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NSW Slovenian Outstanding  Volunteer of the Year 2009

andrewZickarAndrew Žičkar is a second generation Slovenian Australian. He was born in Wollongong in 1966 as the youngest child in the family. When he was 12, his father died and his mother had to bring up four children on her own.

Andrew was involved in the Slovenian community from early on. He attended Slovenian school, taught by Sister Mirjam who would visit from the Slovenian Mission Merrylands. In 1979 he started playing keyboard at the Slovenian Holy Services, held then, at VillaMaria in Wollongong. He was also a member of the youth choir “Zlati Glas” (Golden Voice). After their own church was acquired in 1983 by Club Planica Wollongong, Andrew continued helping at the church, playing at the services, helping the priest when needed, and also taking care of the church and the surroundings.
Andrew is very good with electronics and takes care of anything needed at the Club Planica in this field. For the last four years, he has been a member of the Club's Committee. He is a very good organiser, taking care of functions  and visitors, such as 2008 World Youth Day visitors from Slovenia.  He organised the  accomodation, transport and entertainment for them, while they were staying in Wollongong.
He likes to wear his national costume for special occasions at both the church and  club functions. He is always available to help, whenever needed.

Andrew Žičkar je eden od mladih avstralskih Slovencev  druge generacije, ki jih naša skupnost nad vse potrebuje: združuje  spoštovanje do slovenske zgodovine in tradicij z poznavanjem moderne tehnologije in  je tudi pripravljen uporabiti to svoje znanje za dobro slovenske skupnosti v Wollongongu.  V ta namen je pripravljen darovati skupnosti svoj čas, trud in znanje, kar ima neizmeren pomen za Slovence v Wollongongu.

Andrej  ni mogel biti prisoten pri svečanosti podelitve  priznanj, ker jse  je njegovi težko bolni materi  zdravje poslabšalo in na želost je nekaj tednov kasneje tudi za vedno zaprla oči.
Neše iskreno  sožalje, Andrej in  hvala ti za vse  delo in  trud!


Awards 2010 index

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