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NSW–Slovenian Outstanding Volunteer of the Year
SDS Sydney


robert fisher

His father Ludvik Fisher arrived in Australia in 1964 after finishing at trade school in Maribor. Robert’s mother Sonja arrived in 1971, married  Ludvik and together they bought a house in Merrylands, where they still live today.

Robert was born in 1978 and the family attended the Slovenian church in Merrylands regularly.
Robert became an altar boy at the age of 8 and served for nine years. At the same time he was attending Saturday Slovenian school –Slomškova šola -at the church and also a jazz dancing class.
At  the age of 12 he joined SDS folk dancing group and performed with them  for many years at the club for cultural and social events and  celebrations.
While he was growing up, Robert also joined the Slovenian Drama Group in Merrylands, starting with the junior parts and with the passing of time growing into main character roles as a young lover in Slovenian comedies, performed in Sydney, Melbourne and other places.   

In the 2000 Olympics – he provided Sound Equipment and Support for announcements & the Band at Slovenia House (Sydney city) and the Slovenian clubs in NSW. He also performed at the Slovenian Youth Concerts with the band “The Big Bang Theory” as well as with the Slovenian Dancing Group.

In January 1999 he joined the Committee of the Slovenian Association Sydney and worked  first as a voluntary  Secretary/ Licensee till November 2005, and then he became the President /Licensee till November 2006

In the mean time he finished  his studies and got a Diploma in Financial Services (Insurance), Tier 1 Insurance Broking Qualification - QPIB (Qualified Practicing Insurance Broker) and got a job at Cowden Insurance Brokers as a Broker Manager, where he has worked for the past ten years.  Recently he married a lovely young Slovenian lady Diane and they are making a home together. Robert is an exceptional young man and he has contributed a lot to the Slovenian community.  

Robert prihaja iz druge generacije Avstralskih Slovencev, iz družine, ki je veliko prispevala k ohranitvi slovenske  skupnosti v Sydneyu in tudi sina Roberta so vzgojili, da je prispeval  več kot svoj delež v slovenski cerkvi, slovenskih organizacijah in pri ohranjanju slovenske  glasbe, kulture in slovenske dediščine. V današnjih časih nimamo veliko mladih ljudi, ki  so pripravljeni vložiti svoj čas in trud v ohranitev dediščine svojih staršev, zato taki redki mladi ljudje, kot je Robert Fisher zaslužijo vso pohvalo in priznanje.


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