decided to leave their homeland. The success of their courage and resilience is me standing before you today. I see the result of their love and support in my two daughters. Two independent young women I taught to stand up against bias, never be pigeon holed into a stereotype or fall into a role society thinks females belong in.  Challenging the status quo or calling people out on unconscious bias isn’t easy. We’ve had some very fiery debates in our household, with my husband, male friends, family and partners.
But no one ever said change was easy.
When I think about celebrating today, I’d like us to take a moment to acknowledge those women in our lives now and those that came before us.
The women who struggled so our life could be a little easier.
It doesn’t have to be women of history, or anyone famous.
I thank my mother and my husband’s mother, for their courage. I thank my daughters for always inspiring me to think outside my own bubble and see the world through their eyes and experiences.
As I said, gender inequality is complex.
It is an issue about access to power. The power to make a difference, the power to have autonomy over your mind and body and the power to influence decisions.
Equal power can not be realised until we make some changes.
Today calls us to unify against gender inequality and raise awareness of the many issues we still face as a group.
There is strength in unity and solidarity.  But there is also strength in reciprocation.
Gender equality isn’t a woman’s issues. It’s an everyone issue.
Listen to your partner, your female colleagues and your daughters.
Their experience may be different to yours, and you may not always fully understand their view, but their perspective is valid and real.
We know diversity in society is a wonderful thing and brings with it many benefits.
Let’s make today about providing the room for all voices to be heard.
Take the time to listen to the female voices of those closest to you and enjoy your afternoon. Happy
International Womens day!

Julie  Fabjancic  in  Martha Magajna.

Mounties Triglav Club organised a
motorbike ride down to Canberra

On the 20th of February 2022, Mounties Triglav Club organised a motorbike ride down to Canberra. We organised this ride for the  Slovenian Ambassador Mr Juri Rifelj to come along as he will be moving to a new posting later in the year.

I engaged with a few Slovenian / Australian riders in Canberra in regards to the organisation of the day.  I must make mention and  thank John Falez, Martin Osolnik and Robert Hovar for planning the day.

We started off with breakfast with the Ambassador at the Slovenian Embassy, and then a solid ride around Canberra, enjoying a wonderful lunch together and then the long ride back home.

The day started out on the cool side. The Sydney riders met at Uncle Leos Diner at The Cross Roads.  The Sydney riders were Mark Krope, Boris Topolovec, Branko Fabjancic and Walter Suber. It was a pleasant ride down, the weather was kind and it was fantastic to see the water level in Lake George you don’t see every year.

Getting into O’Malley fashionably late due to refuelling, we had breakfast and then it was a photo opportunity with the Ambassador. It was great to see all the bikes parked in front of the Embassy, it looked like a BMW motorbike club.

We rode to a few fantastic spots in and around Canberra and I must say our guides on the day Martin and Robert were first class.
We have already started to talk about our next ride.

A great day with great company was had by all.








PIŠE  Martha   Magajna
V nedeljo, 27.Februarja sta bila ponovno med nami P. CIRIL  A. BOŽIČ in laična misijonarka MARIJA ANŽIČ. Žal je bil njun čas med  nami le omejen..

Po sv. maši, ki jo je skupaj  s patrom Darkom vodil pater Ciril, smo se srečali z njimi  v pred  kratkim odprti  dvorani pokojnega patra  Valerijana Jenka.Priljubljeni pater Ciril je  komaj  utegnil spregovoriti le nekaj besed  z vsakim od vernikov,ki so ga obkrožili, izvedetii za družinske novice,  vljudno sprejeti košček  domačega  peciva in že so morali  skupaj  z patrom Darkom in predsednikom kluba  Triglav Petrom Kropejem   zapustiti Merrylands in se napotiti v Klub  Triglav, kjer  jih je  čakalo  kosilo.
Na klub Triglav oba obiskovalca vežejo  prav tako dragoceni spomini.Leta 1983 je pater Ciril  Božič skupaj  s patrom Valerijanom Jenkom in tedanjim predsednikom kluba  Triglav, Karlom Samsa spremljal nadškofa ( archbishop ?) Alojza Šuštarja, ko je ta  blagoslovil novo zgrajeni klub  Triglav.
Nadškof Alojzij Šuštar  je tedaj ob nagovoru v prostorih  kluba  povedal  te pomembne  besede:

“Slovenski narod po svetu in doma je v daljni in bližnji  zgodovini prestal veliko težkih preiskušenj , Vendar  se moramo vedno zavedati ,da je več tistega, kar nas povezuje in združuje kot pa tistega kar nas razdvaja in ločuje..”

