Novice in programi iz kluba
Panthers St.Johns Park - Triglav
Ureja: Martha Magajna
Public Relations for Slovenian Affairs |
Peter Krope
Chairman of Advisory Committee
Panthers St. Johns Park Trigav
Email |
Martha Magajna
Public Relations for Slovenian Affairs at Panthers St. Johns Park Trigav
Email |
Slovenski klub Triglav je bil ustanovljen leta 1971in bil najprej registriran pod imenom Triglav Pty Ltd. Od nakupa majhne farme s kmečko hišo je klub naraščal po številu članov in raznolikosti aktivnosti in dosegel vrh razvoja z graditvijo klubske hiše v času, ko je velika večina članov imela otroke šolske starosti, ki so sodelovali v velikem ševilu klubskih aktivnosti kot je folklora, šport, kulturne in zabavne prireditve in drugo.Več o zgodovini kluba... |
V Sydneyu podelili nagrade za leto 2007
Nagrade so bile podeljene v Klubu Triglav Panthers |
Below is a listing of what is required.
NSW Slovenian, Primary Student of the Year 2007, awarded to Chelsea Ovijach
NSW Slovenian, Tertiary Student of the Year 2007, awarded to Stephen Rozanc
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Senior Citizen of the Year 2007, awarded to Ana Sernek
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Senior Citizen of the Year 2007, awarded to Stefan Sernek
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2007, awarded to Ema Mailow - WOLLONGONG
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2007, awarded to Dora Hrvatin - PANTHERS-TRIGLAV
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2007, awarded to, Elisabeta Kociper, ST.RAPHAEL'S
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2007, awarded to Emil Grosman - NEWCAST
NSW Slovenian, Outstanding Volunteer of the Year 2007, awarded to Marija Nemes - SD SYDNEY
NSW Slovenian, Australian Achievements Award 2007, awarded to Cilka Zagar
NSW Slovenian, Life Time Achievement Award 2007, awarded to Emilijan Kukovec
NSW Slovenian IN MEMORIAM PLAQUE for the year 2007, awarded to Jože CUJEŠ
The NSW Slovenian of the Year 2007 Awards are dedicated to the memory of Jože Čuješ. A tireless worker for the Slovenian Community. Presented 22nd June 2008. |