NSW Slovenian Australian Year Awards 2008 -
Secondary Student of the Year
Presented on 21 June 2009
Veronika Konda was born at Westmead Hospital and christened at the St. Raphael Slovenian Church at Merrylands. Veronica’s Slovenian language started to evolve from an early age. Stara mama, Anica Konda, minded Veronika from the age of one when her mother returned to work. Since then, Veronika has spent a lot of time in the company of her grandparents, absorbing Slovenian language and customs. Visiting Slovenia has also enriched her knowledge of the Slovenian language and culture.
Veronika attended St. Ambrose primary school and when she received her first Holy Communion she was invited by the St. Raphael Slovenian Church to serve as an altar server during the Holy Mass. She still does this today. At the age of nine, she started attending Slovenian language classes at St. Raphael. At present she is attending Domremy College at Fivedock as a Year 8 student.
In the past, Veronika has been involved in many Slovenian Youth Concerts. Some of her performances included playing piano, flute, and comedy acts. She regularly participates in activities such as Mothers and Father’s Days and other celebrations. She is always very proud to wear her colourful national costume of the Upper Carniola, a region of Slovenia. She thrives in her school work and is always eager to learn new things. Mainly due to her grandparents, Anica and Tone Konda, Veronika has a great love for Slovenian traditions and culture and feels very proud to be part of the Slovenian community.
VERONIKA KONDA je dijakinja 8. razreda Domremy katoliške šole za dekleta v Fivedock. Odkar je prejela prvo sv. obhajilo, pomaga pri slovenskih mašah kot ministrantka. Zelo spoštuje slovenske kulturo in tradicije ter deželo, o kateri so ji pripovedovali njeni stari starši Anica in Tone Konda in tudi rada obišče Slovenijo.
Obiskovala je Slovensko sobotno šolo v Verskem Središču Merrylands in redno sodeluje pri raznih slovenski prireditvah in koncertih. Zelo je ponosna, ko obleče njeno živobarvno gorenjsko narodno nošo.
Čestitamo in veliko uspehov v bodoče.