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NSW Slovenian Australian Awards 2008
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
Presented on 21 June 2009



Ladislava or Slavica Hozjan was born in Prekmurje, Slovenia. She married Ivan Hozjan in 1946 when the times just after the World War II were harsh, it was hard to get a job and the earnings were poor.                           

In October 1956, with four young children in tow, the family crossed the border into Austria. They were sent to the migrant camp at Asten, near Lienz. On 9 June 1957, they arrived in Sydney on the ship Flaminia and were sent to Greta Camp. Ivan got a job at  the steelworks in Newcastle. Two years later, the family moved to Newcastle and  settled at Wallsend where one more daughter was born. Slavica worked for many years at different jobs: as a cleaner, a cook, a labourer at steelworks and in a chicken factory, and for a number of years in the nearby vineyards pruning vines and picking grapes to supplement the family income.

In 1958, the Austral Slovenian Society »Tivoli« Newcastle was established. Slavica and her husband became members and started their long association with the Slovenian community.  Slavica would help in the kitchen or wherever help was needed. Because the Slovenian Society »Tivoli« never had its own premises, most of the cooking had to be done at home and was brought in. Slavica was always first to help. Her Wiener schnitzels, salads and special homemade cakes were always a specialty.

Slavica regularly comes to Slovenian church services. After the service, all go to the hall next door for cake and a cup of tea. This is an opportunity to chat with friends, exchange news and from time to time sing a song. Ladies bring goodies from home and set the tables for all to enjoy. For years now, Slavica has been ensuring there are clean tablecloths on the tables. She was also bringing cups and mugs.

In a small community such as in Newcastle, it is important to appreciate the work of each individual, small or big. This is what keeps it together. Slavica has always helped to keep the Slovenian community in Newcastle together.

Slavica Hozjan, rojena v Prekmurju, je član slovenske skupnosti že več kot petdeset let. Vsa leta je sodelovala pri Slovenskem društvu Tivoli in mašah. Posebno je bila znana po dobro pripravljenih kokošjih zrezkih, solatah in prekmurskih špecialitetah. Na splošno jo poznamo kot osebo, ki rada pomaga pri vsakem delu. Ker te dni praznuje visok življenjski jubilej, ji iskreno čestitamo in naj ji bo to priznanje v zahvalo in v ponos.

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