NSW Slovenian Australian Awards 2008
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
Presented on 21 June 2009
Olga Lah is a daughter of well known family of Marija and Vinko Ovijač. The family migrated to Australia from Venezuela and made their home in Sydney. From an early age, Olga frequently sang and recited at various Slovenian functions and joined the first Slovenian folkloric dancing group in Sydney.
Olga became fully aquainted with the Slovenian community and gained a lot of experience from her father, who was a Foundation Member and President of the Slovene Association Sydney. She was a pillar of strength later when her husband Jože Lah served as President of the same organization.
Olga was a high school teacher, a proffession she loved passionately. She progressed to the position of Principal in 1988, a position she held until her retirement.
Olga also taught Slovenian (Years 7–10), at the Bankstown School of Community Languages and served as President of the Slovenian Schools Committee from 1981 till 1984. She was a member of the Slovenian Exam and Syllabus Committee. Within the Slovenian community, she is known for her organisational skills of special events and programs, frequently filling the role of M.C. A couple of times she has also become involved in drama productions as a prompter for the actors (šepetalka).
In December 2002, Olga undertook a new endeavour. She led a steering committee, whose role was to pave the way for the establishment of Slovenian Archives in NSW. The Historical Archives for Slovenian Australians – HASA-NSW, was officially registered on the 9th February 2003. A constitution was adopted, networks were established and for the next 12 months, she and a strong team of volunteers transformed an area at St. Raphael Mission in Merrylands into a well equipped and furnished archive. To ensure the archive was established in line with “best practice” principles, Olga volunteered, at her own expense, to undertake a twelve month archival course at the University of New South Wales. The official opening of HASA-NSW took place on 30th April 2004. To commemorate this event, Olga published the book “Sadovi slovenske dediščine” (The Fruits of Our Slovenian Heritage) – an overview of the history of the Slovenian community in NSW and its contribution to the overall Australian community. Her involvement with HASA-NSW continues as an appointed “Honorary Consultant” and as a supporter of special events such as “Golden Reunions of Slovenian Australians”.
OLGA LAH, hčerka znane Ovijačeve družine, aktivno deluje v slovenski skupnosti skoraj vsa leta, odkar je kot 7-letno dekletce prišla iz Argentine v Australijo. Kot učiteljica, ki je dosegla zavidno mesto ravnateljice največje državne šole v NSW, je dosegla tudi odlične uspehe v slovenski skupnosti kot je ustanovitev HASA-NSW in izdaja knjige »Sadovi slovenske dediščine«. Čestitamo in hvala za vse.