Po kosilu  z obema  patroma in  laično  misionarko  Marijo smo zapustilii  Klub Triglav in jih pospremili  na  Slovensko   Društvo Sydney,Na žalost  je letalo  ki je popeljalo obiskovalce  v  Melbourne zapustilo  Sydney že   okoli 5,ure  popoldne.Pred  odhodom iz  Kluba  Triglav  smo obiskali še  kip  Ivana Cankarja ki  stoji na  Triglavskem dvorišču. Zelo nas je  razveselilo. ko je  pater  Ciril  v  skladu z nadškofovimi  besedami izjavil, da  naša mlada generacija očitno kaže vedno  več zanimanja  za  svoje slovenske  korenine.

 Zadovoljni smo lahko,da imamo še vedno slovenske duhovnike,ki pozitivno vplivajo na naš mladi  rod.


FOR 2022

International Women’s Day
Sunday 6 March – 12.00pm
Live music by  Alpine Echos.

Gathering of Second-Generation Slovenians

Saturday 9 April – 6.00pm
Presentation of Slovenian culture, tourist attractions.


Monday  25 April – 5.00pm
ANZAC Day open Bocce Competition for Anzac Cup. ( Afternoon )
ANZAC Ceremony with light refreshments after.

Mother’s Day Lunch

Sunday 8 May – 12.00pm
Special lunch menu, live entertainment, prizes to be won & entertainment for the kids.

Slovenian National Day – organized by Club Planica Wollongong, Club
Triglav  Mounties Sydney, Slovenian Association Sydney and ST. Raphael Slovenian Mission.
Sunday 26 June – 12.00pm
30th Anniversary of Slovenia Independence Day and Slovenian Community Awards for year 2020. Live Music by Alpine Echos.


Saturday 16 July – 8.00pm
Live Elvis performance.

Triglav Reunion & 50 year Anniversary

Sunday 21 August– 12.00pm
Join us for an afternoon, reminiscing on years past. Come along and meet the second and third generation of Slovenians. Live music by Alpine Echos.

Father’s Day Lunch

Sunday 4 September – 12.00pm
Special lunch menu, live entertainment, prizes to be won & entertainment for the kids.


Sunday 2 October – 12.00pm
Beer guessing competition, prizes & live music by  Alpine Echos.

St Martins Day

Sunday 13 November – 12.00pm
Homemade wine tasting competition with live music by Alpine Echos.

St Nicholas Family Fun Day

Sunday 4 December – 12.00pm
Kids event with jumping castle, face painting, petting zoo, gifts and visit from St Nicholas.

NYE Celebration

Saturday 31 December – 8.00pm
Live entertainment  and a special evening performance  to be advised ( TBA )                                     -- . --
Dates of events can  change due to public health order !

Triglav Mounties                   9426 1000
Peter Krope ph.                     0422 366 922  
Peter Krope e-mail      

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Slovenski klub Triglav
je bil ustanovljen leta 1971 in bil registriran pod imenom Triglav Pty Ltd. Od nakupa majhne farme s kmečko hišo je klub naraščal ...več >>

peterKropePeter Krope
of Advisory Committee

martaMagajnaMartha Magajna
Public Relations
for Slovenian Affairs
at Triglav


Bocce every Wednesday from 12.30pm to 5.00pm.


Awards 2013

Triglav Archive pages 2016_2Triglav Archive pages 2016_1Triglav Archive pages 2015Triglav - Archive pages 2014Triglav - Archive pages 2013Stare internetne strani kluba Triglav Panthers - Old Triglav Panthers pages