NSW Slovenian Australian Awards 2008 -
Primary Student of the Year
Presented on 21 June 2009
Imogen, bright and bubbly 10 years old with a cheeky personality, is a Year 5 student at the Holy Family Primary School, Menai. She excels in all areas of her school work, and her reports are outstanding.
She is gifted in the area of Performing Arts and as a member of the Drama Master Class at Holy Family she regularly participates at school functions. This year she secured a position for Drama Ensemble with the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Programme.
Imogen is also a singer and a dancer. She has studied various forms of dance since she was 3 years old including Jazz, Ballet, Modern, Tap and Hip Hop, Irish and Musical Theatre. She has gained excellent examination results in Ballet, Tap and Hip Hop. She had won many awards in Irish dancing. This year she has chosen to concentrate on Ballet and Irish. Each year, Imogen has participated in professional Christmas shows at various venues and also in an amateur production of the musical “Les Miserables.” Recently, Imogen has taken further lessons on guitar and piano. She loves writing her own songs and has many outside interests.
Imogen has also performed at the Slovenian youth concerts and showed a lot of interest in everything Slovenian. Last year she travelled to Slovenia with her family, where she met lots of relatives for the first time and experienced the new people, new food, culture and way of life.
Imogen is a dedicated student and a delightful young person, who always puts 100% effort into everything she does. Congratulation, and let your future always be prosperous! Well done, Imogen.
IMOGEN OVIJACH je član tretje generacije znane Ovijačeve družine iz Sydneya. Stara 10 let in učenka petega razreda osnovne šole, brihtna in prikupnega značaja, gre rada v šolo in se odlikuje ne samo v šolskem delu temveč tudi izven šole. Sodeluje v različnih umetniških programih. Je odlična plesalka jazza, baleta ter modernih, irskih in drugih plesov, katere se uči že od njenega tretjega leta starosti. Uspešno je gostovala že v številnih nastopih, med njimi tudi na slovenskih mladinskih koncertih. Rada poje, pleše, piše pesmi, se uči igrati kitaro in piano, poleg pa še ima polno drugih zunanjih kreativnih interesov.
Kar pogumno naprej, Imogen!